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Studiul aduce o lumină nouă asupra operei lui Walter Scott, arătând relevanța ei în contextul contemporan. Combinând într-o abordare neo-formalistă teoriile lui Hayden White, Bogdan Ștefănescu și Mikhail Bakhtin, volumul de față demonstrează modul în care alteritatea, în ficțiunea lui Scott, aduce remediile necesare societății, dacă societatea permite existența alterității alături de ea, fără încercarea de a-i șterge diferențele. Importante sunt momentele de suspendare temporară a codurilor culturale, în stilul conservator al parodiei lui Bakhtin, permițând astfel o supapă de evacuare a tensiunilor sociale. Dincolo de jargonul tehnic, cartea pune în fața cititorului pasajele cele mai distractive din opera vastă a lui Scott, precum și un studiu interesant al iluminismului scoțian și al sferei publice care a reușit să încorporeze feedback-ul culturii populare, ajungând la început de secol XIX să exporte modelul său de succes în întreaga lume.
The human body is a recurrent theme in contemporary literatures in English. The aim of this collection of essays is to explore its multiple representations and functions within a wide range of texts drawn together from various Anglophone cultures. For thematic coherence, this volume is divided into four parts: Diseased Bodies, Invented Bodies, Gendered and Transgender Bodies, and Fragmented and Mutilated Bodies. By adopting multi-disciplinary perspectives, each group of essays illustrates the different ways in which these become multiply signifying sites of cultural and political representation, whether the mode is realistic or daringly speculative and fantastic, as in the case of genetically designed bodies, monstrous and machine bodies. This book contributes to understanding the body as a culture-specific construct.
This collection of essays is dedicated to the theory and practice of drama translation. The focus is on foreign-language plays translated into English and staged in Anglo-American theatres. In this connection, concepts like acculturation and cultural transfer,
Ежеквартальный научно-теоретический и критико-публицистический журнал «Музыкальная академия» является головным музыковедческим изданием страны, освещающим едва ли не все стороны культурной и научной жизни России в области музыкального искусства. Журнал входит в список журналов, рецензируемых ВАК РФ, рекомендованных для опубликования результатов исследований докторских и к...
Literature and the Fine Arts theme is a component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. Literature and the fine arts exist as processes and are not the same as culture or cultural processes. The arts are by definition creative acts of human beings. The main elements of art processes are artists, audiences, and distribution, and as historical phenomena, they exist within a certain timeframe. Myth and themes like love and death do not fade over time. Changes in the arts come with new knowledge (including new materials), and with new forms of communication broug...
Representations of Catholic women appear with surprising frequency in the literature of post-Reformation England. Playwrights and poets from William Shakespeare to Andrew Marvell invoke the figure of the nun to powerful and often perplexing effect, and works that never directly address female Catholicism, such as Christopher Marlowe's Hero and Leander, share a discourse with contemporary debates regarding the status of recusant women. Catholic Englishwomen, whether living in convents on the European continent or as recusants in their own country, contributed to these debates, but even as their writings addressed the central religious and political issues of their time, their contributions we...
Mozart in Anglophone Cultures brings together papers given at the 15th Salzburg Annual Conference on English Literature and Culture held in 2006 to commemorate Mozart's 250th birthday. The volume concentrates in particular on the reception of Mozart and his work in English literature and film, on English translations and adaptations of Mozart's operas and songs, on the performance history of Mozart's operas on stages in the English-speaking world, and on relationships and influences between Mozart and English composers. Aspects covered in the volume include: Peter Shaffer's Amadeus as historiographic metafiction, the reception of Mozart in Australia, Mozart's works as intertext in James Joyce's Ulysses and Barbara Trapido's Temples of Delight, Mozart's influence on American ballet and W. H. Auden's re-writing of The Magic Flute. In its focus on the creative reception of Mozart rather than on Mozart's oeuvre, this book hopes to show the importance of a living myth in various cultural traditions (Victorian, Modernist and Postmodernist) - and, conversely, to reveal Mozart and his own age's mode of listening as being equally embedded in cultural traditions.
"And while other forms of public literature provided blueprints for ordering the household, domestic tragedies continued to reveal the tensions lying under the surface there: inconsistencies in the prescribed role of women, contradictions within patriarchal ideology, conflicts between political and economic interests in the household, inadequacies in the old ideals of friendship and benefice, and anxieties about the control of material possessions."--BOOK JACKET.