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Contrary to the common notion that news regarding the unfolding Holocaust was unavailable or unreliable, news from Europe was often communicated to North American Poles through the Polish-language press. This work engages with the origins debate and demonstrates that the Polish-language press covered seminal issues during the interwar years, the war, and the Holocaust extensively on their front and main story pages, and were extremely responsive, professional, and vocal in their journalism. From Polish-Jewish relations, to the cause of the Second World War and subsequently the development of genocide-related policy, North American Poles, had a different perspective from mainstream society on the causes and effects of what was happening. New research for this book examines attitudes toward Jews prior to and during the Holocaust, and how information on such attitudes was disseminated. It utilizes selected Polish newspapers of the period 1926-1945, predominantly the Republika-Gornik, as well as survivor testimony.
When East Germany collapsed in 1989–1990, outside observers were shocked to learn the extent of environmental devastation that existed there. The communist dictatorship, however, had sought to confront environmental issues since at least the 1960s. Through an analysis of official and oppositional sources, Saving Nature Under Socialism complicates attitudes toward the environment in East Germany by tracing both domestic and transnational engagement with nature and pollution. The communist dictatorship limited opportunities for protest, so officials and activists looked abroad to countries such as Poland and West Germany for inspiration and support. Julia Ault outlines the evolution of environmental policy and protest in East Germany and shows how East Germans responded to local degradation as well as to an international moment of environmental reckoning in the 1970s and 1980s. The example of East Germany thus challenges and broadens our understanding of the 'greening' of post-war Europe, and illuminates a larger, central European understanding of connection across the Iron Curtain.
"The KGB archivist and defector Vasili Nikitivich Mitrokhin created voluminous transcriptions and summaries of KGB records that span almost 20 years. These transcriptions contain, among other details, a limited but interesting account of KGB activities directed against the Holy See from the early 1960s to the early 1980s, at a time when the Vatican was attempting to reach out to Communist governments in Eastern Europe. This book is a translation of those passages in the Mitrokhin Archive related to the Holy See. This original text is preceded by a three-part introduction covering: who was Vasili Mitrokhin and how were his files created and smuggled to the United Kingdom; the historical background of the relationship between the Soviet regime and the Vatican, leading up to and including the period discussed in Mitrokhin's record; and finally, a summary of the Mitrokhin Archive's revelations regarding the KGB's efforts against the Vatican, both independently and in coordination with political police forces in the satellite regimes in Eastern Europe"--
Kingdom of Night tells the stories of Canadians - in their own voices - during the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
Penumbra is the official, refereed, scholarly journal of Union Institute & University's Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Studies. The journal is published at regular intervals and dedicated to challenging traditional academic and creative disciplinary boundaries in the context of social change. Penumbra's purpose is to promote theoretically informed engagements with concrete issues and problems. The journal publishes socially engaged, innovative, creative and critical scholarship with a focus on ethical and political issues in the humanities, public policy, and education and leadership. Penumbra is a peer-edited and peer-reviewed journal committed to spanning the divide between scholarly and creative production, and to fostering work from graduate students, junior scholars and emerging artists, in addition to more established critical and creative voices.
What role has religion played in social protest movements? This important book examines how activists have used religious resources such as liturgy, prayer, song and vestments with a focus on the following global case studies: The mid-twentieth century US civil rights movement. The late twentieth century antiabortion movement in the United States of America. The early twenty-first century water protectors’ movement at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Indian independence led by Mohandas Gandhi in the early 1930s. The Polish Solidarity movement of the 1980s. The South African anti-apartheid movement of the 1980s and 1990s. Prayer as a sacred act is usually associated with piety and pacifism; how...
Beyond any race, creed, or color, Women and Girls historically have been victimized by systemic institutional abuse and discrimination more than any category of people worldwide, often at the hands of the very “Men” who should protect and uplift them. These strong & resilient women are our Mothers, Grandmothers, Wives, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts and much more. While not all men are responsible, men, in general, play a significant role. This book is dedicated to elevating the dignity of the women we love and outlines collaborative steps Men can and should take to help protect their rights and welfare, which will work to balance the playing field for Women and Girls everywhere.
In Political Species, Karsten Ronit expertly argues that evolutionary biology can provide important sources of inspiration for analyzing the proliferation of private actors/organizations in domestic and global politics. Focusing on the evolution of a diversity of such private actors/organizations in politics, Ronit emphasizes that individuals are affected by and contribute to societal, cultural, and political evolution through a range of formal organizations and that societies, cultures, and politics influence and build upon values and norms transmitted by individuals via these formal organizations. By being mindful of these contextual factors and keeping in mind the important research done ...
Gerald K. Stone has collected books about Canadian Jewry since the early 1980s. This volume is a descriptive catalog of his Judaica collection, comprising nearly 6,000 paper or electronic documentary resources in English, French, Yiddish, and Hebrew. Logically organized, indexed, and selectively annotated, the catalog is broad in scope, covering Jewish Canadian history, biography, religion, literature, the Holocaust, antisemitism, Israel and the Middle East, and more. An introduction by Richard Menkis discusses the significance of the Catalog and collecting for the study of the Jewish experience in Canada. An informative bibliographical resource, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of Canadian and North American Jewish studies.
Die nationalsozialistische Gewaltherrschaft und der Zweite Weltkrieg trieben Millionen in die Flucht, darunter auch zahlreiche Juristen. Europäische Exilanten in England leisteten so einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Entwicklung des internationalen Strafrechts. Sie bereiteten nicht nur Reformen des humanitären Völkerrechts vor, sondern imaginierten eine internationale Rechtsordnung, in der rechtsstaatliche Standards für alle Menschen gelten sollten. Sara Weydner bietet eine neue Perspektive auf größtenteils vergessene Pioniere des internationalen Strafrechts und zeigt, wie sie ihrem Exil Sinn gaben: durch transnationale Kooperation, visionäre Ideen für die Nachkriegswelt und einen unerschütterlichen Glauben an die Ordnungskraft des Rechts.