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Anthropological Perspectives on Local Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

Anthropological Perspectives on Local Development

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-12-16
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This collection examines the conflicts and realities of development at a local, empirical level. It provides a series of case studies which illuminate the attitudes and actions of all of those involved in local development schemes. The material is drawn from Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. All the contributors use rigorous anthropological methods of analysis to shed light on the place of feelings of personal sentiment and identity in reactions to planned development schemes. In a world where direct action and public protest are routine responses to local development schemes, they show how protesters, developers and politicians often hold very different fundamental views about the environment, society, government and development which go beyond partisan economic and political interests.

Constructing Race and Ethnicity in America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Constructing Race and Ethnicity in America

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-02-18
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  • Publisher: Routledge

What do we mean in the U.S. today when we use the terms "race" and "ethnicity"? What do we mean, and what do we understand, when we use the five standard race-ethnic categories: White, Black, Asian, Native American, and Hispanic? Most federal and state data collection agencies use these terms without explicit attention, and thereby create categories of American ethnicity for political purposes. Davora Yanow argues that "race" and "ethnicity" are socially constructed concepts, not objective, scientifically-grounded variables, and do not accurately represent the real world. She joins the growing critique of the unreflective use of "race" and "ethnicity" in American policymaking through an exploration of how these terms are used in everyday practices. Her book is filled with current examples and analyses from a wealth of social institutions: health care, education, criminal justice, and government at all levels. The questions she raises for society and public policy are endless. Yanow maintains that these issues must be addressed explicitly, publicly, and nationally if we are to make our policy and administrative institutions operate more effectively.

Facility Siting
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 255

Facility Siting

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013
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  • Publisher: Earthscan

From dams to landfill sites, and power plants to radioactive waste repositories, the siting of facilities is a veritable minefield of conflicts involving industry, planners, authorities, NGOs and citizens. This penetrating volume examines risk, power and identity in contests over the siting of infrastructure and industrial facilities. Going beyond nimby-ism, experts in a variety of fields bring a multiperspective analysis from science, law and media to case studies from the UK, USA and Europe, and expose the political and cultural dimensions of siting conflicts. In the process they show how place attachment and notions of landscape and local identity play a prominent role in resistance to 'd...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 614


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1995
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  • Publisher: Unknown


La recuperación de la memoria histórica
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 276
Agua, tierra, riesgo y supervivencia
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 370
Otsides kogukonda sotsialismijärgses keskuskülas
  • Language: et
  • Pages: 410

Otsides kogukonda sotsialismijärgses keskuskülas

Maastik – mis laias tähenduses hõlmab kogu meid ümbritsevat keskkonda – on aidanud ja aitab tänapäevalgi luua arusaama ühisest minevikust ja identiteedist. See võimaldab siduda ühte kogukondi – aga ka vastanduda “teistele” ning tekitada konflikte erinevate rühmade, ideoloogiate ja ajastute vahel. Siiski ei muutu maastik ajaloolise identiteedi kehastajaks kunagi iseenesest, vaid ainult tänu meie eneste aktiivsele sekkumisele, mis võimaldab eri ajastutest pärinevaid ruumilisi kihistusi esile tõsta, taasluua või hoopis peita. Kogumik pakub esmakordselt sedavõrd laia ülevaate maastike ja mälu suhetest Eestis keskajast kuni tänapäevani, aidates ühtlasi kaardistada vi...

Sociology in Spain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 408

Sociology in Spain

"A critical report about the origins, present state and future perspectives of sociology in Spain."--Page 4 of cover.

International Bibliography of Anthropology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 632

International Bibliography of Anthropology

IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.

Mi abuelo
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 240

Mi abuelo

Mi abuelo es la última novela de Javier Fernández López, escritor de 26 libros, 10 de ellos de autoría individual, como el famoso Diecisiete horas y media: el enigma del 23-F o el muy leído De Fernando VII a Felipe VI: la historia de España en los siglos xix y xx a través de sus constituciones. Es su obra más personal, pero no autobiográfica. De lectura recomendada para abuelos y nietos: todos ellos encontrarán en estas páginas una historia apasionante, con varios protagonistas muy potentes. Franco, la Guerra Civil, el exilio, las pandillas juveniles, todo esto y mucho más lo descubrirán leyendo el libro.