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Bosnian: Kulturni Atlas Islama (The Cultural Atlas of Islam )
  • Language: bs
  • Pages: 568

Bosnian: Kulturni Atlas Islama (The Cultural Atlas of Islam )

Shvatajući suštinu islama u terminima koji se odnose isključivo na Kur’an i sunnet, cilj studije je prezentirati civilizacijske materijalne konkretizacije te suštine u prostoru i vremenu. S pravom se može tvrditi da je ova knjiga prva primjena fenomenološke metode na islam i njegovu civilizaciju u cjelini. Počinje ispitivanjem korijena i iskušenja, povijesne stvarnosti u kojoj je islam - vjera, kultura i civilizacija - rođen. Zatim se prelazi na definiciju suštine islamske civilizacije ili tevhid, njen prvi princip i srž. Ovo se temelji na eidetskoj viziji vjere islama. Nakon analize suštine slijedi analiza njezina oblikovanja u sistem ideja, sistem egzemplarnih aktualizacija i...

Bulgarian: Коранът и Сунната (The Qur’an and the Sunnah - Occasional Paper)
  • Language: bg
  • Pages: 109

Bulgarian: Коранът и Сунната (The Qur’an and the Sunnah - Occasional Paper)

Without a doubt, the Qur’an is beautiful, indeed, the most beautiful literary composition the Arabic language has ever known. It signified the divine presence itself and commanded the greatest honor. The proof that the Qur’an was the word of God devolved upon the Qur’an itself. The Qur’an, Muhammad claimed with Qur’anic approval, indeed dictation, is so beautiful that it is inimitable; it is so inimitable that it is miraculous. It is therefore not the work of humans but of God. This character of the Qur’an is called its i’jaz. The Sunnah as concretization of the vision, or materialization of the ideal, translated theory into reality. In it, the values of Islam were given form and became alive. They throbbed with moving power. The Sunnah supplied the missing link between thinking and doing, between ideational apperception and action, between thought and life and history.

Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 112

Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication

Research in Islamic media is still in its infancy, especially in English. This book, presented by IIIT to the students of Islamization of knowledge, is a recent contribution to this great civilizational project. This book deals with mass media communication in the Muslim world, and compares the international Islamic view to the contemporary media views. It also presents a set of practical principles upon which a model of Islamic communication through media can be based with recommendations and research project proposals for the future in the area of Islamic media. It is a real accumulation of knowledge in communication sciences from an Islamic Perspective.

Azeri: The Arts of Islamic Civilization (Occasional Paper Series 24)
  • Language: az
  • Pages: 42

Azeri: The Arts of Islamic Civilization (Occasional Paper Series 24)

In dealing with any aspect of Islamic civilization, its final raison d'etre and creative base must be seen as resting on the Qur'ān. Islamic culture is, in fact, a "Qur'ānic culture"; for its definitions, its structures, its goals, and its methods for execution of those goals are all derived from that series of revelations from God to the Prophet Muhammad. Without that revelation, the culture could not have been generated; without that revelation, there could have been neither an Islamic religion, an Islamic state, an Islamic philosophy, an Islamic law, an Islamic society, nor an Islamic political or economic organization. Just as surely as these aspects of Islamic culture may be rightly seen as Qur'ānic in basis and motivation, in implementation and goal, the arts of Islamic civilization should also be viewed as aesthetic expressions of similar derivation and realization. Yes, the Islamic arts are indeed Qur'ānic arts. How then are the Islamic arts to be seen as "Qur'ānic" expressions in color, in line, in movement, in shape, and in sound? This is the subject of this work.

Women Embracing Islam
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 309

Women Embracing Islam

Many Westerners view Islam as a religion that restricts and subordinates women in both private and public life. Yet a surprising number of women in Western Europe and America are converting to Islam. What attracts these women to a belief system that is markedly different from both Western Christianity and Western secularism? What benefits do they gain by converting, and what are the costs? How do Western women converts live their new Islamic faith, and how does their conversion affect their families and communities? How do women converts transmit Islamic values to their children? These are some of the questions that Women Embracing Islam seeks to answer. In this vanguard study of gender and ...

