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The world's most precise scientific illustrations of the human body. Packed with astonishing facts and superb quality 3-D illustrations, Illustrated Human Anatomy is a state-of-the art guide to the human body that is destined to become the definitive illustrated human anatomy reference. Accessible text and detailed annotations give the names of organs and structures throughout the skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems, with focus features reviewing disorders of each system. Illustrated Human Anatomy features the same precise 3-D illustrations used by medical schools and hospitals -- the accuracy is without par. Spreads feature a variety of body part...
★前所未見!最狂人體超3D巡航之旅 ★10000+高階攝影繪圖,器官運作一目了然 ★從翻開扉頁開始,邁向最身歷其境的人體冒險! 人體從30億個DNA鹼基對開始構築, 從毛髮皮膚末稍神經、到心臟骨髓脈衝, 不論醒著睡著, 人腦中都有一千億的神經元和一千兆的細胞連結點不斷工作, 也時時刻刻和體內400兆個病毒和平共處。 人類的身體絕對比你想像中更加奇妙! 這本書將刷新你的三觀,參透與自己「密不可分」的身體奧妙! .人體最大的器官竟是「皮膚」!? .人體最小的骨頭,竟藏在耳朵裡!? .年紀越大的男人越有可能會...
See the human body from skin down to the bones-- and every layer in between.
A ground-breaking series featuring amazing computer-generated 3D anatomical images highlighting key muscle groups.
A ground-breaking series featuring amazing computer-generated 3D anatomical images highlighting key muscle groups.
The Last Anatomy & Physiology Book You'll Need to Crush Your Exams! Would you like to... Eliminate the confusing brick-like anatomy books from your life? Understand anatomy in a simple manner? Crush your exams like nothing? The human body is the most complicated and most complex machine on earth. Now, imagine how many systems, organs, and functions you need to learn if you want to ace your physiology and anatomy classes. That's an insane amount of information! To master these things, you have to be familiar with the different terms and also learn how each of them works. The problem with the old Physiology and Anatomy books is that they're written like an ancient language. The way that Anatom...
Perfect for beginning and advanced fitness practitioners alike, this is an in-depth look into the most magnificent machine ever created--the human body. Using detailed anatomical illustrations, New Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training provides you visual insight into what happens to this organic machine during exercise--muscles and tendons working in concert to strengthen your body's building blocks. With a basic knowledge of how the body works, you can buff up your body with more than 75 selected exercises, grouped by body region and involving gym machines, free weights, and body weight/stretching, as well as yoga and Pilates. Each exercise is vividly illustrated by a full-color anatomical illustration of the targeted muscles, together with instructions on execution and technique.
Intricate details of all aspects of the human body down to the smallest detail - from our cells and DNA, to the largest bone in our bodies, the femur. 3D generated illustrations and medical imaging provide a close look at the body's forms and functions in physiology and anatomy, showing how the body works and its amazing systems and abilities. To understand our modern human bodies, this book first looks at our ancestors and how the evolution of Homo Sapiens shaped our anatomy. This gave us the ability to walk tall, create language, and make tools with our incredibly adapted apposable thumbs. Learn how we can see evolution in our DNA, and the functions of DNA. Read about the things you can on...
The new edition of Bruce Wingerd's The Human Body: Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology helps encourage learning through concept building, and is truly written with the student in mind. Learning Concepts divide each chapter into easily absorbed subunits of information, making learning more achievable. Since students in a one-semester course may have little experience with biological and chemical concepts, giving them tools such as "concept statements," "concept check" questions, and a "concept block study sheet" at the end of each chapter help them relate complex ideas to simple everyday events. The book also has a companion Student Notebook and Study Guide (available separately) that reinvents the traditional study guide by giving students a tool to help grasp information in class and then reinforce learning outside of class. With additional, powerful options like PrepU and the ADAM Interactive Anatomy Online Student Lab Activity Guide, students have access to learning activities to help them study, understand, and retain critical course information.
Test Prep Books' HAPS Exam Prep: Human Anatomy and Physiology Study Guide with Practice Test Questions [2nd Edition] Made by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the HAPS exam. This comprehensive study guide includes: Quick Overview Find out what's inside this guide! Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam! Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it! Body Plan and Organization Homeostasis Chemistry Cell Biology Histology Integumentary System Skeletal System & Articulations Muscular System Nervous System Special Senses Endocrine System Cardiovascular System Lymphatic System and Immunity Respira...