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In Transformative Violence, Erica Marat explains how certain violent acts can trigger unprecedented levels of mobilization in defense of the victims. Marat shows that cases of violence that spark large public reaction share a similar set of traits. They include mobilization of both grassroots and national-level activists, a type of victim that resonates with the broader public, and a visual narrative of the victim's suffering. While all three occur independently, it is the union of these events that captures the attention of the public at large, prompts it to act, and eventually leads to policy changes.
Covering all seven countries on the isthmus, this volume presents the first collection of original linguistic studies on Central American Spanish varieties, which have long been neglected in Hispanic Linguistics. The analyses in this collection span across disciplines such as sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, bilingualism, historical linguistics, and pragmatics. This volume bridges the gap between international and Central American scholars, as it highlights the work that has already been done by Central American scholars but is relatively unknown to scholars outside of the region. It also introduces readers to more recent work that sheds new light on Central American Spanish varieties, from both urban and rural settings as well as in bilingual communities where Spanish is in contact with indigenous languages.
Victim Activists in Mexico: Social and Political Mobilization amid Extreme Violence and Disappearances examines the collective action of the courageous family members of the disappeared in the midst of Mexico’s ongoing humanitarian crisis over the last decades. Yael Siman and Matthew Hone analyze this grassroots mobilization and argue that the activists have created rutinary, contentious, and innovative types of resistance through building local and trans-local links of support and solidarity that reinforce their struggle. This mobilization from below has contributed to constructing transitional justice including laws, public apologies, and memorials. The combination of internal and external factors impacting the collectives and their environment has enabled significant changes in the institutions, state responses, and the victimhood narratives in the country. This book adds to the scholarship on the collective action of grieving families by focusing on both the social and political aspects of mobilization.
The main aim of this book is to contribute to our understanding of the acquisition of second language intonation, by comparing Czech learners of Spanish with German learners of Spanish and Czech learners of Italian. By means of a large production database, the study seeks to uncover how L1-to-L2 intonational transfer works and what role prosodic (dis)similarities between languages play. Contrary to most previous research, the work presents an original multidirectional cross-linguistic comparison and examines different types of sentence, such as neutral and non-neutral statements, yes/no questions, wh-questions, exclamatives and vocatives. The findings reveal positive and negative transfer fr...
Drawing on the data and history from a wide range of languages, from Atayal to Zapotec, this volume brings together leading scholars in the field of tense and aspect research resulting in 18 contributions on the perfect and some of its close relatives (e.g. iamitives). Different approaches complement each other to shed light on the source, emergence, grammaticalization, and the typological extension of perfect constructions cross-linguistically. One focal point is the so-called aoristic drift, where the perfect comes to resemble the simple past or aorist (often via the hodiernal ‘today’ reading). The semantics and pragmatics of perfects are also investigated through their interaction with other categories (e.g. negation, mood). Over time some perfects undergo auxiliary doubling or omission, or the auxiliary becomes subject to selection. These facts also receive special attention in this book, presenting new insights on perfects in both well-studied as well as very understudied languages.
Aspectos sociolingüísticos en el estudio de la variación geolingüística, variación diatópica de la entonación del español; variación fónica en lenguas indígenas, variables léxicas y morfosintácticas en el establecimiento de áreas dialectales y variación léxica y morfosintáctica
Este libro ofrece una visión convergente en torno a los problemas de la variación lingüística. Trata de exponer qué se entiende por variación desde diversas áreas de la lingüística y desde diferentes aproximaciones y metodologías. Serie: Estudios de Lingüística y Literatura LXIII
Der Band versammelt ausgewählte Beiträge des XXXVI. Romanistischen Kolloquiums, die aktuelle sprachnorm(en)bezogene Fragestellungen aus der romanistisch-linguistischen Forschung behandeln. Historische Zusammenhänge und Entwicklungen stehen dabei ebenso im Fokus wie aktuelle Gegebenheiten. Die Beiträge, die sich sowohl in der europäischen Romania als auch in der außereuropäischen Frankophonie und Hispanophonie bewegen, behandeln ein breites Spektrum an Themen: Neben der Rolle von Sprachnormen in Standardisierungsprozessen wird das Spannungsverhältnis von Sprachgebrauch und -normen im Kontext verschiedener Konstellationen sowie die gesellschaftliche, mediale oder öffentliche Diskussion von Sprachnormen exemplarisch untersucht. Der Band unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Erforschung von Sprachnormen romanischer Sprachen in ihren vielfältigen Erscheinungsformen, Kontexten und Wirkungen.
Nuevamente, la Maestría en Lingüística pone en manos de la comunidad académica interesada en los estudios del lenguaje, una obra construida con los aportes de profesores, estudiantes y egresados de este programa de postgrado, que es un espacio académico donde se comparten, fortifican y adquieren conocimientos teóricos y prácticos, así como metodologías para la investigación lingüística en diferentes entornos socioculturales, a través del estudio de la lengua, tanto en su fase de sistema formal como en su uso contextual. Los capítulos de esta obra ofrecen elementos de discusión que sirven para investigar el lenguaje desde disciplinas y teorías que abordan el sistema formal de la lengua y las interdisciplinariedades.