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The Game-Centred Approach to Sport Literacy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 147

The Game-Centred Approach to Sport Literacy

The Game Centred Approach (GCA) is the ideal framework for coaches and teachers to develop comprehensive tactical or technical lessons for any game, both in physical education and in extracurricular sport contexts. Learning about the pedagogical models included in this approach has never been easier thanks to this short introductory guide. The book helps the reader acquire the skills needed to design effective session plans, regardless of the sport that is being taught or coached. It introduces the core concepts underpinning the GCA model, complemented by practical examples of tasks and strategies for each game category and assessment instrument. This is essential reading for all educators, coaches or sports professionals who wish to improve their teaching or coaching to enhance their students and players’ physical literacy and sport competence. It is also invaluable reading for any student or researcher working in physical education, sport coaching or sport pedagogy.

Más allá de las notas. Comprendiendo al alumnado con altas capacidades
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 165

Más allá de las notas. Comprendiendo al alumnado con altas capacidades

Existen diferencias con respecto a la conceptualización, terminología, características, metodología o incluso a los comportamientos asociados del alumnado con altas capacidades. Esta incertidumbre y desconocimiento dificulta la atención adaptada e individualizada a la forma de aprender de cada niño o niña en el ámbito educativo, y por tanto, de su total desarrollo académico y socioafectivo. Los autores conectan los resultados de sus investigaciones con su sentido práctico de aplicación en el aula para aportarnos un análisis profundo en temas como el autoconcepto, la imagen corporal, la evaluación, la actividad física y deportiva, las situaciones de acoso y ciberacoso, los progr...

Hidden potential
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 337

Hidden potential

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-04-16
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  • Publisher: Lev.

Bestsellerauteur over het benutten van je verborgen potentieel. Voor lezers van Atomic habits van James Clear, Grip van Rick Pastoor en Outliers van Malcolm Gladwell We leven in een wereld die geobsedeerd is door talent. We bewonderen getalenteerde studenten, atleten die schijnbaar moeiteloos tot wereldprestaties komen en wonderkinderen in de muziek. Maar het bewonderen van mensen die beginnen met aangeboren voordelen leidt ertoe dat we niet zien wat we zelf zouden kunnen bereiken. We onderschatten hoe goed we zouden kunnen worden als we nieuwe vaardigheden leren. We kunnen allemaal beter worden in het verbeteren van onszelf. Gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke inzichten en aan de hand van inspir...

Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 127

Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-12-24
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book offers an overview of contemporary debates in social justice and equity within Physical Education (PE) and Youth Sport (YS). It gives the reader clear direction on how to evaluate their current PE or YS program against current research and provides ideas for content, curriculum development, implementation, and pedagogical impact. The book addresses key contemporary issues including healthism, sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism and colonialism, and it highlights the importance of positionality and critical awareness on the part of the teacher, coach, or researcher. Presenting an array of case studies, practical examples, and thought-provoking questions, the book discusses equitable pedagogies and how they might be implemented, including in curriculum design and assessment. Concise, and avoiding academic jargon, this is an invaluable guide for pre-service and in-service teachers, teacher educators, coaches, and educators, helping them to ensure that all students and young people are included within the PE and YS settings for which they are responsible.

Skrytý potenciál
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 404

Skrytý potenciál

>>„Tato skvělá kniha rozbije vaše představy o tom, co je třeba ke zlepšení a úspěchu.“ — Serena Williams, vítězka 23 grandslamů ve dvouhře<< # O knize Čím je determinován úspěch? Talentem, každodenní dřinou, nebo snad rodinným zázemím? Adam Grant nabízí překvapivý pohled na to, jak můžeme sebe i ostatní pozvednout do nečekaných výšin. Růst totiž vyžaduje mnohem víc než pouhý trénink a nastavení mysli. Závisí především na sadě dovedností, které bohužel nevědomky přehlížíme. Na základě rozsáhlých výzkumů i skutečných příběhů Grant dokazuje, že náš pokrok nespočívá ani tak v tvrdé práci, jako v rozvinutí schopno...

Formação para o Esporte e Formação Esportiva: Diálogos Internacionais
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 460

Formação para o Esporte e Formação Esportiva: Diálogos Internacionais

O processo de desenvolvimento do esporte, enquanto fenômeno que representa diversos significados em distintas sociedades, permite uma ampla discussão que envolve diretamente diferentes temáticas teóricas e instigantes problemas práticos. Os organizadores do livro Formação para o esporte e formação esportiva: diálogos internacionais tiveram o cuidado de reunir autores nacionais e internacionais para tratar, de maneira qualificada, um assunto por vezes caro aos múltiplos campos envolvidos — sobretudo a Educação Física e a Educação —, seja para o ambiente escolar, como componente curricular da Educação Física e sua democratização, seja para o espaço de rendimento e bus...

Research on Teaching Strategies and Skills in Different Educational Stages
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Research on Teaching Strategies and Skills in Different Educational Stages

The teaching practice becomes a reciprocal activity in the classroom when teachers apply their creativity and their knowledge resulting from research and scientific evidence in the didactic teaching process, with the purpose of strengthening in the students, the key competencies of their training, turning students at the core of the didactic process. Teaching strategies must be articulated from previous research and planning and designed sequentially to promote real and interesting learning scenarios and thereby achieve significant learning. From this perspective, of teaching-learning strategies, the reciprocal interaction between the student and the teacher becomes the focus of attention, with a playful, motivating, interesting and rewarding approach for the learner. The role of the teacher is conceived as fundamental in the teaching process to achieve the link between teaching, learning, and evaluation strategies. For this reason, multidisciplinary studies are welcome, from all stages of the educational system, with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches and reviews, promoting good teaching practices of reflection and innovation from these studies.

Modelos de Ensino Baseados no Jogo Para a Iniciação Compreensiva do Esporte
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 201

Modelos de Ensino Baseados no Jogo Para a Iniciação Compreensiva do Esporte

Bunker e Thorpe (1982) desenvolveram o Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), traduzido como modelo de Ensino dos Jogos para Compreensão, como uma nova abordagem ao ensino do desporto centrada no jogo e no estudante/jogador com o objetivo de ultrapassar as limitações encontradas nas práticas tradicionais que utilizavam situações descontextualizadas. Desde então, a Educação Desportiva Integral tem ganhado um lugar na literatura em nível internacional. No entanto, surgiram variações, abordagens semelhantes ou adaptações culturais desse modelo pedagógico, o que levou à necessidade de criar um "termo guarda-chuva", que engloba todos eles, a chamada "Abordagem centrada no jogo"....

Il potenziale nascosto
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 390

Il potenziale nascosto

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-08T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: EGEA spa

Adam Grant ci rivela come possiamo aiutare noi stessi e gli altri a raggiungere vette inaspettate Viviamo in un mondo ossessionato dal talento. A scuola celebriamo gli studenti dotati, nello sport gli atleti nati e nella musica i bambini prodigio. Ma l’ammirazione per chi parte con vantaggi innati ci induce a trascurare le distanze che noi stessi possiamo percorrere. Sottovalutiamo le infinite abilità che possiamo acquisire, così come i livelli di bravura che possiamo raggiungere. Tutti possiamo diventare più bravi a migliorare. E quando l’opportunità non viene a bussarci, possiamo sempre costruire noi una porta. Il potenziale nascosto ci offre un nuovo percorso per innalzare le nost...