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Dalam buku ini, kami merangkum secara komprehensif berbagai konsep dasar dalam akuntansi keuangan. Kami membahas topik-topik penting seperti siklus akuntansi, prinsip-prinsip dasar akuntansi, penyusunan laporan keuangan, serta analisis laporan keuangan. Kami juga memberikan contoh-contoh praktis dan latihan-latihan untuk membantu pembaca memahami konsep-konsep tersebut dengan lebih baik.
Liver biopsy, first performed by Paul Ehrlich in 1883, remains an important diagnostic procedure for the management of hepatobiliary disorders and the candidate/donated organ for transplantation. The book "Liver biopsy in Modern Medicine" comprises 21 chapters covering the various aspects of the biopsy procedure in detail and provides an up-to-date insightful coverage to the recent advances in the management of the various disorders with liver biospy. This book will keep up with cutting edge understanding of liver biopsy to many clinicians, physicians, scientists, pharmaceutics, engineers and other experts in a wide variety of different disciplines.
This report offers a rationale for urgently scaling up effective interventions to reduce the global burden of child and maternal undernutrition. It provides information on nutrition strategies and progress made by programmes, based on the most recent data available. The success stories and lessons leaned that are described in the publication demonstrate that reducing undernutrition is entirely feasible. The report presents detailed, up-to-date information on nutritional status, programme implementation and related indicators for the 24 countries where 80 per cent of the world’s stunted children live. While this report is a call to action for these 24 high-burden countries, it also highlights the need for accelerated efforts to reduce undernutrition in all countries.
Bedingt durch die verstärkte seismische Aktivität in den letzten Jahren werden immer mehr Kurse zum Thema erdbebensicheres Bauen angeboten. Dieser praktische Leitfaden ist gleichzeitig ein "Crash-Kurs" für Architekten der alle technischen Daten und Informationen vermittelt, die für den Bau erdbebensicherer Gebäude erforderlich sind. Mit seiner Fülle praktischer Beispiele und einfacher Berechnungen ist dieses Buch insbesondere für Studenten und Architekten mit geringem mathematischen Hintergrundwissen geeignet. Allgemeine Aspekte des Baudesigns (Gebäudeform, Baumaterial, Planung usw.) werden in Beziehung gesetzt zu den ganz spezifischen Anforderungen an erdbebensichere Bauten. Dieses Buch schließt die Lücke zwischen allgemeinen Veröffentlichungen für Architekten und sehr detaillierten technischen Nachschlagewerken für Bauingenieure - eine ideale Kombination von Fachwissen. (01/99)
The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh shows the lives of the underdogs the Lachhimsa, the Rukmanis, the Mohors and the Haroas as a contrast to the lives of their all-powerful overlords the Medinis and Ganeshes. Lachhima, whose leashed bitterness and anger of a lifetime against Medini and Ganesh is liberated at the end of the novel when Ganesh begs her to save his life, decides to save him, but on her own terms. The title of the work itself becomes a tool for subversion in this sprawling novel which takes the reader through a multilayered narrative into the socio-economic malaise of post-independence rural India. Mahasweta Devi s corrosive humour and cryptic style are at their best as she takes on issu...
Lady Caroline Linford is horrified to discover... her fiancé, the Marquis of Winchilsea, in the arms of another woman. Unfortunately, Victorian society considers such masculine peccadilloes a trifle; canceling their imminent wedding would be unthinkable. But Caroline's wish is for the man she is to marry to desire only her...and she seeks lessons in the art of romance from the best teacher: London's most notorious rake. Braden Granville may be a famous lover... but he has no intention of taking part in Caroline's scheme -- until he learns she has something he wants: the name of his own unfaithful fiancée's lover. As their passionate tutelage begins, sparks fly -- and the lines between teacher and student fall away. Now there is just one last lesson to learn: on the subject of true love, the heart chooses its own unpredictable ways.
An invaluable aid to companies and auditors involved in first-time adoption of the new SMEs standard Applying the IFRS for SMEs provides expert insights and explanations of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). This important book includes comprehensive coverage of this recently issued standard aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. Provides essential coverage for application of IFRS-now a necessity in the accounting world Includes Foreword by Paul Pacter, Director of Standards for SMEs, IASB Offers commentary on the theory in the standard, illustrative disclosures, comprehensive illustrative financial statements and comparisons to full IFRS Includes relevant real life worked out examples aimed at SMEs, plus summaries of important points The first book on how to apply the new SMEs standard, Applying the IFRS for SMEs is a must-have book for your small or medium-sized business.
Does free will truly exist? Does man truly exist? Okky Madasari explores the seminal questions of mankind and humanity in her latest novel. A struggle arises between the two main characters, Sasana and Jaka Wani, in the search for freedom from all restraints––from those of the mind and body, to restraints imposed by tradition and family, society and Religion & Spirituality, to economic domination and the shackles of authority.