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Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2121

Women and Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-03-26
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multilingual bibliography on "Women and Gender in East Central Europe and the Balkans (Vol. 1)" and "The Lands of the Former Soviet Union (Vol. 2)" over the past millennium. The coverage encompasses the relevant territories of the Russian, Hapsburg, and Ottoman empires, Germany and Greece, and the Jewish and Roma diasporas. Topics range from legal status and marital customs to economic participation and gender roles, plus unparalleled documentation of women writers and artists, and autobiographical works of all kinds. The volumes include approximately 30,000 bibliographic entries on works published through the end of 2000, as well as web sites and unpublished dissertations. Many of the individual entries are annotated with brief descriptions of major works and the tables of contents for collections and anthologies. The entries are cross-referenced and each volume includes indexes.

History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 680

History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe

Continuing the work undertaken in Vol. 1 of the History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe, Vol. 2 considers various topographic sites--multicultural cities, border areas, cross-cultural corridors, multiethnic regions--that cut across national boundaries, rendering them permeable to the flow of hybrid cultural messages. By focusing on the literary cultures of specific geographical locations, this volume intends to put into practice a new type of comparative study. Traditional comparative literary studies establish transnational comparisons and contrasts, but thereby reconfirm, howev.

Power and Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Power and Literature

At the core of this book lies the relation between Power (as socio-political phenomenon) and the novel (as literary discourse). It shows that, in a society facing the excess of power in its various forms, novelistic fiction mediates knowledge about societal Power structures and uses specific strategies to subvert and denounce them. The first part of the study is theoretical: it presents some of the most prominent theories of Power, from Plato, Machiavelli, Nietzsche to Weber, Dahl, Lukes, Parsons, Bourdieu or Foucault. After offering a critical approach to the concepts of Power defined in the social, political and philosophical fields, it articulates the relations of Power imprinted in literary discourse within a typology of four categories. In the second part of the book, this taxonomy of Power is applied to four key novels in the context of Romanian "literary crossroads", showing how novelistic fiction not only assume a critical and subversive position against the excess of Power, but also unveils our fragility when experiencing History.

National Union Catalog
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 616

National Union Catalog

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1973
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Includes entries for maps and atlases.

Physicians and Their Literary Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Physicians and Their Literary Work

Our monograph is an attempt to connect the study of world and Romanian literature with medicine, completing the research up to now with a new perspective on the way in which the medical studies of the analyzed authors influenced their literary creation. This research brings into discussion important and pressing aspects of medicine and literature and shows how in the modern world the two can intertwine. We set out to analyze the literature produced by professionals of medicine. By way of multidisciplinary approach, the author has analyzed the way the doctors were able to build a system of thought and creation with its own identity in the horizon of literature. Transforming into missionaries of culture and by combining custom and the most recent scientific conquest, doctors best respond to the desire of complete intellectuals. The proposed work is addressed both to professionals in the field of philology and to doctors who want to understand how artistic creativity can change their way of perceiving the human being.

Rauschgift in der rumänischen Kultur: Geschichte, Religion und Literatur
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 498

Rauschgift in der rumänischen Kultur: Geschichte, Religion und Literatur

Ein berauschendes Buch über Drogen aller Art und ihre Verwendung im Donau-Karpaten-Raum in den vergangenen zweieinhalb Jahrtausenden! Aus religionshistorischer, anthropologischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht betrachtet Andrei Oişteanu das Thema von den ersten Zeugnissen des Cannabisgebrauchs bei Herodot bis zum Drogenkonsum im heutigen Rumänien – immer im internationalen Kontext. Neben der Auswertung antiker und mittelalterlicher Quellen steht die Verwendung von Rauschgiften durch rumänische Gelehrte, Schriftsteller und Künstler aller Epochen im Vordergrund der Studie. Geraucht und getrunken wurde schließlich immer – sei es aus medizinischen oder wissenschaftlichen Gründen, um der Realität zu entfliehen, die Kreativität zu beflügeln oder einfach nur zum Vergnügen. Die Originalausgabe "Narcotice în cultura română" wurde 2011 mit dem Sonderpreis des Rumänischen Schriftstellerverbandes ausgezeichnet.

Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu și literatura europeană
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 223

Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu și literatura europeană

Alianţele, studiul filosofiei şi psihologiei, cunoaşterea intimă a literaturii, muzicii şi artelor plastice de la noi şi de altundeva au completat până la rafinare formaţia Hortensiei Papadat-Bengescu. În alt mod decât compatrioatele Dora D’Istria, Elena Văcărescu, Martha Bibescu, Anna de Noailles. Sensibilă la inovaţii, în ton cu timpul şi cu noile cerinţe, elecţiunea spiritului european, acestea i-au întreţinut vocaţia originară. Cum se spune cu formularea devenită loc comun: un scriitor fără frontiere. Un alt mod de a fi european.

Monographic Series
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 790

Monographic Series

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1977
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Bibliografia esențială a literaturii române
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 356

Bibliografia esențială a literaturii române

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 245


Cum se percepe o femeie pe sine însăși sau cum – prin ce lentile distorsionante, cu ce preconcepții induse de o educație cvasipatriarhală – îi vede ea pe ceilalți? Care sunt granițele libertății ei de opțiune și ce obstacole întâlnește voința ei de a juca alte roluri decât acelea ce i sunt tradițional atribuite? Poate o femeie – mai bine zis, i se îngăduie – să aspire a fi și altceva decât mamă, soră, fiică, soție etc. – atribute care o descriu doar din perspectiva relațiilor ei cu alții, nu prin ceea ce este ea însăși?! Sunt întrebări identificabile în țesătura narativă a cărților Cellei Serghi. Eroinele acestei autoare se revoltă împotriva unei ordini sociale rigide, vor să și afirme identitatea – feminină și nu doar –, impulsionate nu atât de mult invocata fantasmă a „căutării fericirii“ (temă asociată de critică, în virtutea unei inerții de judecată, așa numitei „literaturi feminine“), cât de o firească, omenească nevoie de integrare și de recunoaștere.