Mukjizat Al-Quran
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 324

Mukjizat Al-Quran

“… buku ini telah membuka mata dan hati pembaca untuk memahami bahwa kandungan Al-Quran sangat luas dan dalam.” —Panji Masyarakat, 12 Mei 1997 “… keberadaan buku ini sangat signifikan, mengingat masih langkanya buku berbahasa Indonesia yang mengungkapkan sisi-sisi kemukjizatan Al-Quran secara memadai dan mendalam…. Bahasanya yang mudah dicerna, dan kalimatnya yang indah, memungkinkan buku ini bisa dinikmati oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat.” —Gatra, 24 Mei 1997 “Selain berisi serangan dan jawaban sistematis atas pandangan para pengamat Barat, seperti Richard Bell, John Wansbrough, Ignaz Goldziher, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan 21 ilustrasi menarik.” —Paron, 24 Mei 1997 “Melalui buku ini, Quraish Shihab ingin menolak serangan orientalis terhadap Al-Quran.” —Kompas, 15 Juni 1997 [Mizan, Pustaka, Referensi, Agama, Islam]

ISLAMIC WORLD VIEW Paradigma Intelektual Muslim
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 208

ISLAMIC WORLD VIEW Paradigma Intelektual Muslim

Oleh : Dr. Abas Mansur Tamam ISBN : 978-602-19882-6-8 Rilis : Juli 2017 Berat : 0.90 gram Penerbit : Spirit Media Bahasa : Indonesia Jumlah Halaman : 179 Hal Ukuran Buku : 15 cm x 22 cm Jenis Kertas : Book Paper Deskripsi Buku : Dunia kita ini, terdiri dari sekumpulan realitas wujud yang ada. Nah, yang dimaksud dengan worldview itu adalah, gimana cara seseorang melihat dan memahami realitas wujud yang ada itu. Sederhananya, worldview itu berarti pandangan hidup atau sudut pandang. Jadi, Islamic worldview berarti, bagaimana kita, sebagai seorang muslim melihat realitas wujud yang ada berdasarkan sudut pandang atau kacamata Islam. Buku ini membuka Paragdima intelektual muslim kedalam pandangan...

Filsafat Dakwah Rekayasa Membangun Agama Dan Peradaban Islam
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 321

Filsafat Dakwah Rekayasa Membangun Agama Dan Peradaban Islam

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-08-01
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  • Publisher: Kencana

Seperti umumnya filsafat, buku ini memusatkan diri dan concern pada pemikiran dasar dakwah yang bersifat filosofis, dan spekulatif (paradigma intelektual) *** Persembahan penerbit Kencana (Prenadamedia Group)

MAJAZ (Konsep Dasar dan Klasifikasinya dalam Ilmu Balagah)
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 100

MAJAZ (Konsep Dasar dan Klasifikasinya dalam Ilmu Balagah)

Buku sederhana ini diberi judul tentang Majaz: Konsep Dasar dan Klasifikasinya dalam Ilmu Balagah. Komposisi buku ini dibuat secara tematik untuk lebih mempermudah pembaca dalam memahami materi dan isi buku ini, terkhusus untuk bisa menyelami sedikit demi sedikit secara runut uraian tentang majaz, klasifikasi majaz dan nilainya dalam ilmu balagah, majaz sebagai inti bahasan dalam ilmu bayan, perubahan makna kata menjadi makna majazi, polemik bahasa majazi dalam al-Qur’an, sekilas sejarah penyebutan ilmu balagah sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, serta beberapa uraian tentang mukjizat al-Quran ditinjau dari segi isi dan kebaligan bahasanya. Buku sederhana ini diharapkan bisa mewadahi dan membant...

Romani: Kur'ani thaj Sunneti (The Qur’an and the Sunnah: The Time-Space Factor - Occasional Paper)
  • Language: un
  • Pages: 102

Romani: Kur'ani thaj Sunneti (The Qur’an and the Sunnah: The Time-Space Factor - Occasional Paper)

For too long now, the Qur’an and the Sunnah, great sources of strength, purity, knowledge and inspiration for the Ummah, have not been adequately tapped. Skirting their peripheries or over-dwelling on one or two of their multifarious facets and tributaries has done a disservice to the immense potential of the fountainhead, while denying the Ummah- indeed the whole world- innumerable benefits from them. Now that the Ummah is becoming increasingly aware of its own problems as well as latent powers, and yearns to revive its leading role in the forging of history and civilization, the issue of drawing on the wellspring becomes more relevant and urgent. Revisiting these two sources is no longer...