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Investigadors i tècnics especialitzats presenten els conceptes de capacitat de cà rrega de l’ecosistema, enfocament ecosistèmic, gestió adaptativa, cogovernança, i defineixen les directrius per a una protecció harmonitzada i efectiva, i uns usos sostenibles dels ecosistemes marins costaners. La Taula de Cogestió MarÃtima del Litoral del Baix Empordà promou que en el seu entorn marÃtim i costaner de ric patrimoni natural, sòcio-econòmicament molt dinà mic, i també molt sensible a causa del canvi climà tic, s’apliquin estratègies de gestió adaptativa, consensuades per tots els agents implicats, tot ajustant les activitats i les pressions sobre els ecosistemes amb la finalitat de preservar el bon estat ecològic dels hà bitats i les espècies.
Winner of the Howard R. Marraro Prize for Italian History from the American Historical AssociationSelected by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2003 Italian Renaissance universities were Europe's intellectual leaders in humanistic studies, law, medicine, philosophy, and science. Employing some of the foremost scholars of the time—including Pietro Pomponazzi, Andreas Vesalius, and Galileo Galilei—the Italian Renaissance university was the prototype of today's research university. This is the first book in any language to offer a comprehensive study of this most influential institution. In this magisterial study, noted scholar Paul F. Grendler offers a detailed and autho...
This volume explores the making of art and architecture in Latin Europe and the Mediterranean between c. 1000 and c. 1250, with a focus on patronage, design and instrumentality.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Rome was an aged but still vigorous power while Spain was a rising giant on track toward becoming the world’s most powerful and first truly global empire. This book tells the fascinating story of the meeting of these two great empires at a critical moment in European history. Thomas Dandelet explores for the first time the close relationship between the Spanish Empire and Papal Rome that developed in the dynamic period of the Italian Renaissance and the Spanish Golden Age. The author examines on the one hand the role the Spanish Empire played in shaping Roman politics, economics, culture, society, and religion and on the other the role the papacy...
El Corpus oral de conversa col·loquial. Materials de treball", és una selecció de deu converses col·loquials, amb una duració total de 282 minuts (70.493 mots), que formen part del Corpus Oral de Conversa Col·loquial (COC), un dels components del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CUB). El CD-ROM inclou el so de les converses sincronitzat amb la transcripció discursiva, fragments de transcripció fonètica i les dades corresponents a les caracterÃstiques dels parlants i de les situacions comunicatives en què es van fer els enregistraments. El llibre fa una descripció completa del COC i recull les transcripcions de les converses..Aquests materials estan concebuts com una font d’estudi per a la recerca (en especial sobre el català corrent i sobre la conversa quotidiana) i com una base per a possibles aplicacions en diversos à mbits.
This volume concludes the taxonomy and classification of the family Cerambycidae of America north of Mexico. This part includes the remainder of the subfamily Lamiinae, tribes Acanthocinini, Cyrtinini, Saperdini, Phytoeciini, Tetraspini, and Hemilophini. The 32 genera and 138 species are all fully described with keys included to separate all taxa. Complete synonymical bibliographies are presented along with 54 illustrations.
James William Nelson Novoa's new book Being the Nação in the Eternal City explores, in a set of case studies focusing on seven carefully chosen figures, the presence of Portuguese individuals of Jewish origin in Rome after the initial creation of a tribunal of the Portuguese Inquisition in 1531. The book delves into the varied ways in which the protagonists, representing a cross-section of Portuguese society, went about grappling with the complexities of a New Christian identity, and tracks them through their interactions with Roman society and its institutions. Some chose to flaunt Jewish origins. They espoused a sense of being part of a distinctive group, the Portuguese New Christian naÃ...
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