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Is there a new need and place for God-talk in Europe? The present volume both confirms this and opens up new questions for discussion. It shows how different traditions of naming and thinking God in Europe draw on various theoretical and philosophical foundations that are in competition with one another in many ways. Due to socio-cultural, historical and political divides between Eastern and Western Europe, these theological traditions often suffer from isolation and mutual misunderstanding. Can the inherent tensions and conflicts be understood more adequately? While exploring a variety of approaches in Europe on the topic, several authors also ask: How can God be named and thought in Europe...
"The first complete English translation of one of the major chronicles of medieval Europe, by 'the father of Portuguese historiography.' Covering the reigns of Pedro I, Fernando I and João I up to the signing of the 1411 treaty with Castile which confirmed the survival of the Portuguese kingdom, the chronicles provide a wealth of detail on late fourteenth-century politics, diplomacy, warfare and economic matters, courtly society, queenship and noble women, as well as more mundane concerns such as food, health and the purchasing power of a fluctuating currency. Lopes had a keen eye for detail and a perspective especially attuned to the common people, and his chronicles provide an invaluable source for the history of Western Europe in the later Middle Ages. The first four volumes are accompanied by introductions and bibliographies setting the translations in context, and the fifth volume contains a general bibliography and a comprehensive general index encompassing all of the chronicles"--publisher's website.
This is a compilation of contributions to the study of the Portuguese playwright Gil Vicente (1465–1536) which appeared between 2005 and 2015. Entries are grouped under three main headings: Editions and Adaptations, Translations, and Critical Studies. The scholarly interest in the father of the Portuguese theater continues unabated, as it can be seen in the great numbers of scholarly works, both editorial and critical, which appeared in the decade under question. The modest aim of this work is to alert scholars as to which of Gil Vicente’s works have not received adequate critical attention. New names are constantly added to the list of established vicentistas and new ways of looking at the dramatist’s works are introduced.
Mamy do czynienia z książką nie tylko unikatową w polskim piśmiennictwie – dzieje Portugalii i historia portugalskiej myśli społecznej czy filozoficznej nie są tematami silnie zaakcentowanymi w nauce polskiej – ale przede wszystkim dobrze napisaną, dobrze udokumentowaną i dobrze uargumentowaną. (…) To szeroka panorama portugalskiej historii intelektualnej, obejmująca myśl polityczną, filozofię, antropologię (i etnografię). prof. dr. hab. Henryk Szlajfer Książka profesora Jagłowskiego prezentuje chronologicznie uporządkowany wykład portugalskiej historii idei. Monografia oparta jest na solidnej kwerendzie źródłowej; szczególnie pozytywne wrażenia sprawia odważna interpretacja mesjanizmu Fernando Pessoi. Wartość poznawcza książki wskazuje na to, że będzie można rekomendować ją jako niemal obowiązkową lekturę dla studentów portugalistyki i iberystyki. prof. dr. hab. Jerzy Brzozowski
Il volume, nato dalla collaborazione tra l’Università degli Studi di Firenze e l’Università di Lisbona, e qui presentato in traduzione italiana, intende rendere omaggio al Presidente del Parlamento europeo David Sassoli a un anno dalla scomparsa avvenuta a gennaio 2022. Il volume comprende trentasei contributi tra saggi, poesie, racconti, disegni e dipinti, che partono dalla figura di David Sassoli e dai valori europei da lui fortemente difesi, per ampliare la riflessione sul futuro dell’Europa e sui nuovi scenari geopolitici che l’Europa sta vivendo in seguito alla scomparsa del Presidente del Parlamento Europeo.
O volume, nascido da colaboração entre a Universidade de Florença e a Universidade de Lisboa, pretende homenagear o Presidente do Parlamento Europeu David Sassoli um ano depois do falecimento acontencido no mês de janeiro de 2022. O volume, inteiramente escrito em língua portuguesa, inclue 36 contributos entre ensaios, poemas, contos, desenhos e pinturas que partem da figura e dos valores europeus fortemente defendidos por David Sassoli, para reflectir sobre o futuro da Europa e sobre os novos cenários geopolíticos que a Europa está a viver depois do falecimento do Presidente do Parlamento Europeu.
Este livro apresenta a primeira edição científica desta obra-prima da cronística medieval portuguesa. Rui de Pina, cronista-mor do reino e guardador da Torre do Tombo, cria uma narrativa dramática e emocionante dos eventos do reinado de D. Afonso V (1438-1481), desde os anos turbulentos da regência do tio, o infante D. Pedro, até às guerras marroquinas e ao conflito com os Reis Católicos sobre a sucessão de Castela. Escritor de espírito independente, Rui de Pina não poupa reis nem príncipes, cujo comportamento critica sempre que o julga necessário.