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Las experiencias relatadas sobre los meses de confinamiento, reunidas en este libro, serán comprensibles para todo aquel que ha vivido las circunstancias de esta pandemia global. Se trata de una marca muy profunda que hemos recibido de manera colectiva y, por lo tanto, las lectoras y lectores de este libro serán capaces de sentirse cómplices de estos relatos.
En Diálogos culturales en la literatura iberoamericana presentamos alrededor de ciento cincuenta trabajos que analizan temas de Literatura Hispanoamericana y Brasileña, realizados, tanto por profesores, creadores o críticos de reconocido prestigio de importantes centros de investigación y universidades de Estados Unidos, Europa y otros lugares del mundo, como por jóvenes académicos que empiezan a sobresalir en ambas disciplinas. Los estudios tratan de contactos culturales e influencias, con diferentes enfoques, dentro del marco lingüístico hispano-luso, en un amplio espacio de tiempo que abarca desde el período colonial de sus literaturas hasta nuestros días, cuando se hace más ne...
Tiempos liminales. Las humanidades de cara a la revuelta de octubre 2019 y el proceso constituyente es un libro que reúne los trabajos de investigadoras e investigadores posdoctorales de la Facultad de Humanidades, que hicieron eco de un llamado, o más bien una pregunta: ¿cómo conectar nuestras inquietudes válidamente “científicas” con la generación de un conocimiento pertinente y que tenga impacto en las reflexiones sobre el presente? Esta pregunta asume como principio que el conocimiento no puede quedar encerrado en las paredes de las universidades, debe salir a la esfera de lo público y, en conjunto con ello, ser accesible, incidente, performático sobre las realidades que hab...
The fall of Porfirio Diaz has traditionally been presented as a watershed between old and new: an old style repressive and conservative government, and the more democratic and representative system that flowered in the wake of the Mexican Revolution. Now this view is being challenged by a new generation of historians, who point out that Diaz originally rose to power in alliance with anti-conservative forces and was a modernising force as well as a dictator. Drawing together the threads of this revisionist reading of the Porfiriato, Garner reassesses a political career that spanned more than forty years, and examines the claims that post-revolutionary Mexico was not the break with the past that the revolutionary inheritors claimed.
"A collection of the first five years of 'Piled Higher and Deeper,' a comic strip about life (or lack thereof) in graduate school, as it originally appeared in Stanford University's 'The Stanford Daily Newspaper' and online at"
This second edition of Historical Dictionary of 'The Dirty Wars' focuses on the period 1954-1990 in South America, when authoritarian regimes waged war on subversion, both real and imagined. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 400 cross-referenced dictionary entries on the countries; guerrilla and political movements; prominent guerrilla, human-rights, military, and political figures; local, regional, and international human-rights organizations; and artistic figures (filmmakers, novelists, and playwrights) whose works attempt to represent or resist the period of repression.
A hacker breaks into the pope's computer, asking him to save from demolition a 17th century church in Seville. The Vatican dispatches handsome Father Lorenzo Quart who quickly attracts the attention of an aristocratic beauty embroiled in the affair. By the author of The Flanders Panel.
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
Ox Matheson was twelve when his father taught him a lesson: Ox wasn't worth anything and people would never understand him. Then he left.Ox was sixteen when the energetic Bennett family moved in next door, harbouring a secret that would change him forever. For the family are shapeshifters, who can transform into wolves at will. Drawn to their magic, loyalty and enduring friendships, Ox feels a gulf between this extraordinary new world and the quiet life he's known. He also finds an ally in Joe, the youngest Bennett boy. Joe is charming and handsome, but haunted by scars he cannot heal.Ox was twenty-three when murder came to town, and tore a hole in his heart. Violence flared, tragedy split the pack and Joe left town, leaving Ox behind. Three years later, the boy is back. Except now he's a man - and Ox can no longer ignore the song that howls between them.Wolfsong is the first book in the Green Creek series by bestselling author TJ Klune. Continue the journey with Ravensong.Praise for TJ Klune:'Like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket' - V. E. Schwab'A whimsical, warm-hearted fantasy'- The Guardian'A radiant treat' - Locus Magazine
Louie Pérez is a master musician and innovative visual artist who has spent the last forty years as founding member and principal songwriter for the internationally acclaimed group Los Lobos. Working with his songwriting partner, David Hidalgo, Pérez has written more than four hundred songs. Many of those songs, along with previously unpublished poems and short stories as well as paintings, sketches, and photos, are collected in this deeply personal, yet universally appealing volume. The book also features essays by musicians, artists and scholars who artfully dissect the significance of Pérez' work. Good Morning, Aztlán is, without question, a different kind of memoir.