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Biographies of Indonesian entrepreneur.
Pembahasan dalam buku ini meliputi pengertian (1) Pengertian dan Tantangan Manajemen Rantai Pasok, (2) Rantai Pasokan dan Operasional Manajer, (3) Strategi Manajemen Rantai Pasokan, (4) Penggerak dan Penghambat Supply Chain, (5) Manajemen Risiko Rantai Pasok, (6) Perancangan Produk Baru dalam MRP, (7) Rancangan Jaringan Rantai Pasokan, (8) Pengelolaan Skala Ekonomi Pada MRP, (9) Pengelolaan Ketidakpastian dalam MRP, (10) Penentuan Level Ketersediaan MRP, (11) Manajemen Pengadaan dan Pemilihan Supplier MRP, (12) Teknologi dalam MRP (Manajemen Rantai Pasok). Pembahasan materi dalam buku ini telah disusun secara sistematis dengan tujuan memudahkan pembaca dalam memahami isi buku ini.
Dalam era Revolusi Industri 5.0 yang kita hadapi saat ini, transformasi bisnis tidak lagi menjadi opsi, melainkan kebutuhan mendesak. Perubahan radikal dalam teknologi, konektivitas, dan kecerdasan buatan telah mengubah lanskap industri secara fundamental. Dalam konteks ini, manajemen strategi menjadi kunci utama untuk menavigasi kompleksitas dan dinamika yang menyertai perubahan ini. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan pandangan mendalam tentang Manajemen Strategi dalam menghadapi tantangan Industri 5.0.
Buku yang kami tulis ini mengulas tentang topik penting seputar manajemen konflik. Manajemen konflik merupakan salah satu aspek yang krusial dalam konteks manajemen organisasi modern. Di tengah dinamika yang terus berkembang di lingkungan kerja, konflik dapat muncul sebagai tantangan yang serius bagi produktivitas, kesejahteraan karyawan, dan kinerja keseluruhan perusahaan. Bagaimana manajemen mengelola konflik dapat menjadi faktor penentu keberhasilan organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan bisnisnya.
When it was published in 1994, Roger Schwarz's The SkilledFacilitator earned widespread critical acclaim and became alandmark in the field. The book is a classic work for consultants,facilitators, managers, leaders, trainers, and coaches--anyonewhose role is to facilitate and guide groups toward realizing theircreative and problem-solving potential. This thoroughly revisededition provides the essential materials for anyone that workswithin the field of facilitation and includes simple but effectiveground rules for group interaction. Filled with illustrativeexamples, the book contains proven techniques for starting meetingson the right foot and ending them positively and decisively. Thisimportant resource also offers practical methods for handlingemotions when they arise in a group and offers a diagnosticapproach for identifying and solving problems that can underminethe group process.
Oversigt over medlemsstaternes implementering af ILO's regler for arbejdstilsyn
Indonesia's quasi-military dictatorship has sought since 1965 to mould Indonesian society into a male-oriented, capitalist, Javanese-dominated national framework. Cinema and television are the most closely-controlled mass media in Indonesia, and films for mass consumption have played an important role in the government's vast socio-political engineering project.Krishna Sen describes the background and present-day Indonesian film industry and explores how the country's society and history are represented in its film culture. From a critique of four films, she concludes that Indonesian cinema privileges the military against the civilian, the middle class against the popular classes, and men against women. Backed by careful documentation from cinema literature, this is a radical, in-depth perspective on film - its implications, its vulnerability to manipulation and its artistic and propagandist value.
Price Pritchett, the best-selling change management author, further explains the unconventional set of behaviors that will bring you breakthrough performance, including how to: make quantum leaps in productivity, quality and overall performance; capture the magic of paradigm shifts; bring out tremendous hidden potential.
This book deals with the rebellion that occurred in Aceh, a province in the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, in 1953-62. It traces the political stance of the Acehnese, a people who are well known for their centuries-old independence and heroism, in relation to their Central Government in Jakarta. Although the main theme of this book is about rebellion, it implicitly reveals the political life and behaviour of the Acehnese.
Fully illustrated, this will help photographers to release the massive potential for the Nikon D700 Comprehensive, yet approachable, this title covers Nikon's compact pro digital SLR, the D700, which offers full-frame image capture--equivalent to 35mm, 12.1 megapixels, ultra-fast startup and shutter lag, Image Sensor Cleaning, HDMI video output, and a vast array of other high-spec features.