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This book provides a comprehensive presentation of recent approaches to and results about properties of various classes of functional spaces, such as Banach spaces, uniformly convex spaces, function spaces, and Banach algebras. Each of the 12 articles in this book gives a broad overview of current subjects and presents open problems. Each article includes an extensive bibliography. This book is dedicated to Professor Per. H. Enflo, who made significant contributions to functional analysis and operator theory.
This book is the third Proceedings of the Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop Series covering years 2015–21. During this time five workshops on different aspects of Lie theory were held at North Carolina State University in October 2015; University of Virginia in May 2016; University of Georgia in June 2018; Louisiana State University in May 2019; and College of Charleston in October 2021. Some of the articles by experts in the field describe recent developments while others include new results in categorical, combinatorial, and geometric representation theory of algebraic groups, Lie (super) algebras, and quantum groups, as well as on some related topics. The survey articles will be beneficial to junior researchers. This book will be useful to any researcher working in Lie theory and related areas.
In their preface, the editors describe algebraic combinatorics as the area of combinatorics concerned with exact, as opposed to approximate, results and which puts emphasis on interaction with other areas of mathematics, such as algebra, topology, geometry, and physics. It is a vibrant area, which saw several major developments in recent years. The goal of the 2022 conference Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics 2022 was to provide a forum for exchanging promising new directions and ideas. The current volume includes contributions coming from the talks at the conference, as well as a few other contributions written specifically for this volume. The articles cover the majority of topics in algebraic combinatorics with the aim of presenting recent important research results and also important open problems and conjectures encountered in this research. The editors hope that this book will facilitate the exchange of ideas in algebraic combinatorics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the summer school and research conference “Frontiers in Geometry and Topology”, celebrating the sixtieth birthday of Tomasz Mrowka, which was held from August 1–12, 2022, at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The summer school featured ten lecturers and the research conference featured twenty-three speakers covering a range of topics. A common thread, reflecting Mrowka's own work, was the rich interplay among the fields of analysis, geometry, and topology. Articles in this volume cover topics including knot theory; the topology of three and four-dimensional manifolds; instanton, monopole, and Heegaard Floer homologies; Khovanov homology; and pseudoholomorphic curve theory.
Real Analysis: An Undergraduate Problem Book for Mathematicians, Applied Scientists, and Engineers is a classical Real Analysis/Calculus problem book. This topic has been a compulsory subject for every undergraduate studying mathematics or engineering for a very long time. This volume contains a huge number of engaging problems and solutions, as well as detailed explanations of how to achieve these solutions. This latter quality is something that many problem books lack, and it is hoped that this feature will be useful to students and instructors alike. Features Hundreds of problems and solutions Can be used as a stand-alone problem book, or in conjunction with the author’s textbook, Real Analysis: An Undergraduate Textbook for Mathematicians, Applied Scientists, and Engineers, ISBN 9781032481487 Perfect resource for undergraduate students studying a first course in Calculus or Real Analysis Contains explanatory figures, detailed techniques, tricks, hints, and “recipes” on how to proceed once we have a calculus problem in front of us.
Las (mal llamadas) clases de problemas constituyen una herramienta fundamental en cualquier disciplina científica. Tradicionalmente, estas clases cumplen el objetivo de complementar aspectos más o menos difíciles de la disciplina en cuestión. Sin embargo, deberían entenderse más como un entrenamiento que capacite al estudiante para resolver cualquier problema (en sentido amplio) que se le pueda plantear en su vida profesional. Con este espíritu se concibe esta colección de “Problemas resueltos” que Ediciones Paraninfo pone a disposición de profesores y estudiantes de una gran variedad de disciplinas académicas. El presente libro no es una mera guía para aprender a resolver ecu...
Ancient times witnessed the origins of the theory of continued fractions. Throughout time, mathematical geniuses such as Euclid, Aryabhata, Fibonacci, Bombelli, Wallis, Huygens, or Euler have made significant contributions to the development of this famous theory, and it continues to evolve today, especially as a means of linking different areas of mathematics. This book, whose primary audience is graduate students and senior researchers, is motivated by the fascinating interrelations between ergodic theory and number theory (as established since the 1950s). It examines several generalizations and extensions of classical continued fractions, including generalized Lehner, simple, and Hirzebru...
La matemática discreta es la disciplina dedicada al estudio de estructuras cuyos elementos pueden contarse uno por uno separadamente. A diferencia del Cálculo infinitesimal, estudia procesos con conjuntos numerables, ya sean fi nitos o infinitos. Forma parte de los planes de estudios de ingenierías, informática, ciencia de la computación, así como, obviamente, de matemáticas, por lo que esta obra va dirigida a todos los lectores interesados en estas materias. Se trata de un libro de problemas resueltos, en el que cada capítulo comienza con un breve resumen teórico, cuyo único propósito es proporcionar los conceptos básicos para poder resolver dichos problemas. Como apoyo teórico...
La teoría de grafos ha experimentado un gran auge en los últimos años, en gran parte como consecuencia de su representación gráfica, consistente en diagramas de puntos y líneas que los unen, que facilita la descripción de numerosas situaciones, tanto de la vida real como del ámbito científico, y un enfoque algorítmico de los problemas. Esta vertiente algorítmica proporciona métodos y mecanismos para la resolución de una amplia variedad de problemas presentes en numerosas áreas de conocimiento (tales como química, arquitectura genética, sociología, economía, etc.), no pudiéndose olvidar tampoco sus aplicaciones en diferentes ramas de las matemáticas, tales como la teoría ...