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We proudly present the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Law, Economic and Governance 2021 (ICOLEG 2021). It focuses on how the wave of digitalization influences the ethics and law, especially in Law and Democracy, Law and Indigenous People, Law in Contemporary Issues, Law and Economics, Digital Economics, Good Governance etc. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. The contemporary social issues based on complex problems, complex interest, beyond borders and powers. More than 125 manuscripts from various countries were presented at this conference with around 66 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on how research on Law, Economic and Government is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.
We proudly present the proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Law, Economic and Governance 2022 (IWLEG 2022). It focuses on how the wave of digitalization of government transformation, especially in Law and Democracy, Law and Indigenous People, Law in Contemporary Issues, Law and Economics, Digital Economics, Good Governance etc. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. The contemporary social issues based on complex problems, complex interest, beyond borders and powers. More than 74 manuscripts from various countries were presented at this conference with around 39 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this workshop, discussions on how research on Law, Economic and Government is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of The International Conference on Environment and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19 – 2020 (ICETLAWBE 2020). This conference is organized by Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung, Coorporation With Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, STEBI Lampung Indonesia, Asia e University Malaysia, Rostov State University Russia, University of Diponegoro Indonesia, IAIN Palu Indonesia, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia, STEBIS IGM Palembang Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Indonesia, Universitas ...
This book examines Indonesian laws regulating state administration, in other words, the relationship between the Indonesian government and its citizens. This book uses public administration science to explain state administrative law. It covers the historical evolution of state administrative law in Indonesia, the political and legal acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Indonesia as well as the ratification of the 2020 Omnibus Law reforms. It evaluates both the benefits and drawbacks of establishing laws through the Omnibus Law model, and the challenges of its adoption by the Indonesian statutory system. The book also examines state administrative law in other Southeast Asian countries, to provide a more nuanced understanding of how human rights implementation occurs in the respective legal regimes. Covering the legal reforms and changes to state administrative law in Indonesia, this book will be of keen interest to scholars of state administrative law, public administration, and constitutional law.
This book contains the proceedings of the First International Conference on law and human rights (ICLHR 2021). Where held on 14rd-15th April 2021 by virtually meeting in GMT+7 (Asia/Jakarta). This conference was held by Universitas Kristen Indonesia with the theme "ASEAN diversities and its principles toward ASEAN (Legal) Integration in Pandemic Era." The papers from this conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of the First International Conference on law and human rights (ICLHR 2021). The presentation of such a multi-discipline conference will provide a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current trends in the fields of human rights, criminal law, civi...
This is an open access book.It is our great pleasure to announce the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters (ICOSTELM 2022, host to host) and we would like to invite you to participate in the event. The conference will be held on 04 – 05 November 2022 in hybrid .The main objective of the multidisciplinary conference is to provide a platform for researchers, professionals, scholars and academicians to exchange and share their knowledge, information, new ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts on the world. This gathering will help the delegates to establish researc...
This is an open access book. This proceeding consists of research presented in ICOSI UMY, on 20-21 July 2022 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The conference covers the topic of governance, international relations, law, education, humanities, and social sciences. The COVID-19 pandemic first time that occurred in 2019, has brought many changes that constrain all countries to adapt quickly. The crisis has shown vulnerabilities and gaps in several primary systems, including healthcare, social protection, education, value chains, production networks, financial markets, and the ecosystem. One of the efforts that each country can take to rise from the COVID-19 pandemic is through strengtheni...
Fragmentasi kajian komunikasi seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh para penulis dalam buku ini, telah membawa satu pemikiran tentang komunikasi adalah sebuah pasca-disiplin (post-discipline) bukan semata multi disiplin atau transdisiplin. Secara universal, memang kita sepakat bahwa Ilmu Komunikasi adalah sebuah disiplin akademik yang mengkaji upaya manusia bertukar informasi, gagasan, dan makna melalui berbagai saluran dan media. Secara klasik biasanya kajian komunikasi ditaksonomikan ke dalam komunikasi antarpribadi, komunikasi massa, komunikasi organisasional, komunikasi politik, dan lain-lain sesuai scope dan levelnya. Namun, seiring perubahan pemikiran, gagasan dan hadirnya perubahan lewat teknologi komunikasi (digital), menurut Waisboard, telah menggeser komunikasi menjadi “pasca-disiplin”. Yakni sebuah konsep atau pendekatan yang menantang atau melampaui batasan-batasan disiplin tradisional.
Analysis on court decisions on cases concerning freedom of speech in Indonesia.
Buku Ilmu Teknik Lingkungan ini menyajikan pembahasan komprehensif tentang berbagai aspek teknik lingkungan dan penerapannya dalam mengatasi tantangan lingkungan kontemporer. Prof. Dr. Moestikahadi Soedomo, pakar teknik lingkungan ITB, menyatakan “Teknik lingkungan merupakan bidang multidisiplin yang mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip rekayasa dengan ilmu lingkungan untuk menciptakan solusi berkelanjutan bagi permasalahan lingkungan.” Buku ini mengajak pembaca memahami konsep dasar teknik lingkungan hingga aplikasi teknologi terkini dalam pengelolaan lingkungan, mencakup pembahasan tentang pengolahan limbah cair, pengelolaan pencemaran udara, penanganan limbah padat, dan remediasi tanah te...