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Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 172

Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The setting of this volume is the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, where Christianity and Islam co-existed side by side as the official religions of Muslim al-Andalus on the one hand, and the Christian kingdoms in the north of the peninsula on the other. Its purpose is to examine the meaning of the word 'Mozarab' and the history and nature of the people called by that name; it represents a synthesis of the author's many years of research and publication in this field. Richard Hitchcock first sets out to explain what being a non-Muslim meant in al-Andalus, both in the higher echelons of society and at a humbler level. The terms used by Arab chroniclers, when examined carefully, suggest a lesser preoccupation with purely religious values than hitherto appreciated. Mozarabism in León and Toledo, two notably distinct phenomena, are then considered at length, and there are two chapters exploring the issues that arose, firstly when Mozarabs were relocated in twelfth-century Aragón, and secondly, in sixteenth-century Toledo, when they were striving to retain their identity.

A morte de Galicia
  • Language: gl
  • Pages: 400

A morte de Galicia

A obsesión que o groso das elites sociais, políticas e culturais amosan dende hai máis dunha década polo suposto «inverno demográfico» que asola Galicia, coincide no tempo co inicio da quinta vaga emigratoria que sacode o país ao longo da súa historia. É a primeira da democracia, pasados trinta anos da ocorrida en 1950-1975, despois do gasto de cuantiosas axudas europeas destinadas dende 1986 a crear emprego, e afecta xa a máis de 380.000 mozos e mozas, un de cada dous con estudos medios ou superiores. A resposta das autoridades galegas a esta importante perda de capital humano e do seu potencial demográfico consistiu na difusión social do natalismo. Unha ideoloxía caracterizad...

As peregrinacións a Compostela
  • Language: gl
  • Pages: 146

As peregrinacións a Compostela

Que as peregrinacións a Compostela son un fenómeno multitudinario é obvio. A inflación xacobea é algo que se sente na cidade de Santiago e noutras partes do país, máxime cando hoxe está ligada ao desenvolvemento dun turismo de masas que ameaza a Galicia. Mais cal é a relación destas peregrinacións coa súa historia? Foron sempre así? As ducias de «camiños de Santiago» son reais ou pura invención? Teñen os ritos xacobeos fundamento histórico? Canto hai de operación política e turística na actual recreación contemporánea das vellas peregrinacións? Promoven realmente o desenvolvemento do país? A estas e outras cuestións trata de responder este libro dende un punto de vista histórico e crítico, afastado por tanto da propaganda oficial que manipula o noso pasado no seu propio beneficio e dos que din crer nela.

León and Galicia Under Queen Sancha and King Fernando I
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257

León and Galicia Under Queen Sancha and King Fernando I

Acclaimed historians Bernard F. Reilly and Simon R. Doubleday tell the story of the reign of Queen Sancha and King Fernando I, who together ruled the territories of León and Galicia between 1038 and 1065—often regarded as a period in which Christian kings and their vassals asserted themselves more successfully in the face of external rivals, both Viking and Muslim. The reality was more complex. The Iberian Peninsula remained a space of multiple, intertwined forms of power and surprisingly nuanced relationships between—and among—the diverse configurations of Christian and Muslim authority. Some of these complexities would be obscured by later generations of medieval chroniclers, whose ...

The Making and Unmaking of a Saint
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

The Making and Unmaking of a Saint

Includes English translation of the Vita Geraldi brevior.

A Companion to Galician Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

A Companion to Galician Culture

"Of all the differentiated regions comprising contemporary Spain, Galicia is possibly the most deeply marked by political, economic and cultural inequities throughout the centuries. Processes of national construction in the region have been patchily successful. However, Galicia's cultural distinctness is easily recognizable to the observer, from the language spoken in the region to the specific forms of the Galician built landscape, with its mixture of indigenous, imported and hybrid elements. The present volume offers English-language readers an in-depth introduction to the integral aspects of Galician cultural history, from pre-historical times to the present day. Whilst attention is given to the traditional areas of medieval culture, language, contemporary history and politics, the book also privileges compelling contemporary perspectives on cinema, architecture, the city of Santiago de Compostela and the urban qualities of Galician culture today." -- Provided by the publisher.

A Plural Peninsula: Studies in Honour of Professor Simon Barton
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 513

A Plural Peninsula: Studies in Honour of Professor Simon Barton

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-10-20
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  • Publisher: BRILL

A Plural Peninsula embodies and upholds Professor Simon Barton’s influential scholarly legacy, eschewing rigid disciplinary boundaries. Focusing on textual, archaeological, visual and material culture, the sixteen studies in this volume offer new and important insights into the historical, socio-political and cultural dynamics characterising different, yet interconnected areas within Iberia and the Mediterranean. The structural themes of this volume --the creation and manipulation of historical, historiographical and emotional narratives; changes and continuity in patterns of exchange, cross-fertilisation and the recovery of tradition; and the management of conflict, crisis, power and authority-- are also particularly relevant for the postmedieval period, within and beyond Iberia. Contributors are Janna Bianchini, Jerrilynn D. Dodds, Simon R. Doubleday, Ana Echevarría Arsuaga, Maribel Fierro, Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, Fernando Luis Corral, Therese Martin, Iñaki Martín Viso, Amy G. Remensnyder, Maya Soifer Irish, -Teresa Tinsley, Sonia Vital Fernández, Alun Williams, Teresa Witcombe, and Jamie Wood. See inside the book

The Cantigas de Santa Maria
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

The Cantigas de Santa Maria

Alfonso X (1221-84) ruled over the Crown of Castile from 1252 until his death. Known as "the Wise," he oversaw the production of a wealth of literature in his scriptorium. One of the most impressive of these literary outputs is the collection of songs known as the Cantigas de Santa Maria, which by most counts comprises 429 songs preserved in four manuscripts. The miracle songs (or cantigas de miragre) form the focus of this book. While the Cantigas have been the subject of much scholarly attention, only a handful of studies have looked at the repertory through an interdisciplinary lens. Fewer still have probed how the Cantigas use the power of song as a communicative medium, one that functio...

Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1121

Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-07-28
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia, twenty-three international authors examine Galicia’s changing place in Iberia, Europe, and the Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds from late antiquity through the thirteenth century. With articles on art and architecture; religion and the church; law and society; politics and historiography; language and literature; and learning and textual culture, the authors introduce medieval Galicia and current research on the region to medievalists, Hispanists, and students of regional culture and society. The cult of St. James, Santiago Cathedral, and the pilgrimage to Compostela are highlighted and contextualized to show how Galicia’s remoteness became th...

O reino medieval de Galicia
  • Language: gl
  • Pages: 200

O reino medieval de Galicia

Presentado como preocupación dalgúns historiadores galegos, ou como cuestion escura e marxinal propia de especialistas, o certo é que o vello Reino medieval de Galicia tivo unha entidade histórica real entre o século V e os comezos do século XIII. Chegou a estenderse dende o Atlántico até as terras da actual Cantabria e dende o Cantábrico até as beiras do río Douro. Así o recoñecen boa parte das fontes históricas europeas e musulmás. Pola contra, nas hispanas 'asturianas, leonesas e castelás' a súa existencia foi deturpada e agochada. Un agocho asumido máis tarde pola maioría dos historiadores dos séculos XIX e XX, que empregaron esas fontes cristiás para dar vida a un relato histórico de corte esencialista que xustificase e lexitimase o nacemento e desenvolvemento do Estado español contemporáneo. Nese relato, o Reino medieval de Galicia quer non existía, quer se supeditaba, como unha mera anécdota, á pretendida historia de España. Do porqué dese agocho e desa desmemoria dan conta os autores deste libro