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There is currently a great need for introductory materials to help professionals of all types to understand and deploy Human Centred Design (HCD) methods. This compendium, written in simple everyday language by authors who are experts in automotive ergonomics, UX and HMI, is inclusive and easily accessible. The 21st century is characterised by ever greater reliance on the innovation paradigm of HCD. In many sectors, the practices of "technology push" and "market pull" have been giving ground to newer ways of innovating which are based more on careful attention to the characteristics and needs of people. Where ethnographic, ergonomic and UX practices were once the remit of only the design tea...
Teen Computer Interaction is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of technologies for teenagers and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. It aims to give special consideration to the unique development issues and diversity of this particular user group. Teenagers are possibly the most diverse, dynamic and technologically-aware user group. Working with teenagers can enable researchers to gather valuable insights and opportunities to inform the design and implementation of new technologies. Researchers have now begun to acknowledge that Teen Computer Interaction is a specialised area of HCI and this book brings together some of the best work in this field to-d...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 25th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, OzCHI 2013, held in Adelaide, SA, Australia, in November 2013. The 11 revised extended papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 192 submissions and cover topics on multi-dimensional interaction; video gaming; spatial learning; and physical spatial interaction.
The motor vehicle technology covered in this book has become in the more than 125 years of its history in many aspects an extremely complex and, in many areas of engineering science . Motor vehicles must remain functional under harsh environmental conditions and extreme continuous loads and must also be reliably brought into a safe state even in the event of a failure by a few trained operators. The automobile is at the same time a mass product, which must be produced in millions of pieces and at extremely low cost. In addition to the fundamentals of current vehicle systems, the book also provides an overview of future developments such as, for example, in the areas of electromobility, alter...
Die im Buch behandelte Kraftfahrzeugtechnik hat sich in den mehr als 125 Jahren ihrer Geschichte zu einem äußerst komplexen und in vielen Bereichen beispielgebenden Fachgebiet entwickelt, das weit über die Ingenieurwissenschaften hinausgeht. Kraftfahrzeuge müssen unter rauen Umweltbedingungen und extremen Dauerbelastungen funktionsfähig bleiben und auch im Fehlerfall von wenig geschulten Bedienern zuverlässig in einen sicheren Zustand gebracht werden können. Zudem handelt es sich um ein Massenprodukt, das in Millionenstückzahlen und zu extrem niedrigen Kosten produziert werden muss. Neben den Grundlagen aktueller Fahrzeugsysteme bietet das Buch auch einen Überblick über aktuelle un...
Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022), July 24–28, 2022, New York, USA
E-Learning-Anwendungen bieten Chancen für die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Inklusion von Lernenden mit Beeinträchtigungen. Die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von blinden Lernenden an Veranstaltungen in virtuellen Klassenzimmern ist jedoch durch den synchronen, multimedialen Charakter und den hohen Informationsumfang dieser Lösungen kaum möglich. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Zugänglichkeit virtueller Klassenzimmer für blinde Nutzende, um eine möglichst gleichberechtigte Teilhabe an synchronen, kollaborativen Lernszenarien zu ermöglichen. Im Rahmen einer Produktanalyse werden dazu virtuelle Klassenzimmer auf ihre Zugänglichkeit und bestehende Barrieren untersucht und Richtlinien fÃ...
A book on the later works of the Austrian architect, designer and theoretician, Josef Frank.
Fueled by an increasingly interconnected world, the desire for engaging experiences plays a more important role in interiors than ever before. There is a tendency in the design of products, furniture, and environments toward enhanced interaction that employs psychosocial principles. This publication presents both high and low-tech applications ranging from a light fixture to art installations and fully realized buildings. The book illustrates human-centered design strategies through a series of six chapters, each including examples that introduce one of following approaches: communicating, stimulating, synomorphic, transactional, transformative, and challenging.
New materials and technologies play a significant role in architecture and design. Environmentally compatible materials and production methods are demanded just as much as smoothly functioning recycling management. In addition, trends like digitalization, 3D printing and intelligent systems and materials have a decisive influence on material innovations. The book’s eight chapters span a bridge from science and industrial research to applications in architecture and design. In a compact format, it offers a well-grounded overview of the latest material innovations, including edible packaging, liquid light and intelligent natural materials. At the same time, the societal dimension of such developments is taken into consideration.