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The influence of fatigue on injury risk in male youth soccer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 184

The influence of fatigue on injury risk in male youth soccer

This book presents information regarding changes in lower limb injury risk factors when fatigue is present, and the role of genetics in injury risk in male youth soccer. As many internal risk factors are modifiable, information presented both in the theoretical part of the book and original research studies focuses on the influence of acute, residual and accumulated fatigue on physiological mechanisms are presented to aid sports scientists and coaches to understand the age related effects of fatigue on such factors. This information can help coaches monitor fatigue related responses and be able to create efficient training programmes during important periods of growth and maturation. This will help to enhance performance and reduce injury risk in youth male soccer.

CEDEFOP Annual Report
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 104

CEDEFOP Annual Report

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Annual Report
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 144

Annual Report

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Work Programme 2008
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 52

Work Programme 2008

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


EBOOK: From Vocational to Higher Education: An International Perspective
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 218

EBOOK: From Vocational to Higher Education: An International Perspective

This book discusses current issues in vocational and higher education and the relations between them. As well as concentrating on the well developed English-speaking countries - the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the book also considers important developments in continental Europe: in particular: The Bologna process in higher education The Copenhagen declaration on enhanced European co-operation in vocational education and training The development of a European qualifications framework From Vocational to Higher Education is key reading for university lecturers, those studying for higher degrees in higher education, managers and policy makers.

독일의 직업교육과 마이스터 제도
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 398

독일의 직업교육과 마이스터 제도

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-06-05
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  • Publisher: 학이시습

?『독일의 직업교육과 마이스터 제도』는 독일의 직업교육제도를 분석한 한국 최초의 책이다. 마이스터를 둘러싼 독일의 정치·경제·문화·교육제도 전반을 다룬다. 마이스터 양성으로 잘 알려진 독일의 직업교육 제도 형성 과정을 살펴보고, 이 과정에 작용한 정치·사회·경제 배경을 검토한다. 한국 직업교육의 모델이었던 독일의 직업교육의 성립 배경을 분석해 한국의 직업교육을 성찰하는 기회를 제공한다.?

Die EU-Initiative ?New Skills for New Jobs?: Welche beruflichen Qualifikationserfordernisse sind in Deutschland und Groábritannien zu erwarten?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 121

Die EU-Initiative ?New Skills for New Jobs?: Welche beruflichen Qualifikationserfordernisse sind in Deutschland und Groábritannien zu erwarten?

Die Zunahme des Dienstleistungssektors und der Wandel von Arbeit wird von Verschiebungen der nachgefragten Arbeitskräfte und gestiegenen Qualifikationsanforderungen in allen Sektoren begleitet. Wenn Bildungssysteme und Maßnahmen der Arbeitspolitik nicht auf den Qualifikationsbedarf ausgerichtet sind, können Arbeitsmarktfehlentwicklungen entstehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das Buch, wie in Deutschland und Großbritannien Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen vorausgesagt werden können, wie durch die Anpassung der Qualifikation der Beschäftigten an die Arbeitsmarktnachfrage Fehlentwicklungen entgegengesteuert werden kann und welche Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen zukünftig erforderlich sein...

The Directory of European Union Information Sources
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 608

The Directory of European Union Information Sources

This is a new sixteenth edition of the Directory of EU Information Sources. It brings together a broad range of information sources, comprising not only the various constituent institutions of the European Union, their personnel, publications, information websites and representations in Europe and the rest of the world, but also diplomatic representation in Brussels, European-level trade and professional associations and NGOs, consultants and lawyers specializing in EU affairs, Press Agencies, EU grants and loans programmes, and universities offering courses in European integration. This is the most comprehensive compilation of contacts and published information on the European Union, providing access to over 12,500 information sources.

La educación y formación de adultos en Europa. Ampliar el acceso a las oportunidades de aprendizaje
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 153

La educación y formación de adultos en Europa. Ampliar el acceso a las oportunidades de aprendizaje

El objetivo del presente informe de Eurydice es ofrecer una panorámica general de la educación y formación de adultos en Europa y contribuir a la toma de decisiones políticas en este ámbito. Además de proponer un enfoque integrado del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, el estudio pone de relieve las políticas y medidas orientadas a garantizar el acceso a las oportunidades de formación a los adultos cuyas competencias y cualificaciones no se ajustan a las actuales demandas sociales y del mercado laboral. Para lograr dicho objetivo se ha adoptado una perspectiva muy amplia, analizando y tomando en consideración un gran número de áreas interrelacionadas.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 56


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown
