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This is an open access book. Council For Indonesian Christian Religious Higher Education (Badan Musyawarah Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Kristen Indonesia/BMPTKKI) has the vision to advance the academic abilities of lecturers who teach within the PTKK scope. All of them aim to implement the achievement of the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. To fulfill this vision, the field of research and publication of the journal BMPTKKI designed International Seminar activities to upgrade lecturers’ abilities on the one hand and facilitate Christian Theological Seminary (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Kristen/PTKK) lecturers to publish their academic work in the international arena.
The rise of technology and ease of spread of information has facilitated the diaspora of new ideas in the community. The penetration of new ideology and new values challenges the status quo of value and morality in our community. While this can be seen as an opportunity to evolve as a nation, the introduction of radical and separatism brings chaos to the community. This issue is not only experienced in Indonesia but also in the whole world. The needs for a solution and academic forum to discuss this postmodernity in society bring us to the The 4th International Conference on Law, Education and Social Sciences (ICLSSE) 2022. This conference is an international forum to disseminate knowledge and research development among researchers, scholars, professionals, and those interested in research interests in Law and Social Sciences and Social Education. This conference was organized by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The theme of this fourth conference is "Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in Postmodern Society: Opportunities and Challenges".
This book includes a complete list of the churches and institutions--746 churches and 529 theological schools--that today claim for themselves the heritage of the Protestant Reformation and provides basic information on each of them.
This is an open access book. Technology has had a huge impact on education and social dynamics around the world. Since the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as the internet, smartphones and social media, much has changed in the way we learn and interact with others. In education, technology has enabled students and teachers to access more diverse and engaging educational resources. With internet access, students and teachers can access educational resources from all over the world and learn about various topics and disciplines. In addition, technology also enables distance learning, which allows students and teachers to connect from different locations. ...
Many Christians still do not understand the concept of God; they think that just by being a Christian, they are guaranteed salvation and will go to Heaven. Because of this thinking, they feel free to sin and live in hypocrisy. Moreover, many Christians go to church but do not understand who God is. Why should they worship God? Is the God of Christians the same as the gods of other religions? Why should they go to church? Additionally, there are many dilemmas in life, especially those related to Christian Ethics, such as: Is smoking a sin? Is drinking alcohol allowed? And many more questions that are difficult to answer. This book presents answers from a biblical perspective so that ordinary Christians can easily understand the truth. For young people, this book is a must-have and an important resource. May this book be a blessing to many people. Soli Deo Gloria!
This book about systematic theology about God, Angelology, Trinity, doctrin, escahatology,Church and ect
International Conference on Islamic Early Childhood Education in Multiperspectives (ICECEM) 2022 is a program of the Early Childhood Education study program at Prof.KH Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto State Islamic University. Aims to encourage and provide opportunities for researchers and academics to exchange views and opinions, answer and debate policy-relevant issues, and produce academic research outputs on important topics. The basic idea to encourage research in linguistics is to have maximum research impact on education, Islam, science, socio-culture, humanity, technology and digital.
Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Teologi adalah buku ajar yang sederhana yang disusun oleh Tim Dosen STT Jaffray untuk melengkapi buku-buku metode penelitian yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Buku ajar ini memiliki kelebihan yang lain karena buku ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam penelitian teologi khususnya pendidikan teologi yang meliputi teologi, pendidikan Kristen serta secara holistik dalam gereja dan interaksi sosial. Pemahaman teknik pengumpulan data dan statistika penelitian yang benar dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk menghasilkan metodologi penelitian yang benar pula sehingga hasil penelitiannya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Buku ajar ini adalah buku dasar dalam metodologi penelitian yang sangat membantu mahasiswa untuk memahami definisi dan penerapan metodologi penelitian dalam penulisan karya ilmiah, skripsi, tesis dan disertasi. Secara khusus buku ini memberikan contoh struktur penyusunan kajian biblika, struktur skripsi, tesis, disertasi dan struktur penulisan jurnal serta penulisan catatan kaki dan kepustakaan.
Prosiding Seminar Khotbah Kontemporer adalah Seminar Khotbah yang diadakan di kampus STT Jaffray tanggal 16 Maret 2015 sebagai rangkaian keilmua tentang khotbah kontemporer dengan maksud memberikan sumbangsih kritis dan membangun terhadap perkembangan khotbah yang telah mengarah pada khotbah kontemporer dan bagaimana menyikapi perkembangan khotbah kontemporer. Melalui pemikiran mahasiswa doktor diharapkan dilahirkan pemikiran baru terhadap khotbah kontemporer.
The Proceedings of Batusangkar International Conference VI (BIC VI), that was organized by Graduate Program of IAIN Batusangkar, was held in hybrid platform on 11-12 October 2021 with the main theme " Strengthening Life Harmony in 4.0 Era". The BIC VI conference includes several interesting topics such as Science, Technology Literacy, Engineering, Law, Economy, Education, and Religion. The participants came from various universities and practitioners with a total of 140 papers that were published in a proceedings. It is expected that this proceedings will bring contribution and insight, resulting in new knowledge, inspirations, and collaborations. We are very grateful for their participation. We hope to meet you again in the next edition BIC VII or BICoSecH VII.