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The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 792

The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia

The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: A Comprehensive Guide surveys the indigenous languages of Asia’s North Pacific Rim, Siberia, and adjacent portions of Inner Eurasia. It provides in-depth descriptions of every first-order family of this vast area, with special emphasis on family-internal subdivision and dialectal differentiation. Individual chapters trace the origins and expansion of the region’s widespread pastoral-based language groups as well as the microfamilies and isolates spoken by northern Asia’s surviving hunter-gatherers. Separate chapters cover sparsely recorded languages of early Inner Eurasia that defy precise classification and the various pidgins and creole...

Number in the World's Languages
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 946

Number in the World's Languages

The strong development in research on grammatical number in recent years has created a need for a unified perspective. The different frameworks, the ramifications of the theoretical questions, and the diversity of phenomena across typological systems, make this a significant challenge. This book addresses the challenge with a series of in-depth analyses of number across a typologically diverse sample, unified by a common set of descriptive and analytic questions from a semantic, morphological, syntactic, and discourse perspective. Each case study is devoted to a single language, or in a few cases to a language group. They are written by specialists who can rely on first-hand data or on material of difficult access, and can place the phenomena in the context of the respective system. The studies are preceded and concluded by critical overviews which frame the discussion and identify the main results and open questions. With specialist chapters breaking new ground, this book will help number specialists relate their results to other theoretical and empirical domains, and it will provide a reliable guide to all linguists and other researchers interested in number.

To be or not to be? The Verbum Substantivum from Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 381

To be or not to be? The Verbum Substantivum from Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives

The verbs of the 'to be'-group, also called verba substantiva, belong to the most enigmatic phenomena of the human language. Combining a distinct suppletivity of their conjugational forms in most languages with a striking semantic and functional ambiguity, as well as unique syntactic capabilities, they form a very specific class of linguistic entities. They can be referred to, without exaggeration, as one of the conceptually gravest and most "symptomatic" language formations. Typologically, the be-verbs demonstrate, on the one hand, a set of similar features in almost every language, which is excellent evidence of their universal validity. On the other hand, the differences between these ver...

Sprach- und Kulturkontakte im Ostseeraum
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 313

Sprach- und Kulturkontakte im Ostseeraum

Seit Jahrhunderten gilt der Ostseeraum als eine Großregion der vielen Sprachen und Kulturen ? als ein Drehkreuz des internationalen Handels, des geistigen Austauschs, der multilateralen Beziehungen und damit auch komplex gestufter Mehrsprachigkeit. Zu den überregional bedeutsamen Sprachen gehörten hier Niederdeutsch als Sprache der Hanse; Hochdeutsch als nachreformatorische Kultur- und Kirchensprache in den Städten; Dänisch als politisch bedeutsame Nachbarsprache; Niederländisch als Sprache einer frühneuzeitlichen Seemacht; Russisch als Handelssprache und Sprache einer seit dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert expandierenden Großmacht; Französisch als internationale Sprache des 18. Jahrhunde...

Diachronic Slavonic Syntax
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 396

Diachronic Slavonic Syntax

The book is dedicated to the study of the causes and mechanisms of syntactic change in Slavonic languages, including internally motivated syntactic change, syntactic change under contact conditions (structural convergence, pattern replication, shift-induced transfer etc.): It also explores metalinguistic factors such as ideologically driven selection and propagation of syntactic structures.

Kulturelle und sprachliche Minderheiten in Europa
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 329

Kulturelle und sprachliche Minderheiten in Europa

Kulturelle Und Sprachliche Minderheiten in Europa: Aspekte Der Europ Ischen Ethnolinguistik Und Ethnopolitik; Akten Des 4. Symposions Ber Sprachkontakt in Europa, Mannheim 1980.

Sprachraum Europa – Alles Englisch oder ...?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 186

Sprachraum Europa – Alles Englisch oder ...?

Sprechen wir in Zukunft wirklich nur noch Englisch? Die Sprachenfrage im europäischen Raum ist mit zunehmender Dringlichkeit in den Mittelpunkt öffentlicher und wissenschaftlicher Diskussionen gerückt. In der Vielsprachigkeit liegt die Grundlage europäischer Identität. In unserer alltäglichen Erfahrung jedoch spüren wir einen Trend zur dominanten Nutzung einer einzigen Sprache – des Englischen. Die Autoren dieses Bandes beleuchten verschiedene Aspekte der Entwicklung im Sprachraum Europa, darunter die Rolle von Anglizismen in den europäischen Sprachen, die Nutzung des Englischen als Lingua franca, seine Stellung in Skandinavien sowie die Film-Synchronisation, innovative Sprachlernkonzepte zur Mehrsprachigkeit und den möglichen Einsatz einer Plansprache, wie z. B. Esperanto.

Bulletin der Deutschen Slavistik 2018, Jahrgang 24
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 152

Bulletin der Deutschen Slavistik 2018, Jahrgang 24

Das Bulletin der Deutschen Slavistik ist das offizielle Organ des Deutschen Slavistenverbandes und erscheint einmal jährlich.

Sprachkulturen in Europa
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 392

Sprachkulturen in Europa


Contrastive Studies in Verbal Valency
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 486

Contrastive Studies in Verbal Valency

In recent years, issues of verbal valency, valency alternations and verb classes have seen a new upsurge of interest from a variety of perspectives. This book comprises articles investigating valency phenomena on a contrastive basis within Romance, Germanic and Slavic, and also in Basque and in the West-African language Ga, as well as classical Greek and Sanskrit. Phenomena include transitive and ditransitive constructions and alternations, involving reflexives, cognate objects, ’null’ objects, case (in its syntagmatic and paradigmatic aspects), and infinitives, mostly in a synchronic perspective. Aiming at a closer understanding of the range of regularities falling within the concept of valency frames, the book offers a representative array of current assumptions, hypotheses, methodologies and new findings within the overall field. The volume will provide a valuable resource for researchers and students both in general linguistics and in the relevant language particular disciplines.