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Sebuah buku yang menggabungkan kajian psikologi dengan aspek-aspek keagamaan. Dalam buku ini, penulisnya menyelidiki bagaimana keyakinan dan praktik keagamaan mempengaruhi perilaku dan pola pikir seseorang. Buku ini menyajikan berbagai teori dan penelitian dalam bidang psikologi yang terkait dengan aspek keagamaan, mulai dari konsep dasar, teori, persepsi dan pengalaman religius hingga konflik agama. Buku ini memberikan wawasan yang mendalam bagi pembaca yang tertarik untuk memahami hubungan antara psikologi dan aspek spiritualitas dalam kehidupan manusia.
Pandemi COVID-19 telah membawa perubahan yang agak mendadak dan signifikan pada semua lingkungan, termasuk masa kanak-kanak. Untuk alasan ini, jika anak tidak dikonseling dengan baik, kesehatan mentalnya akan terganggu karena perubahan rutinitas. Dampak pembelajaran jarak jauh pada anak PAUD adalah kecemasan yang dialami oleh anak karena anak cenderung mengkhawatirkan kondisi mereka selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pelecehan verbal oleh orangtua dianggap normal. Anak-anak sangat mudah bosan karena bosan dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang mengharuskan mereka menatap layar ponsel atau laptop berjam-jam tanpa henti. Anak-anak mudah marah karena dunia mereka jungkir balik selama pandemi ini. Per...
Buku "Metode & Model Pembelajaran Abad 21 : Teori, Implementasi, dan Perkembangannya" menghadirkan suatu panduan holistik yang membahas berbagai metode dan model pembelajaran yang esensial dalam konteks pendidikan modern. Buku ini tidak hanya memaparkan konsep dasar dari metode-metode tanya jawab, demonstrasi, dan lainnya, tetapi juga mendalami beragam model inovatif seperti Mind Mapping, Inquiri, dan Blended Learning. Dengan memadukan teori dan implementasi yang konkret, buku ini menjadi sumber pengetahuan berharga bagi pendidik, mahasiswa, dan peneliti yang ingin memperkaya wawasan mereka tentang pendekatan pembelajaran yang relevan dengan era saat ini. Selain menawarkan pemahaman mendalam tentang metode dan model pembelajaran, buku ini juga menekankan pentingnya adaptasi terhadap perkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan siswa. Dengan memberikan contoh penerapan yang beragam, pembaca diajak untuk mempertimbangkan cara-cara baru dalam mendesain pengalaman pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif. Dengan demikian, buku ini bukan sekadar panduan, melainkan pendorong inovasi bagi dunia pendidikan menuju masa depan yang lebih cerah dan inklusif.
Emotion. Ego. Impatience. Stubbornness. Characteristics like these make creating sites and apps for kids a daunting proposition. However, with a bit of knowledge, you can design experiences that help children think, play, and learn. With Design for Kids, you'll learn how to create digital products for today's connected generation.
Buku ini hadir sebagai upaya untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru, yang merupakan pilar utama dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Pendidikan profesi keguruan merupakan aspek penting dalam mencetak tenaga pendidik yang tidak hanya memiliki pengetahuan akademis, tetapi juga keterampilan pedagogis, manajerial, dan kepribadian yang baik. Buku ini disusun untuk menjadi panduan bagi para calon guru, guru yang sedang mengembangkan karier, serta para akademisi dan praktisi pendidikan yang ingin mendalami aspek-aspek penting dalam profesi keguruan. Dalam buku ini terdapat tujuh belas bab yang terdiri dari: Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Profesi Keguruan,...
This is the first English translation of Miftah al-falah, a thirteenth century Sufi text, written by Ibn Ata Allah, one of the great masters of the Shadhili Sufi order. It is considered to be one of his most important works because it sets out the principles of actual Sufi mystical practices, shedding light on the sacred invocations, and associated practices, such as the spiritual retreat. Written in a clear, lucid style, it offers a glimpse into the Sufi world of the 7th Islamic century and allows us to see almost at first hand how the novice was guided by the Sufi Shaykh and, above all, the purpose and preparation involved in engaging in the invocation, dhikhru'llah. Ibn Ata' Allah sets out to define it, to explain its nature and power, to show its results and to prove that it is part of the Prophet's Sunna, or practice. The author goes to great lengths to point out many Qur'anic verses where dhikru'llah is mentioned and cites many noted authorities.
From the pages of Epic magazine come the true stories that Inspired the Apple Original Series. Includes nearly a hundred color photographs and a Foreword by Kumail Nanjiani. Nearly everyone in America came from somewhere else. This is a fundamental part of the American idea—an identity and place open to everyone. People arrive from all points distant, speaking a thousand languages, carrying every culture, each with their own reason for uprooting themselves to try something new. Everyone has their own unique story. Little America is a collection of those stories, told by the people who lived them. Together, they form a wholly original, at times unexpected portrait of America’s immigrants—and thereby a portrait of America itself.
Why Spirituality? The globalised world economy during the 21st century resulted in more complexities, competition and structural changes in the organizations. As such introduction of spirituality within the workplace became a necessity to enable human hearts, spirits and souls to grow and contribute to the health, creativity, innovation, compassion etc. of the employers and employees leading to productive endeavours and sustenance of the workplace. The spirituality at the workplace is known as horizontal spirituality, the aim of which is to extend service to other people, including service orientation and deep concern for others. Such concern as this, including high quality interpersonal work relationships mark high worker job satisfaction, low turnover, growth, cohesion, interpersonal work relationships and group efficiency. This is how spirituality provides employees a sense of community and connectedness making them to have commitment, belongingness and effectiveness of the job.
We are delighted to introduce the proceeding of the first edition of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICoST) that was held in Claro Hotel, May 2-3, 2019. It was organized by Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar in partnership with Forum Dekan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi PTKIN. The theme of the ICoST is “Roles and Challenges of Science and Technology in Guaranteeing Halal Products in the Industrial Revolution 4.0”. The Indonesian government has begun to respond this industrial change by launching the roadmap of 'Making Indonesia 4.0' as a strategy to ease Indonesia's steps to become one of the new powers in Asia in April 201...
The main theme of volume 6 of Eco-ethica is "Ethics and Justice" which focuses on the idea of "justice" in a metaphysical, social, and personal sense. Justice is considered as a balance between opposite ambitions in interdependent persons, and as equity in legislation, but not as blind justice. Today it is valuable not only on the national, but also on the cosmopolitan level. Before it became personal justice, the idea of justice was considered metaphysical and social, both in European and Chinese culture. However, in modern times, it is often reduced to a moral duty without meta-ethical responsibility. The last section considers the importance of the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) for clarifying the idea of justice. (Series: Eco-Ethica, Vol. 6) [Subject: Philosophy, Ethics]