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New Leadership for Today’s Health Care Professionals: Cases and Concepts, Second Edition explores various components of the health care system and how leaders should respond in these arenas. The Second Edition is a thorough revision that offers a comprehensive view of the leadership competencies necessary to be successful in today’s healthcare industry. Each chapter is written by a leader in the healthcare industry under the guidance of the editors who have many years’ experience in academia.
Invited esteemed professionals from public health, medicine, nursing, health services and administration, and other areas, present their diverse perspectives on collaboration across the spectrum of the health care fields in this interesting and timely text. With a ‘student centered’ approach (also known as ‘learning-centered’), Collaboration Across the Disciplines in Health Care is accompanied by companion exercises, games and simulations, creating a thought-provoking learning experience.Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
Living in an age of digital distraction has wreaked havoc on our brains--but there's much we can do to restore our tech-life balance. We live in a world that is always on, where everyone is always connected. But we feel increasingly disconnected. Why? The answer lies in our brains. Carl D. Marci, MD, a leading expert on social and consumer neuroscience, reviews the mounting evidence that overuse of smart phones and social media is rewiring our brains, resulting in a losing deal: we are neglecting the relationships that sustain us and keep us healthy in favor of weaker and more ephemeral ties. The ability to connect and form strong social bonds is fundamental to human experience and emerged t...
This book is a must read for anyone parenting, teaching or supporting teens, who wants to empower them to reach their potential. Written by a team of clinical psychologists, it leads you through tried and tested strategies to build strong relationships and improve communication with young people as they develop, learn and grow. In the book we learn that the 'teenage brain' is unique which gives us an incredible opportunity for change and development, but it is also a time when young people are particularly sensitive and potentially vulnerable . It guides you through ways to communicate effectively with teens without negatively affecting their self-esteem. There are plenty of tips about what to say, what not say and the best mindset to use with teens, day to day. The authors draw from the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, years of clinical expertise and first-hand parenting experience. It's relatable like your best friend's advice, and informed by scientific evidence - easy to read, hard to put down.
Traducere de George Chiriță „Narațiunile din jocurile video sunt fascinante. Într-un fel, sunt niște versiuni interactive ale poveștilor cu care ne delectăm la televizor sau la cinema. Au ceva de spectacol dramatic, de roman sau de poveste spusă în jurul focului. Când te gândești că aproape fiecare copil se joacă pe computer, se poate spune fără exagerare că acestea sunt formele narative principale din secolul XXI. Cu alte cuvinte, jocurile video sunt noile povești de adormit copiii, noile basme, noua mitologie, poate chiar și noua Scriptură. Sunt cea mai proaspătă formă de comunicare scrisă și înregistrată.“ — JORDAN SHAPIRO „Jordan Shapiro risipește temerile celor care se plâng de carențele educative ale noii generații conectate.“ — HOWARD GARDNER „Noua copilărie trebuie citită de părinți și educatori! E o resursă incredibil de prețioasă pentru dezvoltarea sănătoasă a familiilor și a copiilor în lumea tehnologică de astăzi.“ — WENDY KOPP
Bringen deine Kinder dich an die Grenzen deiner Kräfte? Hast du dich schon einmal dabei ertappt, dass du ihre Aufgaben erledigst, weil das einfacher ist, als sie dazu anzuleiten, sie zu erledigen? Kein Wunder, denn seit dem Sündenfall bedeutet Arbeit für den Menschen viel Mühe, wo sie doch eigentlich ein Geschenk Gottes war, das dem Menschen Freude bereitete. Dieses Buch kann dich bei der herausfordernden Aufgabe begleiten, deinen Kindern zu helfen, eine gute Arbeitsmoral zu entwickeln und euren Haushalt zu einem guten Zeugnis für den Herrn umzugestalten. Anhand biblischer Prinzipien legt Mary Beeke zunächst eine Grundlage dafür, wie Eltern ihre Kinder zu verantwortungsbewusstem Handeln in ihren Aufgabenbereichen erziehen können. Dabei kehrt sie immer wieder zum Evangelium zurück, das die Kraft hat, uns zu erretten und dazu zu befähigen, Gott durch unsere Arbeit zu verherrlichen. Dann nimmt uns die Autorin mit in die Praxis und gibt Tipps, Ratschläge und Methoden, die du sofort mit deinen Kindern anwenden kannst. Die Fragen am Ende jedes Kapitels helfen dir, das Gelesene zu verinnerlichen, und ermutigen dich, es umzusetzen.
Do your children exhaust you? Have you found yourself finishing their chores because it’s, well, easier than getting them to do them? If so, this book will give you new energy, and your household new harmony. This book will help your children develop a good work ethic. Mary Beeke, healthcare professional, educator, and mother first helps you absorb parenting principles and then gives you practical principles to bring clarity to roles in your home. Mary breaks down the principles into manageable chunks so whether you want a reflective study to bring radical change in your life, or just need a shot in the arm, she has you covered. Table of Contents: Introduction: How Work Began PART 1: Paren...
Technology and Adolescent Health: In Schools and Beyond discusses how today's adolescents are digital natives, using technology at home and in school to access information, for entertainment, to socialize and do schoolwork. This book summarizes research on how technology use impacts adolescent mental health, sleep, physical activity and eating habits. In addition, it identifies monitoring and screening technology-based tools for use with adolescents.
Der PUBERTÄTSKOMPASS, verfasst von drei hochqualifizierten Psychologinnen, führt Sie in einem lesefreundlichen, klaren und allgemein verständlichen Sprachstil durch die Funktionsweise des Teenager-Gehirns. Die Autorinnen beziehen sich auf bewährte Studien und zeigen nachvollziehbare Strategien auf, wie wir Jugendliche unterstützen und stärken können. Vor allem zeigen sie, dass die Teenagerjahre eine Zeit unglaublicher Möglichkeiten sind und dass starke Beziehungen und Kommunikation die Grundpfeiler sind, durch die wir Jugendliche in ihrer Entwicklung, ihrem Lernen und Wachstum unterstützen können. Jedes Kapitel betont die Bedeutung der psychischen Gesundheit, der Lernunterschiede und einer wachstumsorientierten Denkweise. Es bietet Handlungsvorschläge sowie konkrete Kommunikationsbeispiele für den Umgang mit Teenagern. Bettina, Jane und Tara sind promovierte Psychologinnen, die sich auf Neuropsychologie spezialisiert haben. Sie haben über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Kindern, Teenagern und Familien und haben sowohl Eltern als auch Fachkräfte geschult.
For the past half century, intellectuals and other critics have lamented America s descent into a therapeutic cultureor in Christopher Lasch s lasting phrase, a culture of narcissism. But is that the case? The essays in this collection take a fresh look at therapeutic culture and its critiques. Rather than a cesspool of self-involvement, therapeutic culture may instead be a productive and meaningful way that people negotiate with issues of culture, society, race, gender, and identity. Most important, the editors and contributors grapple with the historically and socially constructed nature of therapeutic culture and its influence. With its dazzling array of contributors and perspectives, this is a book worth getting off the couch for."