This book focuses on the neuropsychopharmacology of serotonin and its role in sleep and wakefulness, presenting neurochemical, electrophysiological, and neuropharmacological approaches to understand the mechanisms of serotonin and related substances. Covering core and contemporary topics in the area, this volume is valuable for all researchers interested in interdisciplinary studies concerning drugs affecting the central nervous system.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of the "International Study Group for Tryptophan Research" (lSTRY), held at the University of Hamburg, Germany, from October 10 to 14, 1998. At this meeting the recent developments in the field of tryptophan research were presented by leading researchers from all over the world in 81 oral and 48 poster contri butions. Research on tryptophan and its derivatives provides an inexhaustible subject. At the conference we tried to compose a multifacetted picture of the recent investiga tions through contributions from the major disciplines involved. Thus, we tried to strike a balance between basic research topics and clinical, nutritional or...
The serotonin transporter is a key brain protein that modulates the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin from synaptic spaces back into the presynaptic neuron. This control over neuronal signalling makes it a prime area of neuroscientific study. In this book an international team of top experts introduce and explicate the role of serotonin and the serotonin transporter in both human and animal brains. They demonstrate the relevance of the transporter and indeed the serotonergic system to substrates of neuropsychiatric disorders, and explain how this knowledge is translated into valid animal models that will help foster new discoveries in human neurobiology. Writing for graduate students and academic researchers, they provide a comprehensive coverage of a wide spectrum of data from animal experimentation to clinical psychiatry, creating the only book exclusively dedicated to this exciting new avenue of brain research.
Presents the knowledge to date on the role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) in the major psychiatric disorders and addresses the clinical relevance of data derived from research in this area. Following three chapters on biological underpinnings, eight chapters cover specific psychiatric
This book provides a unique and timely multidisciplinary synthesis of our current knowledge of the anatomy, pharmacology, physiology and behavioral data of the serotonin (5-HT)-dopamine (DA) interactions. Central serotonergic and dopaminergic systems play a critical role in the regulation of normal and abnormal behaviors. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the dysfunction of the DA and 5-HT neurotransmitter systems contribute to various mental disorders including depression, schizophrenia, drug addiction and Parkinson's disease. This extremely important topic is of wide interest within the scientific community, with relevance not only to specialists but also to general practitioners and...
Serotonin and Gastrointestinal Function provides a comprehensive review of current research into the mechanisms by which serotonin acts on gastrointestinal tissues. This book covers neurochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, and clinical issues relevant to serotonin in the gastrointestinal tract. The editors have brought together the most relevant information from the molecular to the clinical level. Each chapter is written by investigators experienced in research on serotonin's actions in the gut. This book will be useful to basic scientists, clinical investigators, graduate and postgraduate students.
The brain is the most complex organ in our body. Indeed, it is perhaps the most complex structure we have ever encountered in nature. Both structurally and functionally, there are many peculiarities that differentiate the brain from all other organs. The brain is our connection to the world around us and by governing nervous system and higher function, any disturbance induces severe neurological and psychiatric disorders that can have a devastating effect on quality of life. Our understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of the brain has improved dramatically in the last two decades. In particular, the critical role of cations, including magnesium, has become evident, even if incomplet...
It is a commonly held belief that athletes, particularly body builders, have greater requirements for dietary protein than sedentary individuals. However, the evidence in support of this contention is controversial. This book is the latest in a series of publications designed to inform both civilian and military scientists and personnel about issues related to nutrition and military service. Among the many other stressors they experience, soldiers face unique nutritional demands during combat. Of particular concern is the role that dietary protein might play in controlling muscle mass and strength, response to injury and infection, and cognitive performance. The first part of the book contai...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the invited lectures of the Second International Sym posium on SEROTONIN from Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics held in Houston, Texas September 15-18, 1992. The meeting was held under the co-sponsorship of the Serotonin Club, the Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation, and the Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini. This volume discusses the major exploration in knowledge that has occurred recently of the complex role that 5- hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) plays in health and disease. In par ticular, these Proceedings highlight major breakthroughs in molecular biology and classification of receptor subtypes that are responsible for the many actions o...
Brain aminergic pathways are organized in parallel and interacting systems, which support a range of functions, from homoeostatic regulations to cognitive, and motivational processes. Despite overlapping functional influences, dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline and histamine systems provide different contributions to these processes. The histaminergic system, long ignored as a major regulator of the sleep-wake cycle, has now been fully acknowledged also as a major coordinator of attention, learning and memory, decision making. Although histaminergic neurons project widely to the whole brain, they are functionally heterogeneous, a feature which may provide the substrate for differential regul...