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The essays gathered in the present collection provide textual explorations of the theoretical borderland between interiors and exteriors, undertaken from a variety of perspectives and representing varying approaches and understandings of these terms. In the realm of theory, the distinction between what we choose to include and what we exclude remains a political choice, often fraught with dilemmas that cannot be resolved. How to discern between interiors and exteriors? Where do we draw dividing lines? Do we want to draw them anymore? Or, alternately, can we afford not to divide and discern between the inside and outside, between here and there, between “us” and “them”? If the binary divisions, so much discredited, no longer hold, if we must include multiplicity and plurality of readings, is any distinction between these dimensions possible? Essays collected in the present volume attempt to present a wide plethora of answers to these questions.
Mystery and Suspense in Creative Writing presents a systematic analysis of a very important aspect of writing by integrating it with journalistic, media, and communication studies. The book examines the specific rules for creating intrigue and suspense, and confronts their universal features with selected literary texts. The individual texts emphasize the importance of understanding the emotions through transformation of various archetypes. The rules postulated by creative writing for building drama and tension in such texts often deal with this profound issue. They are thus not an end in themselves, but actually lead to more mature writing. Therefore, they essentially contribute to developing one's creative talent and communication skills. The paradigm of creative writing serves to shape the creativity of students of various disciplines, including not only literary studies and journalism, but also such diverse areas as medicine and information technology. (Series: International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Vol. 7)
This book explores the concept of the creative imagination in Mid- and Late Victorian England. In these times of transition, as the age of the Industrial Revolution was regarded, aesthetic considerations became involved in the broader debate on the shape of the modern world. Thus, the approach to the artistic imagination was closely connected with the shifting beliefs concerning the essence of beauty, and the role of religion, not to mention attitudes towards nature and society. These aspects defined the aims furthered by painters and poets alike and set the direction for their artistic endeavours. Five people have been chosen as representatives of their time in the discussion about artistic...
The author investigates the points of contact between literature, visual arts and feminist criticism by offering fresh readings of selected Romantic and Victorian poems about women and a discussion of their wide-ranging visual history – a subject which has not yet been undertaken in a book-length study. The innovative feature of the project lies in its scope and merit: extensive readings of 19th century poetry, informed by carefully chosen critical approaches, are followed by a rich overview and analysis of visual renderings of the poems in question. Łuczyńska-Hołdys has succeeded in bringing to light previously unknown or undiscussed works, and reappraised many well-known paintings and illustrations.
This book, the first of its kind for an English-language audience, introduces a fresh perspective on the Polish literary translation landscape, providing unique insights into the social, political, and ideological underpinnings of Polish translation history. Employing a problem-based approach, the book creates a map of different research directions in the history of literary translation in Poland, highlighting a holistic perspective on the discipline’s development in the region. The four sections explore topics of particular interest in current translation research, including translation and cultural borderlands, the agency of women translators, translators as intercultural mediators, and ...
This is the first comprehensive examination of the works of contemporary Polish playwright Tadeusz Rozewicz. Halina Filipowicz applies a theoretical perspective to more than a dozen plays and situates the important postwar dramatist on the borders of modernism and postmodernism, arguing that in his laboratory of impure forms he reworks the conventions and dramatic ideas of the past into a theatrical language responsive to our times. Filipowicz makes use of biographical and historical information, comparative frameworks, the lessons of deconstruction, and feminist inquiry to assess the writer's passionate and complex reactions to modern civilization. Written over a thirty-year period, Rozewic...
Compendium O poetyce gatunku science fiction Darko Suvin Redukcja rzeczywistości u Ursuli Le Guin. O narodzinach narracji utopijnej Fredric Jameson O trzech zegarach. Relatywistyczne fabuły w polskiej fantastyce naukowej (Lem — Huberath — Snerg) Szymon Piotr Kukulak Stanisław Lem i biologiczna wzniosłość. Biologia, technologia, fantastyka naukowa Elana Gomel Wyznaczniki gatunkowe fantastyki naukowej w Teodora Tripplina Lunatyka podróży po Księżycu Joanna Mikołajczuk Dyktatura oczami kobiet. Analiza porównawcza Opowieści podręcznej Margaret Atwood i twórczości eseistycznej Herty Müller Ewelina Feldman-Kołodziejuk Między nadzieją a paranoją. O post-człowieku w filmach...
Aus dem Inhalt (16 Beitrage): I. Das Gesamtwerk und seine Grundlagen J. Jarzebski, Naturliches, Kunstliches und das Loch im Himmel P. Czaplinski, Stanislaw Lem - Die Spirale des Pessimismus II. Gattungen und Schreibweisen A. Ohme, Phantastik - Science Fiction - Utopie: Versuch einer Begriffsabgrenzung (am Beispiel ausgewahlter Texte Stanislaw Lems) M. Dajnowski, Zu den Problemen der Groteske Lems. Uber die allgemeine Zudringlichkeit der Drachen der Wahrscheinlichkeit E. Szczepkowska, Das Spiel mit der Autobiographie in Stanislaw Lems Wysoki Zamek C. Prunitsch, Zyklisierende Faktoren in Stanislaw Lems Dzienniki gwiazdowe III. Genderfragen M. Glasenapp, Femina Astralis - Weiblichkeit in der wissenschaftlichen Phantastik Stanislaw Lems U. Jekutsch, Das Geschlecht der Maschine: Geschlechterdifferenz in Stanislaw Lems Erzahlungen "Rozprawa" und "Maska" IV. Intertextualitat A. Fiut, Ein Sarmate in der Zeitmaschine - Stanislaw Lem als Leser P. Michalowski, Das Babel des 21. Jahrhunderts: Die Bibliotheken Stanislaw Lems und Jorge Luis Borges' J. Zielinski, Spuren einer Rilke-Lekture im Werk Lems
The author recounts how he became a writer, and describes how incidents in his life have affected his beliefs and his work.