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This is an open access book. The study program of Government Studies and Political Science has been playing significant roles in building best practices of good governance and political ethics through scientific research and community development and opening a space for academic discussion with the main concern “Social and Political Issues”. These activities are in line with the Universitas Jambi’s vision to be “a world-class entrepreneurship university” based on environment and agrotechnology. As part of the efforts to provide a space for academic dialogue at a global level, we organize an international conference that aims to develop scientific knowledge, build institutional capacity, and strengthen networking. This conference raises the issue of “The Emerging Technology & Digital Inclusive on Contemporary Social and Political Issues” to capture the phenomenon of social and political issues at local, national, and international levels. The selection of this topic is based on the vision and mission of study programs, faculty, as well as Universitas Jambi.
Penelitian kualitatif merupakan salah satu metode penelitian yang umum digunakan pada penelitian politik pemerintahan. Berbeda dengan penelitian kuantitatif yang berupaya melakukan generalisasi, penelitian kualitatif berupaya menjelaskan suatu fenomena politik pemerintahan secara mendalam. Terdapat beberapa pertanyaan mendasar terkait penggunaan metode kualitatif pada bidang politik pemerintahan. seperti apakah metode kualitatif tepat digunakan untuk menyelidiki fenomena politik pemerintahan? Sebagaimana diyakini, para pelaku politik dan pemerintahan tidak selalu menampilkan fakta sebenarnya. Apakah metode kualitatif menyediakan desain penelitian yang ampuh untuk mengungkap fakta tersembunyi...
This is an open access book. We proudly present the 2022 Brawijaya International Conference (BIC) as the consecutive series of conferences that is organised and hosted annually by Univeritas Brawijaya, Indonesia. The BIC 2022 will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on October 7 – 9, 2022. The conference committee consists of multi department of Univeritas Brawijaya. The BIC 2022 will present multidisciplinary research, community service essay and research, and industrial findings related to sustainable development. The BIC 2022 will be a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and knowledge in all multidisciplinary areas for academicians, scientists, practitioners, and global executives. The event...
Buku ini mendeskripsikan keterkaitan yang intim antara media dan demokrasi dalam bingkai politik kepemiluan. Dalam politik kepemiluan, partai politik dan kandidat sama-sama menggunakan media massa, baik cetak maupun elektronik dengan sejumlah variannya dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan politik kepada masyarakat pemilih. Tujuannya adalah agar masyarakat memberikan dukungan politik dalam pemilu. Sejalan dengan itu, media dan demokrasi menjadi satu kesatuan dalam sistem politik modern. Peran media massa sangat penting dalam mempermudah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan pemilu. Pemilu merupakan bentuk dari pelaksanaan demokrasi prosedural. Agar demokrasi prosedural ini bisa berjalan secara adi...
Kajian komunikasi Indonesia dan Asia (Timur) sejak lama didominasi perspektif Eropa dan Amerika Serikat (Barat). Kondisi ini berdampak pada penggunaan perpektif komunikasi yang tidak kontekstual dengan realitas lokus penggunaannya di Timur karena mempunyai kultur yang berbeda dengan Barat. Perspektif komunikasi Barat dengan budaya individualistik tentu tidak dapat dipakai di Indonesia dan Asia dengan budaya kolektif (gotong royong). Oleh sebab itu, wacana yang dibangun oleh penulis dalam buku Komunikasi Perspektif Indonesia dan Asia ini sangat berarti sebagai diskursus bersama dalam mengemukakan komunikasi berperspektif Timur. Penulis tidak sebatas menyajikan fenomena komunikasi dengan cara ...
Health patterns in Southeast Asia have changed profoundly over the past century. In that period, epidemic and chronic diseases, environmental transformations, and international health institutions have created new connections within the region and the increased interdependence of Southeast Asia with China and India. In this volume leading scholars provide a new approach to the history of health in Southeast Asia. Framed by a series of synoptic pieces on the "Landscapes of Health" in Southeast Asia in 1914, 1950, and 2014 the essays interweave local, national, and regional perspectives. They range from studies of long-term processes such as changing epidemics, mortality and aging, and environmental history to detailed accounts of particular episodes: the global cholera epidemic and the hajj, the influenza epidemic of 1918, WWII, and natural disasters. The writers also examine state policy on healthcare and the influence of organizations, from NGOs such as the China Medical Board and the Rockefeller Foundation to grassroots organizations in Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
This volume investigates the appropriate position of Islam and opposing perceptions of Muslims in Southeast Asia. The contributors examine how Southeast Asian Muslims respond to globalization in their particular regional, national and local settings, and suggest global solutions for key local issues.
Political parties run by entrepreneurs as a means to their own end are a recent phenomenon found in many countries, and their electoral influence has never been greater. This book offers a thorough comparative analysis of such ‘business-firm’ and sometimes oddly memberless parties in Western and East-Central Europe, assessing the considerable corpus of literature on the growing band of political entrepreneurs. The book clearly separates such party enterprises from other, more traditional, political platforms as it contributes to our understanding of the potential of entrepreneurial parties. The authors offer a unique typology based on two characteristics: whether the party receives private financial, media or other investment; and the nature of its membership and territorial structure. Famous examples of entrepreneurial parties, including Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia and Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom, alongside their lesser-known counterparts, serve in this book as valuable material for conceptual innovation and the investigation into why certain entrepreneurial party types succeed or fail.
Bint Allah knows herself only as the Daughter of God. Born in a stifling male-dominated state, ruled by the Imam and his coterie of ministers, she dreams of one day reaching the top of a distant hill visible through the bars of the orphanage window. But Bint Allah's ambitions do not escape the attention of the Imam, who never feels secure no matter how well he protects himself. When the Imam falsely accuses Bint Allah of adultery and sentences her to death by stoning, he is not prepared for what happens next. A postmodern fantasia, this powerful and poetic novel is a call to arms against those who use religion as a weapon against women.