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A Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sobral (SCMS) foi inaugurada no dia 24 de maio de 1925 e tem como missão desempenhar uma assistência com visão humana e abrangente a todos os pacientes. A enfermaria integrada de Clínica Médica da SCMS, denominada SÃO JOAQUIM, foi inaugurada em 2002, funcionando atualmente como principal referência para a região norte do estado do Ceará em Hematologia, Nefrologia, Oncologia, Reumatologia, bem como de diversas outras especialidades clínicas. Além da sua dimensão assistencial, a partir do ano de 2007, a SCMS passou também a ser um hospital de ensino e conta com um Departamento de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (DEPE) que desenvolve tecnologia de pont...
Offers a comprehensive guide to the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan Chitin and Chitosan: Properties and Applications presents a comprehensive review of the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan. These promising biomaterials have the potential to be broadly applied and there is a growing market for these biopolymers in areas such as medical and pharmaceutical, packaging, agricultural, textile, cosmetics, nanoparticles and more. The authors – noted experts in the field – explore the isolation, characterization and the physical and chemical properties of chitin and chitosan. They also examine their properties such as hydrogels, immunomod...
This book addresses emerging challenges for the World Ocean in the Anthropocene epoch and the effects of increasing globalisation on the seas. The issues explored in particular include climate change, sustainable fisheries, biodiversity, shipping and regional seas adjoining Europe.
Continual technological evolution has led to an explosion of new techniques in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction is a thoroughly comprehensive guide to performing research and is essential reading for both quantitative and qualitative methods. Chapters cover a broad range of topics relevant to the collection and analysis of HCI data, going beyond experimental design and surveys, to cover ethnography, time diaries, physiological measurements, case studies, and other essential elements in the well-informed HCI researcher's toolkit. “This book is a must read for anyone in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The multi-disciplinarian ...
Green Chemistry is an inventive science based on fundamental research towards the development of new sustainable chemical processes. There is a great need to create a new type of chemistry focused on a new production system, in order to prepare the younger generation to get a greener future. The globalization pushes the chemistry community to adopt ethical issues. In this prospect Green Chemistry can achieve the approval of the society by teaching students to be confident in science and at the same time by convincing people that it is possible to attain technological development with respect and care for the environment we live in. This is why it is of foremost importance that education and ...
Este libro es una especie de reivindicación del paradigma crítico en el ámbito del Derecho y de los derechos humanos en América Latina, pero tiene la peculiaridad de utilizar, como pretexto, el análisis que su autor ha realizado sobre el pensamiento del abogado y iusfilósofo mexicano Jesús Antonio de la Torre Rangel, y los juristas brasileños Antonio Carlos Wolkmer, Amilton Bueno de Carvalho, José Geraldo de Sousa Júnior y Roberto Lyra Filho. Asimismo, se añaden, en defensa de una perspectiva multidisciplinar, la reflexión sobre otros cuatro pensadores que poseen una fuerte afinidad epistémica de compromiso por la justicia social: el pedagogo brasileño Paulo Freire, el economis...
This book is the third volume in the European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) book series. The EELF is a non-profit initiative of environmental law scholars and practitioners from across Europe aiming to support intellectual exchange on the development and implementation of international, European and national environmental law in Europe. One of the activities of the EELF is an annual conference. This book is comprised of fifteen contributions presented at the Third EELF Conference in Aix-en-Provence, hosted by the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, at Aix-Marseille University, September 2015. The central topic of the book is the effectiveness of environmental law. The impre...
Este livro conta os passos de uma luta corajosa e incansável de mulheres pelo respeito e liberdade de existir, trazendo a história da trajetória, jamais imaginada na UFOP, de um Projeto de Extensão chamado Ouvidoria Feminina, como um marco histórico na luta contra a violência de gênero em nossa instituição. O amadurecimento de muitas experiências vividas evidenciou a necessidade de um espaço institucional para o acolhimento e o tratamento de denúncias de violência de gênero dentro da UFOP e na comunidade. Porém, mais do que acolhimento, o Projeto caracteriza-se por sua atuação multifacetada, amparada por uma rede de psicólogas e advogadas parceiras, com ações de caráter ...
This book, which I am pleased to preface, is divided into two parts of great relevance to contemporary feminist studies, especially to the peripheral countries of the capitalist world. In it lie essays that I divide into two categories. On the one hand, we have articles that address structural issues involving human rights and, in particular, women’s rights. These are the texts that discuss the way in which the subject of human rights, in the contexts of the regional economic communities, are inserted; there are also the texts that address the bankruptcy of the patriarchal political system regarding the political representation of women in countries like India and Brazil; and the chapter i...
LNBIP 99 and LNBIP 100 together constitute the thoroughly refereed proceedings of 12 international workshops held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2011, in August 2011. The 12 workshops focused on Business Process Design (BPD 2011), Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2011), Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2 2011), Cross-Enterprise Collaboration (CEC 2011), Empirical Research in Business Process Management (ER-BPM 2011), Event-Driven Business Process Management (edBPM 2011), Process Model Collections (PMC 2011), Process-Aware Logistics Systems (PALS 2011), Process-Oriented Systems in Heal...