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Buku iki minangkah karya asli asale saka ide saben penulis sing nggawe buku iki . Buku menika dipundamel kanthi cara ingkang saged dipundadosaken referensi ide kangge damel parikan cerkak. Ananging panulise nduweni keterbatasan, mula temtu buku iki ora sampurna. Salajengipun, kita ngaturaken agunging panuwun dhumateng para ingkang sampun melu damel buku punika. Pungkasan, kula minagkah panyerat buku antologi bahasa jawa : Parikan, Geguritan, lan Cerkak, mugi-mugi buku menika saged ketampi saha dipunginakaken kangge mupangat saha kamajengan jagad pendhidhikan kita.
Entrepreneurship, a dynamic force driving economic growth and innovation, faces multifaceted challenges in today's global landscape. Small firms, vital for economic diversity and innovation, need more resources and technological capabilities to compete with larger enterprises. Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancement, while offering growth opportunities, also presents complexities in adoption and integration. Cultural, regulatory, and institutional differences further compound these challenges, hindering entrepreneurial success and regional development. Real-World Tools and Scenarios for Entrepreneurship Exploration offers a comprehensive solution to the complexity entrepreneurs...
This is an open access book. It is with great pleasure and honor to announce The 6th International Conference of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology which will be held from 15th – 16th November 2022 in the University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia. It is the fifth international conference organized by CGANT. It is the sixth international conference organized by CGANT Research Group University of Jember in cooperation with Indonesian Combinatorics Society (INACOBMS). The conference is held to welcome participants from many countries, with broad and diverse research interests of mathematics especially combinatorical study. The mission is to become an annual international forum...
Problem-based learning (PBL) has excited interest among educators around the world for several decades. Among the most notable applications of PBL is the approach taken at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Starting in 1974 as a medical school, the faculty embarked on the innovative pathway of problem-based learning, trying to establish a medical training program which applied recent insights of education which would be better adapted to the needs of the modem physician. The medical school, currently part of the FHML, can be considered as an 'established' school, where original innovations and educational changes have become pa...
Belajar Buku Masuk PTN BUKU EMAS
Continues to fill gaps between the descriptive, conceptual, and transformative sustainability science Sustainability is increasingly important across functional sectors and scientific disciplines. Policy-makers, practitioners, and academics continue to wrestle with the complexity of risk, resilience, and sustainability, but because of the necessary transdisciplinary focus, it is difficult to find authoritative content in a single source. Sustainability Science: Managing Risk and Resilience for Sustainable Development, Second Edition, contributes to filling that gap and is completely revised with several new chapters. It asserts that all efforts for the sustainability of humankind are undermi...
Buku ini berisi kumpulan olah pikir yang pernah diajukan penulis dalam proses kenaikan pangkat selama menekuni menjadi guru. Pengalaman penulis dalam mengembangkan diri secara profesional sebagai guru dari nol hingga sekarang sudah mencapai pangkat Pembina Utama Muda (Golongan IVc) sangat bermanfaat untuk ditularkan kepada orang lain dalam bentuk buku. “Rasa takut salah” saat pertama kali menulis karya ilmiah pernah dialami penulis saat pertama kali mencoba menulis artikel untuk diajukan ke buletin. Bahkan sampai saat ini pun penulis juga sering dihantui keragu-raguan dan kekawatiran dalam menulis suatu karya ilmiah. Kesalahan-kesalahan konsep saat menulis karya ilmiah pun pernah dialami oleh penulis. Namun dengan terus belajar dan berkarya dalam hal publikasi ilmiah, maka akhirnya banyak juga karya-karya publikasi ilmiah dari penulis yang mendapatkan nilai saat pengajuan Penghitungan Angka Kredit (PAK).
Stres disebabkan oleh rangsangan fisik maupun psikologis yang berlebihan atas konsekuensi dari setiap tindakan, situasi, dan lingkungan. Stres dapat memengaruhi emosi, pikiran, dan kondisi fisik individu, serta lingkungannya. Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perubahan yang luar biasa dalam segala aspek kehidupan manusia termasuk perubahan pada organisasi dan kinerja karyawan. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19 banyak usaha yang merugi karena berkurangnya kegiatan operasional. Karyawan, terutama kaum milenial mengalami stres tambahan yakni ketakutan akan kehilangan pekerjaan. Sehingga manajemen stres menjadi upaya bagaimana mengatasi dan mengelola stres, tidak hanya dipandang sebagai upaya individu untuk mengatasi stres yang mereka alami namun juga bagaimana kelompok dan organisasi bisnis maupun nonbisnis menerapkan pendekatan sistematis untuk mengatasi permasalahan stres dalam organisasi.