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Buku ini berisi suatu hasil penelitian ilmiah yang dilengkapi dengan kajian pustaka tentang sistem monitoring emisi dalam bentuk partikulat dan gas yang berasal dari gunung berapi/vulkanik. Kajian puataka tentang udara, materi penyusun udara, kualitas udara, polutan yang mempengaruhi kualitas udara, sumber- sumber polutan, dan dampak polusi udara disajikan pada BAB 1. BAB 2 dari buku ini mendiskusikan tentang beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan gunung vulkanik yakni aktivitas gunung vulaknik, emisi yang dihasilkan oleh gunung vulkanik temasuk kajian emisi yang dihasilkan dari beberapa gunung vulkanik di dunia. Hal lain yang didiskusikan dalam bab ini adalah dampak dari emisi gunung vulkanik b...
Partikulat merupakan padatan dan cairan yang tersuspensi di udara sebagai hasil proses alami maupun karena ulah manusia yakni dari hasil pembakaran bahan bakar. Partikulat terbentuk secara langsung dari hasil pembakaran yang diketahui sebagai partikulat primer maupun terjadi karena reaksi kimia dari gas yang disebut sebagai partikulat sekunder. Parikulat yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran dengan ukuran yang bervariasi dari ukuran yang lebih dari 10 µm yang dikenal sebagai Coarsa, ukuran kurang dari 10 µm atau PM10, ukuran kurang dari 2.5 µm atau PM2.5, dan ukuran lebih kecil dari 0.1 µm atau PM0.1. Partikulat PM2.5 dan PM10 dikelompokkan sebagai Partikulat Fine atau Fine Particles, sedang P...
Buku biografi Prof. Drs. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, B.Sc., SU., D.Sc. ini menguraikan perjalanan hidup, pemikiran, dan implementasinya di dalam kehidupan di masyarakat. Beliau adalah akademisi di Universitas Brawijaya (UB), khususnya Departemen Biologi, yang dikenal tidak saja oleh murid-muridnya, tetapi juga di kalangan luas masyarakat. Karya beliau tidak sebatas berupa tulisan ilmiah baik berupa laporan hasil penelitian, buku, dan artikel ilmiah, tetapi juga berupa pemikiran-pemikiran yang beliau implementasikan dan dirasakan oleh masyarakat luas. Pemikiran-pemikiran baru beliau banyak diapresiasi oleh banyak pihak, meskipun pada awalnya ketika beliau cetuskan, banyak dikritik, bahkan dicerc...
The book comprehensively discusses the mechanisms of pathogenesis and drug resistance; current diagnostics landscape of four key human pathogens; bacterial, fungal, protozoans and viral which are the causes of major infectious diseases. It also assesses the emerging technologies for the detection and quantification of these pathogens. Further, it discusses the novel opportunities to fight against these infectious diseases and to identify pertinent drug targets with novel methodologies. It also reviews the current and future insights into the control, elimination, and eradication of these infectious diseases. Importantly, the book discusses the epidemiological characteristics and various challenges in combating Ebola and Influenza diseases. Finally, the book highlights the growing role of nanotechnology and bioinformatics resources for combating the infectious diseases. In summary, the book provides the mechanistic insight of the pathogenicity, drug-resistance, therapeutic strategies and identification of the novel drug targets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Plasmodium, Candida, Hepatitis C and emerging viral infections.
Using bioinformatics methods to generate a systems-level view of the immune system; description of the main biological concepts and the new data-driven algorithms. Despite the fact that advanced bioinformatics methodologies have not been used as extensively in immunology as in other subdisciplines within biology, research in immunological bioinformatics has already developed models of components of the immune system that can be combined and that may help develop therapies, vaccines, and diagnostic tools for such diseases as AIDS, malaria, and cancer. In a broader perspective, specialized bioinformatics methods in immunology make possible for the first time a systems-level understanding of th...
Roitt's Essential Immunology has established itself as the book of choice for students of immunology worldwide. This excellent textbook is commonly regarded as 'the best of the immunology primers' and the tenth edition remains at the cutting edge of this fascinating area of science. The trademark of this book is its highly readable introduction to the subject, its emphasis on core knowledge and its excellent four-color artwork. On the tenth edition, Ivan Roitt is joined by Peter Delves, a brilliant teacher from University College London. Together they have extensively updated all aspects of the book to produce a new edition, which will be an invaluable resource to students of immunology and ...
In this exhilarating culinary novel, a woman's road trip through Indonesia becomes a discovery of friendship, self, and other rare delicacies. Aruna is an epidemiologist dedicated to food and avian politics. One is heaven, the other earth. The two passions blend in unexpected ways when Aruna is asked to research a handful of isolated bird flu cases reported across Indonesia. While it's put a crimp in her aunt's West Java farm, and made her own confit de canard highly questionable, the investigation does provide an irresistible opportunity. It's the perfect excuse to get away from corrupt and corrosive Jakarta and explore the spices of the far-flung regions of the islands with her three friends: a celebrity chef, a globe-trotting "foodist," and her coworker Farish. From Medan to Surabaya, Palembang to Pontianak, Aruna and her friends have their fill of local cuisine. With every delicious dish, she discovers there's so much more to food, politics, and friendship. Now, this liberating new perspective on her country--and on her life--will push her to pursue the things she's only dreamed of doing.
The chapters presented in this International Volcanological Special Issue consider the characteristic features of a single volcano and/or a number of volcanoes worldwide (Jos and Biu Plateau volcanic provinces, Nigeria; Kachchh Rift Zone, Gujarat, India; Guamsan Caldera, Cheongsong, Korea; Somma-Vesuvius volcano, Napoli, Italy) in terms of future volcanic activity. The technical methods used are wide, innovative, as well as classic and reflect the knowledge presented in each chapter. The last chapter, however, deals with a new conceptual and methodological approach for the evaluation of volcanic risk. All these volcanoes (except Somma-Vesuvius volcano) are poorly studied so they deserve more attention, which is the goal of this volcanological book. Further studies are welcome to deepen the knowledge of each of the volcanoes presented.
Deimination is a relatively new post-translational modification of proteins, whose recognition is ever-increasing. First linked to the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), deimination is a process by which selected positively charged arginine amino acids are converted to neutral citrulline amino acids by the peptidyl arginine deiminase (PAD) family of enzymes. Although the medical literature is rich with articles about the possible significance of deiminated proteins in RA, Protein Deimination in Human Health and Disease is the first publication to compile this knowledge and the growing amount of new information now known about the presence of deiminated proteins in the eye, skin, hair, g...