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To live a healthy life, we need a continuous supply of clean air, water, and other natural resources. But, in the recent past, the environmental conditions have deteriorated significantly due to ongoing development and industrialization. Owing to the increase in the population globally, we cannot avoid the ongoing developmental works. Thus, maintaining a balance between environment and development is the demand of the current time. To achieve this goal, we have to shift towards sustainable development. This conference was intended for works pertaining to mathematical modeling and management of natural resources. It provided a forum for the research community to exchange ideas related to sustainable development.
Pada umumnya, setiap orang pasti tahu pengertian fungsi Bank adalah tempat menabung, menyimpan uang atau harta benda penting, serta tempat dimana kita dapat meminjam sejumlah uang dengan persyaratan tertentu. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka Istilah Lembaga keuangan diartikan sebagai perusahaan yang berkombinasi dengan berbagai sumber daya ekonomi (resources) seperti alam, tenaga kerja, modal, dan manajemen (managerial skill) dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Berdasarkan UU RI NO. 10 Tahun 1998: Bank adalah Badan usaha yg menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit dan atau bentuk-bentuk lainnya d...
program pembangunan yang mengusung tema pemberdayaan acapkali bersifat one shoot (sekali tembakan), dan touch and go (sentuh dan pergi), setelah itu selesai. Maksudnya, program pembangunan itu dilaksanakan tidak dengan standard operation procedure yang runtut, dan pelaksanaan yang sistematis. Program pembangunan itu pun tidak memberi kesempatan kepada rakyat sebagai pelaku untuk mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan kepentingannya. Akibatnya, perubahan yang terjadi sangat tidak signifikan, bahkan tidak sedikit yang terbengkalai. Kehadiran buku Pengorganisasian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat ini merupakan satu di antara karya yang layak menjadi rujukan untuk memahami dengan baik pengorganisasian dan pengembangan masyarakat. Dalam buku ini, penulis berusaha menyusun secara sistematis bab demi bab ke dalam tema-tema yang sesuai. Pengelompokan tema-tema dalam bab demi bab ini sangat memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami alur ide yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulis. Inilah kekuatan buku ini.
Digital technologies have become a new economic and social force, reshaping traditional business models, strategies, structures, and processes. Digital entrepreneurship, which focuses on creating new ventures and transforming existing businesses by developing novel digital technologies or their novel usage, is seen as a critical pillar for economic growth, job creation, and innovation by many countries. Further, digital technologies have also enabled the growth of the sharing economy, linking owners and users and disrupting the previous dualism of businesses and customers.This volume discusses the management of new technology-based firms and technology projects initiated in academic or industrial contexts. The contributions feature new theoretical concepts, ethical considerations, empirical data analysis (qualitative and quantitative), archival and historical methods, design science approaches, action and field research, as well as management science methods, informatics and cybernetics.
This book presents essentially a collection of proceedings that deliberate on the key challenges and recent trends on robotics, automation and data analytics which are the pillars of Industry 4.0. Solutions that are employed in the multitude spectra of innovative robotics & automation and data analytics are discussed. The readers are expected to gain an insightful view on the current trends, issues, mitigating factors as well as solutions from the book. This book consists of selected papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technology, Engineering and Sciences 2020 (iCITES) hosted virtually by Universiti Malaysia Pahang on 22nd December 2020. iCITES is a biennial conference, aimed at building a platform that allows relevant stakeholders to share and discuss their latest researches, ideas and survey reports from theoretical to a practical standpoint especially in the Innovative Robotics & Automation and Data Analytics tracks which was published in this book.
12 stories about characters facing this life with all the challenges, pressures, worries, defeats, and rising up. About learing and teaching, fantasy, and imagination, the world of dreams and hopes of nowadays students about how to love life.
As a parent, you want your children to grow up to become self-motivated, financially savvy, contributing members of society who maintain a deeply satisfying adult life. This is why it is essential to “bratproof” your children against turning into spoiled, egotistical materialists who feel entitled to misbehave and take their lives for granted. This book will help you raise emotionally healthy kids who will grow to become mature, well-rounded adults. Protect your children from the potentially negative influences of a life of privilege and blinding effects of America’s abject consumerism by instilling these seven positive character traits: • High self-esteem • Joy and optimism • Se...
In this study, Moshe Gat details how the immigration of the Jews from Iraq in effect marked the eradication of one of the oldest and most deeply-rooted Diaspora communities. He provides a background to these events and argues that both Iraqi discrimination and the actions of the Zionist underground in previous years played a part in the flight. The Denaturalization law of 1950 saw tens of thousands of Jews registering for emigration, and a bomb thrown at a synagogue in 1951 accelerated the exodus.
This volume contains the papers of the 9th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2013) held at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Bangkok, Thailand, on May 9th-10th, 2013. Traditionally, the conference is organized in conjunction with the National Conference on Computing and Information Technology, one of the leading Thai national events in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. The conference as well as this volume is structured into 3 main tracks on Data Networks/Communication, Data Mining/Machine Learning, and Human Interfaces/Image processing.
"This book addresses one of the most crucial questions in Southeast Asia: did the election in Indonesia in 2014 of a seemingly populist-oriented president alter the hegemony of the political and economic elites? Was it the end of the paradox that the basic social contradictions in the country’s substantial capitalist development were not reflected in organized politics by any independent representation of subordinated groups, in spite of democratization? Beyond simplified frameworks, grounded scholars have now come together to discuss whether and how a new Indonesian politics has evolved in a number of crucial fields. Their critical insights are a valuable contribution to the study of this...