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In a distant corner of the late antique world, along the Atlantic river valleys of western Iberia, local elite populations lived through the ebb and flow of empire and kingdoms as historical agents with their own social strategies. Contrary to earlier historiographical accounts, these aristocrats were not oppressed by a centralized Roman empire or its successor kingdoms; nor was there an inherent conflict between central states and local elites. Instead, Damián Fernández argues, there was an interdependency of state and local aristocracies. The upper classes embraced state projects to assert their ascendancy within their communities. By doing so, they enacted statehood at the local level, ...
This massive three volume set publishes the proceedings of the 2006 Limes conference which was held in Leon, a total of 138 contributions. Naturally these cover a vast range of topics related to Roman military archaeology and the Roman frontiers. The archaeology of the Roman military in Spain, and contributions by Spanish scholars are prominent, whilst other themes include the internal frontiers, the end of the frontiers and the barbarians in the empire, the fortified town in the late Roman period, soldiers on the move and the early development of frontiers . Further sessions had a regional focus. Majority of essays in English, some in Spanish, German and Italian
Despite the significant attention medieval scholarship has devoted to the study of peasant societies, these groups have traditionally been depicted as passive and homogeneous, merely able of resisting pressures from the state or powerful individuals. However, in recent years, the availability of new records, the widespread adoption of microhistorical analyses, and the renewal of conceptual frameworks have enabled scholars to undertake more detailed and nuanced investigations. This collective volume aims to explore the political, economic, and social practices of Iberian medieval peasant societies. A key finding of this multivocal analysis is the revelation of the relative subalternity of medieval ruling groups and the constraints on peasant actions across various geographical and chronological contexts.
INDICE. Vías romanas de Astorga. Señalización romana de las vías en el noroeste de Hispania. Documentación y diagnóstico del trazado de la vía romana de Italia a Hispania a su paso por las provincias de Burgos, Palencia y León. Caminos históricos del Bierzo Alto: la ruta de Bembibre o del Boeza. Estudio sobre las bóvedas de los puentes romanos. Las presas y el agua potable en época romana: dudas y certezas. Avance al estudio del acueducto de Uxama. Obras hidráulicas en el campamento de la Legio VII Gemina (León)... etc.
This volume aims to present the current state of research on Roman roads and their foundations in a combined historical and archaeological perspective. The focus is on the diverse local histories and the varying degrees of significance of individual roads and regional networks, which are treated here for the most important regions of the empire and beyond. The assembled contributions will be of interest to historians, archaeologists and epigraphers, since they tackle matters as diverse as the technical modalities of road-building, the choice of route, but also the functionality and the motives behind the creation of roads. Roman roads are further intimately related to various important aspec...
Se abordan en esta obra cinco temas del Patrimonio Histórico: “La peritación de obras de arte”, “Patrimonio y turismo. Rentabilidad económica y social del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural”, “Patrimonio arquitectónico. Paisaje y Territorio”, “Exposiciones temporales. De la teoría a la práctica” y “Técnicas aplicadas al Patrimonio”.
The Special Issue (SI) “Recent Advances in GPR Imaging” offers an up-to-date overview of state-of-the-art research activities dealing with the development of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology and its recent advances in imaging in the different fields of application. In fact, the advances experimented with over the last few decades with regard to the appearance of new GPR systems and the need to manage large amounts of data suggest an increasing interest in the development of new signal processing algorithms and modeling, as well as in the use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques.
Nero und Domitian, die bis heute nicht nur in der Populärkultur als mali principes gelten, sind bislang zumeist einzeln oder im Kontext ihrer eigenen Dynastien untersucht worden. Dieser Band unternimmt erstmals den Versuch, die Herrscherrepräsentation beider Kaiser im Vergleich zu analysieren. Durch eine solche komparative Herangehensweise sollen die spezifischen Profile ihrer Herrschaft, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in ihrer Repräsentation sowie Transgressionen bestehender Normen herausgearbeitet werden. Dafür werden die Darstellungen beider Kaiser in den verschiedenen Medien - in der Literatur, in Inschriften, Bildnissen und Münzen - aus der Perspektive mehrerer altertumswissenschaftlicher Fachdisziplinen betrachtet. Ziel ist es, so die verschiedenen Strategien und Praktiken ihrer Repräsentation zu untersuchen und dabei die Diskurse der neronischen und domitianischen Herrschaft nachzuzeichnen.--
TOLETUM, das "Netzwerk zur Erforschung der Iberischen Halbinsel in der Antike", legt mit diesem Band erstmals ein deutsch-spanisches Kompendium zur Städteforschung vor. In 36 Beiträgen gewährt eine neue Generation von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern Einblick in ihre Untersuchungen einer Region des Mittelmeerraums, die wie keine andere in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten durch spektakuläre Neufunde auf sich aufmerksam gemacht hat: Das Amphitheater von Corduba, das Theater und Forum von Carthago Nova oder Caesaraugusta, Teile der Stadtanlage von Segobriga und das Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre, die Lex Irnitana - ja über 20.000 Inschriften. Auf der Grundlage eines interdisziplinären und traditionelle Periodisierungen überschreitenden Ansatzes bieten die Analysen von Stadtanlagen wie epigraphischen Monumenten neue Erkenntnisse in die bauliche Ausgestaltung und soziale Organisation der "Lebenswelt Stadt" zwischen Rom und al-Andalus.