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Manajemen adalah sebuah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, koordinasi atau penggerakan, control, evaluasi terhadap sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan dengan efektif dan efisien. Sedangkan Keperawatan adalah merupakan suatu bentuk pelayanan professional yang merupakan bagian keseluruhan dari pelayanan kesehatan yang berdasarkan pada ilmu dan kiat keperawatan, bisa berbentuk pelayanan bio, psiko, sosial dan spiritual yang menyeluruh, dengan bentuk tugas promotif, preventif, kuratif, rehabilitatif, serta resosialitatif. Komplikasi adalah suatu kondisi dimana sebuah penyakit berubah kondisinya dan memicu penyakit lain yang akhirnya muncul dari efek perubahan tersebut. Hipertensi adalah suatu k...
Ferhenga Biruski Dictionary Volume 2 - M-Z; Ferhenga Biruski is the go-to dictionary for Kurmanji a dialect of Kurdish spoken originally in parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey while also being common among a large diaspora of Kurds in Europe, North America and elsewhere. This comprehensive Kurmanji-English dictionary is prepared in two volumes by Michael L. Chyet, a renowned linguist with extensive knowledge of the major dialects of Kurdish. This dictionary is an essential reference source for linguists and others interested in Kurdish language and people.“The second edition of my Kurmanji-English dictionary, which I would like to call “Ferhenga Birûskî” to honor the memory of my beloved friend and colleague Birûsk Tugan, contains considerably more entries, and in many cases offers fuller information on earlier entries. In addition, I have found and corrected several typographical errors. Moreover, it is to be accompanied by a companion English to Kurdish volume. […] It is my goal to accurately reflect the language as it exists today.”
Islamic finance distinguishes itself from conventional finance with its strong emphasis on the moral consequences of financial transactions; prohibiting interest, excessive uncertainty, and finance of harmful business. When it comes to risk mitigation, it is unique in its risk sharing approach.
This publication describes the MASSCOTE methodology, illustrated by several applications in Asia. MASSCOTE is a comprehensive methodology for analysing the modernization of canal operation. The aim is to enable experts to work together with users in determining improved processes for cost-effective service-oriented management. It is based on previous tools and approaches widely used in Asia by FAO in its modernization training programme (rapid appraisal procedures and benchmarking). From diagnosis through the formulation of operational units and the planning of a service (based on the vision agreed upon with the users), MASSCOTE entails a systematic, ten-step, mapping exercise. The accompanying CD-ROMs contain the full document in English, excerpts in French, a draft version in Arabic and Chinese, training presentations and material, and a number of documents and references on irrigation system operation and management [System requirements: PC with Intel Pentium(r) processor and Microsoft(r)Windows 95/98/200/Me/NT/XP; 256 MB of RAM; 50 MB of available hard-disk space; SuperVGA monitor; 256 colours at 1024x768; Adobe Acrobat(r) Reader (not included on CD-ROM)]
The purpose of this book was to offer an overview of recent insights into the current state of arthroplasty. The tremendous long term success of Sir Charnley's total hip arthroplasty has encouraged many researchers to treat pain, improve function and create solutions for higher quality of life. Indeed and as described in a special chapter of this book, arthroplasty is an emerging field in the joints of upper extremity and spine. However, there are inborn complications in any foreign design brought to the human body. First, in the chapter on infections we endeavor to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date analysis and description of the management of this difficult problem. Second, the immune system is faced with a strange material coming in huge amounts of micro-particles from the tribology code. Therefore, great attention to the problem of aseptic loosening has been addressed in special chapters on loosening and on materials currently available for arthroplasty.
This book contributes to a deeper understanding of landscape and regional modelling in general, and its broad range of facets with respect to various landscape parameters. It presents model approaches for a number of ecological and socio-economic landscape indicators, and also describes spatial decision support systems (DSS), frameworks, and model-based tools, which are prerequisites for deriving sustainable decision and solution strategies for the protection of comprehensively functioning landscapes. While it mainly focuses on the latest research findings in regional modelling and DSS in Europe, it also highlights the work of scientists from Russia. The book is intended for landscape modellers, scientists from various fields of landscape research, university teaching staff, and experts in landscape planning and management, landscape conservation and landscape policy.
Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the interrelationships among theory, problem, and method in environment-behavior research. The chapters focus on the philosophical and theoretical assumptions underlying current research and practice in the area and link those assumptions to specific substantive questions and methodologies