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The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum philosophy, and quantum consciousness. The authors have developed an inspiring theoretical framework transcending the boundaries of particular disciplines in social sciences and the humanities. Quantum anthropology is a perspective, studying man, culture, and humanity while taking into account the quantum nature of our reality. This framework redefines current anthropological theory in a new light, and provides an interdisciplinary overlap reaching to psychology, sociology, and consciousness studies. Contents 1. Introduction: Why Quantum Anthropology? 2. Empi...
How neuroethics can be increasingly relevant and informative for inclusive social policy and political discourse about brain science and technologies. Neuroethics, a field just over two decades old, addresses both ethical issues generated in and by brain sciences and the neuroscientific studies of moral and ethical thought and action. These foci are reciprocally interactive and prompt questions of how science and ethics can and should harmonize. In Bioethics and Brains, John R. Shook and James Giordano ask: How can the brain sciences inform ethics? And how might ethics guide the brain sciences and their real-world applications? The authors’ structure for a disciplined neuroethics reconcile...
The Gitanos of el Rastro carry an ‘ontology of simultaneity’ as self-employed traders and Pentecostal practitioners in Madrid. This makes the Spanish Romani be considered as both a part of and apart from mainstream society. This book is an anthropological account of a group of middle and upper-class Gitanos and their ways of creating a ‘society within society’ based upon distinct cultural, moral and ideological values, notions and practices. The study renders a comprehensive perspective on social processes of classification, stratification, ‘othering’ and the role of ‘strangers’ in society and how these processes unfold in the interface between social, ritual and economic life on a local to global scale.
The book provides an overview of basic principles of constructivist pedagogy and constructivist educational psychology involving the examples of their practical applications. Furthermore, the links between constructivist cognitive approach and systemic thinking are described providing the reader with the rich insights into the systemic nature of constructivist approaches to teaching and learning. The main focus is given to cognitive mechanisms and psychological processes that are involved in students' construction of knowledge. The book builds on recent and past research to expand to a more in-depth understanding of constructivist pedagogy and constructivist educational psychology.
Cognitive empathy -- Heterogeneity -- Palpability -- Follow-up -- Self-awareness.
In this major new study in the sociology of scientific knowledge, social theorist Mohammad H. Tamdgidi reports having unriddled the so-called ‘quantum enigma.’ This book opens the lid of the Schrödinger’s Cat box of the ‘quantum enigma’ after decades and finds something both odd and familiar: Not only the cat is both alive and dead, it has morphed into an elephant in the room in whose interpretation Einstein, Bohr, Bohm, and others were each both right and wrong because the enigma has acquired both localized and spread-out features whose unriddling requires both physics and sociology amid both transdisciplinary and transcultural contexts. The book offers, in a transdisciplinary an...
How can we transcend our tribal, philosophical, and religious differences? Is it possible to develop a global consciousness to resolve the peril to our biosphere and other human-made existential crises? Become Conscious of Wholeness: Humanity's Only Future explores how connecting human consciousness with Universal Consciousness will give individuals and societies a sense of being complete, not fragmented. Accessing Universal Consciousness, the fundamental wisdom, intelligence, and love in the Universe, will align their identity and purpose and free them from limiting beliefs and fears. Universal Consciousness is the organizing, unifying force, beyond space and time, filled with the creative ...
Abuhav brings a firsthand perspective to the crises and the highs, lows, and upheavals of the discipline in Israeli anthropology, which will be of interest to anthropologists, historians of the discipline, and scholars of Israeli studies.
"Krásná kniha, která propojuje mnohé, je hluboká a přitom se čte skoro jedním dechem. Je málo knih, které pojednávají o tak dávných tématech a zároveň jsou tak současné."Tomáš Sedláček Světově ojedinělá výpravná kniha o hospodaření u "přírodních národů" odkud můžeme odvozovat i základy ekonomik dneška.A také kniha o tom jakým epochálním vynálezem je kuchyně a také o tom jak dar se stal zbožím a proč vznikly sociální nerovnosti a nekončící války.Od domácností bratří Neandrtálců přes domácnosti Austrálců, Indiánů obou Amerik, Melanésanů či Afričanů k domácnostem našich pradědů na počátku novověku.A o konci přirozeného světa a věčné touze po něm. Ilustrace, tabulky, grafy, rejstříky, poznámky