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Buku “KEBIDANAN : Teori dan Panduan untuk Profesi Bidan” adalah buku komprehensif yang membahas teori, praktik, serta tantangan dalam profesi kebidanan. Buku ini mencakup berbagai aspek penting, mulai dari asuhan kebidanan pada masa kehamilan, pemeriksaan kehamilan, persalinan, hingga perawatan ibu pada masa nifas. Selain itu, perawatan bayi baru lahir juga dibahas secara mendalam, termasuk teknik Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD), pemantauan tumbuh kembang, serta peran bidan dalam memberikan edukasi kepada ibu. Kesehatan reproduksi wanita juga menjadi fokus utama, mencakup siklus menstruasi, perencanaan kehamilan, hingga kontrasepsi. Buku ini juga membahas masalah kesehatan reproduksi pada re...
Banyak ayah yang terbukti gagal mendidik anak-anak mereka, lalu dengan mudahnya mereka menyalahkan banyak pihak, tetapi dirinya sendiri tak pernah disalahkan. Padahal, ayahlah yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap anak. Oleh karenanya, sebagai orangtua terutama ayah harus tahu apa saja kesalahan yang diperbuat sehingga menyakiti anak. Untuk itu, kita harus mengetahui segala nasihat sederhana, baik untuk ayah maupun anak. Dengan harapan si anak mengerti dan paham apa yang harus dilakukan serta orangtua tidak menyakiti perasaan anak.
Bersalin merupakan proses alamiah dan setiap ibu bersalin berhakmemperoleh pelayanan yang aman dan memuaskan. Asuhan yang diberikan kepada ibu berpotensi mempengaruhi mereka baik secara fisik maupun emosional. Penanganan yang tidak tepat dapat mengakibatkan distosia, partus lama/macet, yang dapat menyebabkan ibu dehidrasi, kelelahan, rupture uteri, perdarahan post partum dan sepsis puerpuralis, sehingga pencegahan dan deteksi dini dari persalinan lama akan secara significant menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu. Di Indonesia terjadi penurunan AKI, selama periode 1991-2015 dari 390 menjadi 105 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup, namun tidak berhasil mencapai target MDGs yang harus dicapai sebesar 102 per 1000.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2015.
Fiction. African & African American Studies. Translated from the Hausa by Aliyu Kamal. Beginning in the late 1980s, northern Nigeria saw a boom in popular fiction written in the Hausa language. Known as littattafan soyyaya ("love literature"), the books are often inspired by Hindi films, which have been hugely popular among Hausa speakers for decades and are primarily written by women. They have sparked a craze among young adult readers as well as a backlash from government censors and book-burning conservatives. SIN IS A PUPPY THAT FOLLOWS YOU HOME is an Islamic soap opera complete with polygamous households, virtuous women, scheming harlots, and black magic. "Utterly addictive... The main ...
Raised amidst the confines of Iranian society, young Tamila Soroush escapes the oppression of Iran for the freedom of America, enjoying her everyday acts of rebellion against her background and capturing her new life through the lens of her camera, all the while searching for a husband who can prevent her return home. Original.
Parris McKay goes to France in search of her mother, but the meeting opens old wounds for both. Parris finds solace in two new friends who, like her, are coming to terms with a legacy of long-buried secrets.
This book is the first work that comprehensively presents the accounts of Lia Eden, a former flower arranger who claims to have received divine messages from the Archangel Gabriel and founded the divine Eden Kingdom in her house in Jakarta. This book places Lia Eden’s prophetic trajectory in the context of diverse Indonesian spiritual and religious traditions, by which hundreds of others also claimed to have been commanded by God to lead people and to establish religious groups. This book offers a fresh approach towards the rich Indonesian religious and spiritual traditions with particular attention to the accounts of the emergence of indigenous prophets who founded some popular religions....
Achieving value in construction is now emerging as the main challenge facing the construction team if they are to offer the best service for the client. No longer is the aim simply to keep costs under control. This book from the RICS Foundation analyses how to provide best value by the effective application of leading edge techniques and processes throughout the entire life cycle of buildings, from the business case which underpins their initiation to the achievement of a satisfactory project out-turn. This book is a successor to Quantity Surveying Techniques: New Directions, edited by Peter Brandon and published on behalf of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors by Blackwell. It will be of interest not only to surveyors and construction managers but also to final year undergraduates of construction degrees. '[This book] will make a major contribution to the advancement of the methods by which construction professionals provide a service to their clients' - Professor Peter Brandon