Agama Skizofrenia; Kegilaan, Wahyu dan Kenabian
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 192

Agama Skizofrenia; Kegilaan, Wahyu dan Kenabian

Dalam buku kedua berjudul “Agama Skizofrenia, Kegilaan, Wahyu dan Kenabian” bertitik tolak bermula dari masalah psikologi. Pasalnya, sangat bersentuhan dengan wilayah studi atau bidang lain yang meluas ke bidang agama, filsafat, sains, sosiologi, antropologi, politik, etika, ilmu sains, yaitu ulumul Quran juga ulumul Hadis menjadi tema ujung tombak dalam buku tersebut. Pada salah satu bagian baba buku tersebut, ada yang berjudul “Ideologi, Fermentasi Religius, dan Gerakan Agama Baru”, Fauzi berusaha menelusuri akar-akar ideologi yang ternyata bersumber dari dua hal, yaitu kekuatan material dalam sejarah. Kedua adalah naluri kesenangan dalam alam bawah sadar kita. Dalam perspektif Mat...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1282

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)

  • Categories: Law

This is an open access book. International Conference on Law, Governance and Social Justice is organized by Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. The conference provides a forum for scholars, researchers and prationers to share their ideas, results of researchs and experiences in dealing with recent issues on the challenges of law, governance and social justice.

Direktori Industri Pengolahan Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 962

Direktori Industri Pengolahan Indonesia

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2005
  • -
  • Publisher: Unknown


Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 685

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022)

This is an open access book. The rapid advancement of technology has created new civilization in this digital era which affects almost all aspects of life including language, literature, culture, and education. The digital era brings opportunities as well as challenges that people have to deal with. Thus, some adjustments need to be done in order to keep up with those changes. Studies on language, literature, culture, and education need to be continuously conducted and developed to revitalize those aspects in facing the dynamic changes of the digital era. In relation to this, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPBS UPI) hosts this year’s Interna...

Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 385

Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Systems

This book presents the select proceedings of 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2021). It discusses the recent challenges and trends in renewable energy in Asia. Various topics covered include electrical energy, new and renewable energy, energy engineering and management, fuels and combustion, turbomachinery, and HVAC. The book will be a valuable reference for students, researchers, and professionals interested in sustainable energy and allied fields.

nCOV 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

nCOV 2020

The Seminar Nasional of The Emerging of Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) or SNCOV in collaboration with PPI Taiwan is a conference of tourism health and Social Science provide a forum for publishing research articles or review articles that improving and alert to the threat of new viruses, especially Wuhan nCoV and impact to all Aspect. This conference has been held by Faculty of Medical and Science Universitas Warmadewa and support by PPI Taiwan. The conference is held on February 11th to 12th 2020. This conference encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including The current situation of 2019-nCo-V: counting the risk of transmission; Travel warning:...

The 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 382

The 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering

Selected peer-reviewed extended articles based on abstracts presented at the 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE 2022) Aggregated Book

Gelaran Almanak Seni Rupa Jogja 1999-2009
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 872

Gelaran Almanak Seni Rupa Jogja 1999-2009

  • Categories: Art

Gelaran Almanak Senirupa Jogja 1999-2009 ini bukan sekadar ”Almanak”, melainkan ”Almanak +” lantaran menggabungkan banyak sekali model: Ensiklopedia, Kamus, Kronik, Who’s Who, Katalog, mau­pun Yellow Pages (Nama | Alamat). Ini adalah semacam ”buku pintar” seni rupa yang bisa dipegang oleh seluruh komponen yang berkepentingan dengan dunia seni rupa, terutama di Yogyakarta selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Sebuah kota yang secara statistik, memiliki puluhan ribu seniman dengan aktivitas seni yang kaya. Karena itu kota ini kerap disebut sebagai produsen seni yang paling fantastik di Asia atau ”Makkah”nya seni rupa Asia. Buku ini diikat oleh empat kategori besar: nama (seniman), peristiwa (kronik), ruang (tempat/kawasan), dan komunitas (organisasi). Dari keempat ikatan itu lalu diturunkan menjadi tema-tema spesifik yang dirujuk dari perkembangan-perkembangan termu­takhir dunia seni rupa selama sepuluh tahun sebagaimana yang terpetakan dalam daftar isi buku ini.

Revitalisasi tari gaya Surakarta
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 160

Revitalisasi tari gaya Surakarta

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Revitalization of dance of Surakarta style, Indonesia.

Sendratari mahakarya Borobudur
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 156

Sendratari mahakarya Borobudur
