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Memory, Humanity, and Meaning
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 556

Memory, Humanity, and Meaning

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-01-01
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  • Publisher: Zeta Books

On the 23rd of August 2008, Professor Andrei Pleşu has marked his sixtieth birthday. In view of his distinguished service to the public welfare and his manifold contributions to academic life, the editors of this volume have invited a number of Romanian and international scholars to celebrate this event with a Festschrift. Colleagues, friends, and former students of Andrei Pleşu joined together to offer a critical appreciation of his understanding of culture in today’s world. The participants in this volume explore the continuing debates around the place of philosophy, politics, aesthetics, ethics, and religion in shaping the identity of Western civilization. CONTENTS Acknowledgements Bi...

Neoplatonism și creștinism: negație și transcendență
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 458

Neoplatonism și creștinism: negație și transcendență

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-11
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  • Publisher: Globe Edit

„Nu este nici cuvânt al ei, nici nume, nici cunoștință. Nu este nici întuneric, nici lumină, nici eroare, nici adevăr. Nu este defel nici postulare (thesis) a ei, nici îndepărtare (aphairesis). Ci, făcând postulările și îndepărtările a celor de după ea, nici nu o postulăm, nici nu o îndepărtăm, de vreme ce cauza deplină și una a tuturor este hyper toată postularea; și hyper toată îndepărtarea, ca cea care este preeminența (hyperoche) liberă de toate și dincolo de (epekeina) toate.” (Dionisie Areopagitul, Despre teologia mistică, V).

Paths to the Divine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Paths to the Divine

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: CRVP


Philosophical-Political Hecate-isms
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 215

Philosophical-Political Hecate-isms

This book introduces a new conceptual category to philosophical and political discourse, namely Hecate-isms, which can be applied to post–postmodernist theory. This concept is defined here as resulting from the philosophical and political mechanisms of the rule of three, and as representing a tri-phase construction of homo triplex, including elements such as prosperity–security–freedom and distance–power–security. The book will appeal to the wider academic community, to PhD students, professors, and researchers with an interest in political philosophy, political science, postmodern philosophy, and cultural studies.

Meeting God in the Other
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 620

Meeting God in the Other

The present volume unites 44 studies to honor Prof. Dr. Dorin Oancea, Romanian-Orthodox theologian and religious studies scholar, well known as a bridge-builder between Eastern and Western Christian Traditions. The manifold studies reflect upon the fundaments of interfaith and inter-confessional openness, offer insightful examples from past and present, or point to the loci where this openness can and should be achieved today. A meaningful collection for all those interested in present day ecumenical theology, in inter-confessional studies or theology of religions.

Knowing God in Light
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 316

Knowing God in Light

The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe opened up a new future—for theology, too, not least in Romania, perhaps of all Orthodox nations the most open to the West. Young Romanian Orthodox theologians seized the opportunity to study and research in the West, availing themselves of mentors and resources hitherto denied them; some have settled in the West, others returned home. This welcome volume displays a theological revival as young Romanian theologians draw on tradition and address new problems. We can discern here a welcome confidence in the Orthodox tradition, no longer on the defensive nor concerned to mark itself off from the theology of the ‘West’. It is a ‘generous Orthodoxy’ (a term that has been used of the theological approach of the late Metropolitan Kallistos), ready to share its treasures with other Christians and eager to learn from them and engage with them.

Declaratie de iubire (editie 2015)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 283

Declaratie de iubire (editie 2015)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-03-23
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  • Publisher: Humanitas SA

„Paginile acestei cărţi s-au născut dintr-o idee simplă: fiecare om îşi alcătuieşte de-a lungul vieţii un edificiu afectiv. Măsura în care el este e dată de consistenţa acestui edificiu, de mâna aceea de oameni – ei nu pot fi mulţi – pe care i-a preluat în el şi pe care i-a iubit fără rest, fără umbră, şi împotriva cărora spiritul lui critic, chiar dacă a fost prezent, a rămas neputincios. Aceşti oameni puţini care ne fac pe fiecare în parte să nu regretăm că suntem reprezintă, chit că o ştim sau nu, stratul de protecţie care ne ajută să trecem prin viaţă. Fiecare om face faţă la ce i se întâmplă pentru că este protejat în felul acesta. F...

Speeches for the Dead
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 210

Speeches for the Dead

The Menexenus, in spite of the dearth of scholarly attention it has traditionally received compared to other Platonic texts, is an important dialogue for any consideration of Plato’s views on political philosophy, history, and rhetoric – to say nothing of the dialogue’s contribution to the study of civic ideology and institutions, natural law theory, and Plato’s notion of race. Speeches for the Dead unites the contributions of scholars working on diverse aspects of the dialogue, growing out of a one-day workshop on the same subject at the University of Pennsylvania organized by the editors. In offering a variety of perspectives on the Menexenus, the volume is the very first of its kind in any language. In addition, the volume contains an up-to-date bibliography of scholarship in English, French, German, and Italian. This makes the book a definitive guide and ideal starting point for advanced students and scholars looking for further information about the dialogue.

Humankind and the Cosmos: Early Christian Representations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 435

Humankind and the Cosmos: Early Christian Representations

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-07-15
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In this volume, Costache endeavours to map the world as it was understood and experienced by the early Christians. Progressing from initial fears, they came to adopt a more positive view of the world through successive shifts of perception. This did not happen overnight. Tracing these shifts, Costache considers the world of the early Christians through an interdisciplinary lens, revealing its meaningful complexity. He demonstrates that the early Christian worldview developed at the nexus of several perspectives. What facilitated this process was above all the experience of contemplating nature. When accompanied by genuine personal transformation, natural contemplation fostered the theological interpretation of the world as it had been known to the ancients.

Modelul Antim, modelul Paltinis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Modelul Antim, modelul Paltinis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-07-16
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  • Publisher: Humanitas SA

„Titlul acestei cărți poate fi înșelător. Cititorul ar putea crede că are dinainte o lucrare de pură istorie culturală, o culegere de documente și analize, menite să devină un omagiu pios, comemorativ, adus unor grupuri de intelectuali care, în vremuri neprielnice, au încercat să-și păstreze chipul și să-și urmeze vocația. În realitate, e vorba de o reconstrucție erudită, dar intens simpatetică, a unui «model» de viață spirituală atemporal. E vorba despre modul în care se nasc întâlnirile purtătoare de destin, despre farmecul – și rigorile – drumului tatonant spre cunoaștere, despre comuniune, împreună-căutare, dramă lumească și speranță. E vo...