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With a focus on the 1980 Hague Convention, this cutting-edge Research Handbook provides a holistic overview of the law on international child abduction from prevention, through voluntary agreements and Convention proceedings, to post-return and aftercare issues.
International child abduction is one of the most emotionally charged and fascinating areas of family law practice. The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was the response of the international community to the increase in the phenomenon of parental child abduction. However, behind the widely acclaimed success of this Convention - which has now been ratified by more than 90 states - lie personal tragedies, academic controversy and diplomatic tensions. The continuing steady flow of case-law from the various Member States has resulted in the emergence of different approaches to the interpretation of key concepts in the Convention. In addition, over the ye...
This exciting new volume provides an up-to-date overview of the current state of taxation in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, its main reform needs, and possible reform strategies that take into account the likely economic, institutional, and political constraints on the reform process.
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2017 for 25 Latin American and Caribbean economies.
From the author of City of Silver, a beautifully rich and puzzling historical mystery set in Paraguay, 1868 A war against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay has devastated Paraguay. Ninety percent of the males between the ages of eight and eighty have died in the conflict and food is scarce. In the small village of Santa Caterina, Padre Gregorio advises the women of his congregation to abandon the laws of the church and get pregnant by what men are available. As he leaves the pulpit, he discovers the murdered body of Ricardo Yotté, one of the most powerful men in the country, at the bottom of the belfry. There are many suspects: Eliza Lynch, a former Parisian courtesan who is now the consort of...
Cette thèse traite des bases légales suisses et internationales en matière d'enlèvement international d'enfants, du rapport entre ces deux catégories de normes et de leur application en Suisse. Une attention particulière est portée au bien de l'enfant dans la procédure de retour.
This Monograph provides expert clinical guidance on these difficult diseases, which will be helpful to both respiratory and nonrespiratory physicians alike. The initial chapters consider diagnostic issues, pulmonary function tests and techniques that are currently in development. The book then goes on to cover a variety of pulmonary manifestations of very different disease entities, such as connective tissue diseases, systemic vasculitis and much more.
L'ouvrage couvre l'ensemble du droit du divorce tel qu'il est réglé dans le Code civil (art. 111 à 134, effets de la filiation) et dans les autres législations qui lui sont applicables (CPC, LFLP, LPP, OPP2 ou encore LP). Sont abordés les conditions du divorce, les effets de nature personnelle ou patrimoniale, le sort de la prévoyance professionnelle en cas de divorce, l'entretien du conjoint et de l'enfant durant la procédure et après le divorce, y compris la modification et l'exécution des contributions d'entretien, ainsi que le sort des enfants pendant la procédure et après le divorce. L'ouvrage traite également des mesures provisionnelles et de la procédure de divorce. Les a...
This volume offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the major surgical procedures performed on elderly patients. With advancing age the conditions that require surgery normally increase in incidence, and today all surgeons around the globe can be considered “geriatric surgeons”. The latest anesthesiological procedures, the technical improvements and an increased medical knowledge of the comorbities impact have brought extraordinary advances in this field, but this should not allow us to forget that a careful assessment of elderly patients is necessary before undertaking surgery, since also the simplest surgical procedures could alter the delicate psychophysical equilibrium of these “frail” patients. Introduced by a demographic panorama and analysis, the book describes the anesthesiological management, the preoperative assessment and preparation, the perioperative care, and hemostasis control connected with the main surgical pathologies: gastrointestinal, endocrine, neoplastic, vascular and hepato-biliary, as well with traumatic and non-traumatic emergencies. It will be an invaluable, easy-to-use resource for clinicians, researchers and trainees alike.
Für die vorliegende 7. Auflage wurde das Lehrbuch vollständig überarbeitet und teilweise neu gegliedert. Neuesten Entwicklungen in der Gesetzgebung (z.B. «Ehe für Alle», Erbrechtsrevision) und der Rechtsprechung (u.a. zum Unterhaltsrecht) wurde umfassend Rechnung getragen. Das Werk soll weiterhin Studierenden eine grundlegende und zuverlässige Einführung in das gesamte Familienrecht bieten, einschliesslich Hinweisen zum intertemporalen Recht sowie zum internationalen Privatrecht. Gleichzeitig geht das Buch genügend in die Tiefe, um auch als aktuelles Nachschlagewerk für Anwält:innen, Gerichte, Mitarbeitende von Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörden und weitere Praktiker:innen zu dienen. Zahlreiche Hinweise auf Gerichtsentscheide im Text und Anhänge mit Berechnungsbeispielen zum familienrechtlichen Unterhalt sowie zum Güterrecht erleichtern den Zugang zu diesen komplexen Teilbereichen des Familienrechts.