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This is an open access book. The 6th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2022) is organized by Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The purpose of the ICLIQE 2022 activity is as a forum to accommodate researchers, academics, educators and education staff, consultants, government and other stakeholders to share perspectives related to educational trends seen from the perspective of society 5.0 era which includes the fields of science and technology education, social and humanities, management education, basic education, special education, early childhood education, guidance and counseling, curriculum, and educational evaluation and innovation.
This book contains the proceedings of the The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education (AISTSSE) and The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC), where held on 18 October 2018 and 25 September 2018 in same city, Medan, North Sumatera. Both of conferences were organized respectively by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Research Institute, Universitas Negeri Medan. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of 5th AISTSSE. In publishing process, AISTSSE and ICIESC were collaboration conference presents six plenary and invited speakers from Australia, Japan...
Pranata mangsa merupakan pengetahuan sains kultural dan pedoman bagi masyarakat Jawa mengenai periodisasi waktu selama satu tahun yang dibagi menjadi 12 mangsa berdasarkan peredaran matahari. Pengetahuan ini penuh dengan pengetahuan dalam membaca tanda-tanda alam seperti letak matahari, arah angin, cuaca, perilaku hewan dan tumbuhan, yang menghubungkan antara masyarakat Jawa dengan lingkungannya untuk saling memahami, menghormati, dan memiliki. Pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang Jawa bukanlah sebuah mitologi atau kepercayaan yang tidak berdasar, akan tetapi banyak mengandung nilai-nilai, keterampilan dan pengetahuan sains. Banyak hal di masyarakat Jawa yang bersifat ilmiah seperti palintangan, pawukon, dan pranata mangsa. Akan tetapi kali ini penulis hanya akan membahas mengenai Pranata mangsa dalam tinjauan sains. Buku ini ditulis sebagai wujud tanggung jawab untuk memperkenalkan kepada anak-anak muda bahwa masyarakat Jawa memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat luar biasa.
Buku ini disusun sebagai acuan bagi dosen untuk menerapkan Model Pembelajaran MiSHE. Komponen model pembelajaran MiSHE meliputi tujuan, sasaran, sistem sosial dan sistem pendukung, prinsip reaksi, sintaks, dampak instruksional, dan dampak pengiring. Buku ini terdiri dari 94 halaman dengan ukuran 15,5 x 23 cm. Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk mengimplementasikan dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran ini, silahkan simak ulasannya pada setiap bab buku ini.
Buku ini terdiri dari tujuh kegiatan pembelajaran tentang Fisika dan IPBA di sekolah dasar. Rincian materinya antara lain 1) Gerak dan Gaya; 2) Usaha dan Energi; 3) Listrik; 4) Magnet; 5) Getaran, Gelombang, dan Bunyi; 6) Cahaya dan Alat Optik; serta 7) Bumi dan Tata Surya. Buku ini terdiri dari 246 halaman dengan ukuran 15,5 x 23 cm.
Buku yang merupakan kumpulan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa ini memuat praktikum virtual dan kontekstual tentang materi gerak dan gaya, usaha dan energi, listik, magnet, getaran gelombang dan bunyi, cahaya dan alat optic, serta bumi dan tata surya. Bagian utama dari buku LKM ini adalah pendahuluan, capaian pembelajaran, pengantar kegiatan, tujuan, alat dan bahan, prosedur kerja, hasil pengamatan, diskusi, simpulan, daftar Pustaka. Anda dapat menggunakan buku ini sebagai penunjang perkuliahan Konsep Dasar IPA bagi peserta didik (SMP, SMA, maupun mahasiswa) khususnya pada IPA Fisika dan IPBA.
ICHSS is an international seminar that is held every two years organized by the Research and Community Service Institute of the State University of Malang. The meeting aims to discuss the theoretical and practical developments of Social Sciences and Humanities in Indonesia and other countries with a view to build academic networks by gathering academics from various research institutes and universities. Community empowerment serves as a trigger to increase community independence and to cope with the challenges resulting from the rapid development of technology. An important aspect of the community empowerment effort is to link the results of innovation research for the benefit of community. ...
The complex problems of education and technological development and information demands, then takes its main innovations in learning. The purpose of this Education is Innovation in order to improve the quality, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and productivity, making the learning process more meaningful and fun for children. Innovation can be performed in all subjects, learning methods, media and evaluation. Innovation-based learning local culture values will yield the superior character that will benefit children in the face of a globalized world. So is innovation technology-based learning, make learning be fun so that children become active and creative ideas, thoughts, research related to the innovation of education can be presented in International Conference Education, Culture and technology is preferred. The theme of this Conference: Innovation of Education to Improve Character Value for Childern.
The 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology (UNISET) will be an annual event hosted by Universitas Kuningan. This year (2021), will be the second UNISET will be held on 2 December 2021 at Universitas Kuningan, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia. “Opportunity and challenge in environmental, social science and humanity research during the pandemic Covid-19 era and afterward” has been chosen at the main theme for the conference, with a focus on the latest research and trends, as well as future outlook of the field of Call for paper fields to be included in UNISET 2021 are: natural science, education, social science and humanity, environmental science, and technology. The conference invites delegates from across Indonesian and South East Asian region and beyond, and is usually attended by more than 100 participants from university academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals across a wide range of industries.
Buku ini merupakan ringkasan hasil penelitian di bidang inovasi pembelajaran IPA dalam bentuk model pembelajaran inovatif. Model MiSHE (Metacognition in Science for Higher Education) yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk Meningkatkan Higher-Order Thinking Skills Mahasiswa. Buku ini terdiri dari 7 bagian yaitu pendahuluan, kajian teori, metode, hasil penelitian dan pengembangan, simpulan dan saran, serta referensi.