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Basic epidemiology provides an introduction to the core principles and methods of epidemiology, with a special emphasis on public health applications in developing countries. This edition includes chapters on the nature and uses of epidemiology; the epidemiological approach to defining and measuring the occurrence of health-related states in populations; the strengths and limitations of epidemiological study designs; and the role of epidemiology in evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of health care. The book has a particular emphasis on modifiable environmental factors and encourages the application of epidemiology to the prevention of disease and the promotion of health, including environmental and occupational health.
This book furnishes detailed information about Turkey's existing mineral resources, besides providing concepts and ideas which may help the search for potential mineral resources in the future. It is a first book in the English-language international literature on mineral resources of Turkey and it is aimed at economic geologists, mining engineers, and mining investors, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. This work focuses mainly on a range of mineral systems and related geological features throughout Turkey. Taking into account the lack of international literature on these resources, a considerable portion of the book explains the geological context of the region and the settings in which the mineral resources occur. The genetic characteristics of these mineral resources are emphasized and important information is also presented on their economic aspects. All chapter contributions are prepared by researchers and professional geologists.
“Râfıza versus Ehl-i Beyt” kapağıyla çıkan RIHLE, Şii mezhebini masaya yatırıyor. “Varlığın anlamına, eşyanın hakikatine ve köklerimize…” spotuyla çıkan, üç aylık ilim, kültür ve medeniyet dergisi RIHLE son sayısında, ümmetin temel problemlerinden biri olan ve Ortadoğu’yu adeta mezhepler savaşı ve kaos coğrafyasına dönüştüren Şiilik’i masaya yatırdı. Bu coğrafyadaki bir diğer aşırı ve sapkın uç ise hiç kuşkusuz Suudi Arabistan’ın resmi ideolojisi olan Vehhabilik ve Rıhle bir sonraki sayısını da bu konuya tahsis etmiş. Ehl-i Beyt ve Rafızî politbüro…Türkiye’de de bazı hocaların propaganda ettiği “Ehl-i Beyt mekt...
This book gives an interdisciplinary overview on urban ecology. Basic understanding of urban nature development and its social reception are discussed for the European Metropolitan Area of Berlin. Furthermore, we investigate specific consequences for the environment, nature and the quality of life for city dwellers due to profound changes such as climate change and the demographic and economic developments associated with the phenomena of shrinking cities. Actual problems of urban ecology should be discussed not only in terms of natural dimensions such as atmosphere, biosphere, pedosphere and hydrosphere but also in terms of social and cultural dimensions such as urban planning, residence and recreation, traffic and mobility and economic values. Our research findings focus on streets, new urban landscapes, intermediate use of brown fields and the relationships between urban nature and the well-being of city dwellers. Finally, the book provides a contribution to the international discussion on urban ecology.
Clinical psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg offers an enlightening look at how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections with family, friends, and other acquaintances.
This book analyzes the factors that shape business activity in Republican Turkey and examines the presence of some of these factors in other societies with highly different cultures and histories. Bugra's premise is that neither the institutional framework nor the behavioral regularities of a market economy emerge spontaneously following principles of a universally rational behavior. Rather, these reflect societal characteristics to be shaped by policy measures that ensure the smooth functioning of the market mechanism. The author investigates the sociopolitical context of Turkish entrepreneurship by looking at the development of the private sector in the Republican period; policy process under successive Republican governments; socially defined features of the holding company, the typical big-business unit; and the nature of business associations in Turkey. Her analysis is relevant both to the study of business organization and to the study of structural change in late-industrializing countries and former socialist societies where the shortcomings of standard economic approaches are clear.
Bacterial diarrheal diseases remain an important leading cause of preventable death, especially among children under five in developing countries. In the American continent, diarrheal disease and other health complications caused by Escherichia coli constitute a major public health problem, and, therefore, several research groups have dedicated their effort to understand this pathogen and provide feasible solutions to prevent, treat and reduce E. coli infections. The Latin American Coalition for Escherichia coli Research (LACER) was created as a multidisciplinary network of international research groups working with E. coli with the ultimate goal of advancing understanding of E. coli, and to...
A deluxe version of the essential core rulebook every D&D Dungeon Master needs, this special release features an embossed, leather-bound cover and premium, gilt-edged paper.