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Tem Filhos? Prepa-se para eles é um livro designado para o auxílio às famílias que procuram tornar o processo de criação e educação de seus filhos algo baseado em evidências e sugestões profissionais, o que naturalmente simplifica a realização dessas tarefas. Para se tornar um profissional de determinada área, para aprender um esporte ou para tocar um novo instrumento musical, temos que treinar, ler e observar exaustivamente. Tal fenômeno não parece se aplicar à política nacional ou à criação dos filhos, o que faz proliferar o número de pessoas não preparadas para realizar tais funções. O acúmulo de informações concernentes ao processo educacional deve se basear primordialmente na ciência e no que pode ser comprovado através de experimentação clínica.
Com muita satisfação, percorro os olhos sobre os capítulos deste volume da Acta Medica. Penso que eles trazem aspectos da prática diagnóstica e terapêutica para problemas de saúde prevalentes no âmbito da APS e também retratam uma preocupação de abordar temas relevantes e importantes associados aos adoecimentos na atualidade, como os que abordam a Violência, o Suicídio, a Obesidade, os Transtornos do Déficit de Atenção, a Desmedicalização, entre outros. Avalio que a leitura destes capítulos é de grande utilidade para todos que querem desenvolver uma prática médica mais adequada, não só para os que atuam na APS, mas para todos e todas que desejam ampliar seu conhecimento e sua compreensão para problemas de saúde da atualidade."
To achieve goals for climate and economic growth, "negative emissions technologies" (NETs) that remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the air will need to play a significant role in mitigating climate change. Unlike carbon capture and storage technologies that remove carbon dioxide emissions directly from large point sources such as coal power plants, NETs remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or enhance natural carbon sinks. Storing the carbon dioxide from NETs has the same impact on the atmosphere and climate as simultaneously preventing an equal amount of carbon dioxide from being emitted. Recent analyses found that deploying NETs may be less expensive and less disruptive ...
This book discusses all aspects of non-pharmacologic approaches to primary and secondary CVD prevention. It highlights the strength of evidence for particular diet styles in CVD prevention, including plant-based diets, the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and low-carbohydrate diets. Chapters present evidence and future directions for diet and nutrition in diseases related to CVD, such as dyslipidemia, cardiometabolic disease (pre-diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes mellitus), and obesity. Finally, the book reviews novel and emerging aspects of dietary intervention in CVD prevention, such as dietary approaches to inflammation and the role of the microbiome in CVD. Up-to-date, evidence-based, and clinically oriented, Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: Nutritional and Dietary Approaches is an essential resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students in cardiology, clinical nutrition, family medicine, endocrinology, and lipidology.
"This set of books represents a detailed compendium of authoritative, research-based entries that define the contemporary state of knowledge on technology"--Provided by publisher.
This book presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of mangrove ecological processes, structure, and function at the local, biogeographic, and global scales and how these properties interact to provide key ecosystem services to society. The analysis is based on an international collaborative effort that focuses on regions and countries holding the largest mangrove resources and encompasses the major biogeographic and socio-economic settings of mangrove distribution. Given the economic and ecological importance of mangrove wetlands at the global scale, the chapters aim to integrate ecological and socio-economic perspectives on mangrove function and management using a system-level hierarchical analysis framework. The book explores the nexus between mangrove ecology and the capacity for ecosystem services, with an emphasis on thresholds, multiple stressors, and local conditions that determine this capacity. The interdisciplinary approach and illustrative study cases included in the book will provide valuable resources in data, information, and knowledge about the current status of one of the most productive coastal ecosystem in the world.
As global climate change proliferates, so too do the health risks associated with the changing world around us. Called for in the President’s Climate Action Plan and put together by experts from eight different Federal agencies, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: A Scientific Assessment is a comprehensive report on these evolving health risks, including: Temperature-related death and illness Air quality deterioration Impacts of extreme events on human health Vector-borne diseases Climate impacts on water-related Illness Food safety, nutrition, and distribution Mental health and well-being This report summarizes scientific data in a concise and accessible fashion for the general public, providing executive summaries, key takeaways, and full-color diagrams and charts. Learn what health risks face you and your family as a result of global climate change and start preparing now with The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health.
Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books offers insights into the cultural and historical transmission and practices of martial arts, based on the corpus of the Fight Books (Fechtbücher) in 14th- to 17th-century Europe. The first part of the book deals with methodological and specific issues for the studies of this emerging interdisciplinary field of research. The second section offers an overview of the corpus based on geographical areas. The final part offers some relevant case studies. This is the first book proposing a comprehensive state of research and an overview of Historical European Martial Arts Studies. One of its major strengths lies in its association of interdisciplinary scholars with practitioners of martial arts. Contributors are Sydney Anglo, Matthias Johannes Bauer, Eric Burkart, Marco Cavina, Franck Cinato, John Clements, Timothy Dawson, Olivier Dupuis, Bert Gevaert, Dierk Hagedorn, Daniel Jaquet, Rachel E. Kellet, Jens Peter Kleinau, Ken Mondschein, Reinier van Noort, B. Ann Tlusty, Manuel Valle Ortiz, Karin Verelst, and Paul Wagner.
This book summarizes Ismael Apud’s ethnographic research in the field of ayahuasca, conducted in Latin America and Catalonia over a period of 10 years. To analyze the variety of ayahuasca spiritual practices and beliefs, the author combines different approaches, including medical anthropology, cognitive science of religion, history of science, and religious studies. Ismael Apud is a psychologist and anthropologist from Uruguay, with a PhD in Anthropology at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.