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The book explores the main moral, ethical and operational dilemmas of targeted killings from an Israeli perspective. Even though many countries contending with terrorism have adopted this tool (either overtly or covertly) within the arsenal used in implementing their counter-terrorism policies, it seems that Israel, as one of the world's leading practitioner of targeted killing in its counter-terrorism effort, constitutes the most appropriate case study for reviewing implications and dilemmas associated with this practice. Each chapter will present a different ethical–moral–operational dilemma emanating from a deployment of a targeted killing. The analysis of Israeli considerations and solutions to these dilemmas is built around interviews with Israeli decision-makers, former senior security officials and other experts. The chapters also cover public opinion polls in order to highlight the views of the Israeli public vis-a-vis each dilemma. Finally, chapters will conclude with lessons learned and offer recommendations for a practical and moral solution. The final chapter then draws together universal conclusions and recommendations for the use of targeted killings.
Veiled Threats challenges the idea that women in violent terrorist groups lack agency. Too often, these women are assumed to be controlled by men: their fathers, their husbands, or some other male relative. Mia Bloom contests this narrow understanding. Although extremist groups often control different aspects of women's lives, including their religious obligations or dress, jihadi women have asserted themselves in myriad ways. Bloom interrogates the prevailing perceptions about women's involvement in violent extremism exclusively as victims: manipulated, drugged, or coerced. Following her pioneering work on women in Bombshell, Bloom lifts the veil of the secret world of women in jihadi group...
Special Operations Success establishes a new benchmark in military theory in this deeply analytic and innovative work. It answers several pressing questions: How successful have American special operations been over the past quarter-century? Are special forces fated to cycles of expansion and misuse? Will special forces invariably exceed the authorities granted to them because of they are? Is a general theory of special operations feasible given the range of activities and conditions that fall under the category? Kiras' work is based on two decades of practical, teaching, and consulting experience within different special operations communities, and its analysis and conclusions are designed ...
This is the first interdisciplinary edited collection that examines the manifestation of social inequalities and polarisations in Britain throughout the dual crises of the Brexit vote and the Covid-19 pandemic. The volume demonstrates that Brexit and the pandemic are not self-contained events but rather are major ongoing processes that have impacted all aspects of British social and political life. Drawing on an array of empirical case studies conducted in the wake of the Brexit vote and during pandemic lockdowns, chapters trace how these processes illuminate, consolidate, and amplify existing and entrenched social inequalities and polarisations that shape the fabric of British society, incl...
The global pandemic has offered extraordinary opportunities for extremists and terrorists to mobilize themselves and revive as more powerful actors in the security landscape. But could these threat groups actually capitalize on the coronavirus crisis and advance their malevolent agendas? Utilizing the largest COVID-19-related terrorism database, the book presents an analysis built upon a quantitative and qualitative comparison between the nature of both the radical Islamist and the far-right-related threat in 2018 and 2020. It provides, for the first time, a true picture of novel trends since the pandemic outbreak.
Everyday People provides a comprehensive assessment of Trump supporters including white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, the Christian right, and cult followers and offers students a discussion of how this group is a symptom of a much larger social issue and movement in the United States. McNamara examines the appeal of Trump as a president and explains why so many people voted for him in the first place. The text reviews the most recent and relevant literature on Trump supporters and their makeup including historical documents, government reports, research studies, and media sources, to unpack and understand the issues in an objective and empirical way. Students will understand the source and substance of the controversies surrounding Trump and his followers and understand how fear and complacency causes people to suspend rational thinking and to develop misguided loyalties.
Jerico Matias Cruz, the author and speaker of the book of poems entitled “On Politics of 21st Century First Edition,” writes about the exciting and exhilarating highlights and extraordinary phenomenon of American Politics from circa 2000 to 2025. The author and speaker writes poetic verses of each phenomenal event, utilizing his personal, professional and academic background knowledge in military, economics, history, international relations, science, technology, and other theories of knowledge or academic disciplines. The author and speaker recognizes the importance of freedom of expression as a way to propel human innovation for creative thinkers, writers, innovators, scientists, resear...
Dünyamızın en önemli toprak parçalarından biri olan Afrika kıtası, aynı zamanda insanlık tarihi açısından da önem teşkil etmektedir. Bu yönüyle kıta, insanlığın ilk yerleşkelerinden biri olarak da kabul edilir. Tarihsel süreçte Türkiye’nin Afrika kıtası ile ilişkileri incelendiğinde, ilişkilerin 800’lü yıllara kadar götürülebileceği aşikârdır. Buradan hareketle ikili ilişkilerin yeni olmadığı, her geçen yıllar daha da geliştiği gözlemlenmektedir. Nitekim son yıllarda sadece Türkiye-Afrika ilişkileri üzerine değil, doğrudan Afrika’daki sorunlar üzerine de odaklanan akademik çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Bu çalışmalardan biri de Cihan Daban’ın Afrika’da Kimlik Temelli Çatışmaların Analizi: Nijerya’da Boko Haram Örneği başlıklı doktora tezinden türettiği Nijerya’da Boko Haram Çatışması: Taraflar, Talepler ve Çözüm Önerileri başlığıyla yayımlanmış bu çalışmasıdır. Türkçe literatüre önemli bir katkı sağlamıştır
Dieciséis intelectuales de origen palestinos y judío de diversas latitudes han sido convocados en este libro para analizar uno de los hechos más brutales cometidos contra población civil en este siglo XXI: el genocidio del pueblo palestino.
Wie selten zuvor spielt Wissenschaft in der Covid-19-Pandemie eine zentrale Rolle im öffentlichen Diskurs. Wissenschaft und ihre Akteur*innen sahen sich schnell Infragestellungen, schweren Anfeindungen und Ablehnung ausgesetzt. Hinter dieser Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit steckt oftmals eine Strategie, die das Ziel verfolgt, wissenschaftliche Prozesse und Erkenntnisse zu delegitimieren. Diese Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Demokratie gegen Menschenfeindlichkeit" befasst sich mit Phänomenen und Positionen der Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit und nimmt Wissenschaftskommunikation und die große Bedeutung der Wissenschaft für die Demokratie in den Blick.