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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the first International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI'12) held in Chennai, India during August 4-5, 2012. The 54 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 165 initial submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on data mining, clustering and intelligent information systems, multi agent systems, pattern recognition, signal and image processing and, computer networks and distributed systems. The book is directed to the researchers and scientists engaged in various fields of intelligent informatics.
This is an open access book. Indonesia, as a member of ASEAN, is now facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2016. The AEC will support the ASEAN’s transformation into a region that guarantees free movement of goods, services, capital, and skilled labors. This will make ASEAN an even more dynamic and competitive region. In preparation for the AEC, the ASEAN member countries have ventured to improve the comparability and connectivity of their TVET systems. As an important component of human resources development, TVET is expected to play an active role in preparing the successful EAC. The implications of technological, economic and social trends are intervening factors that refine pedagogical strategies, leading to the molding of TVET as a more effective platform to catalyze pragmatic approaches to prepare the workforce for the new imperatives of the world of work. Regional integration and harmonization of TVET in the region have become key concerns and at the same time the strength of the ASEAN region. They are considered the overarching interventions needed in TVET to address major issues and challenges.
This book compiles technical design notes from the teams that have participated in ROBOCON Malaysia 2019. Every chapter details how the team design their robots to achieve the mission specified in ROBOCON Malaysia 2019 rules. Every report consists of three sub-topics: mechanical design, electronics circuit design and programming. The reports presented in this collection are written in English. The purpose of this book is to share and pass on the valuable knowledge of engineering and robotics to other robotic enthusiasts especially in Malaysia. This book would be the first in the series to set the trend of knowledge sharing from the ROBOCON Malaysia. We hope this book series would be a reference for future robotics competition and robotics enthusiasts with the aim of being able to develop more advance robotics system by learning from the experiences of others.
This book presents the proceedings of SympoSIMM 2018, the 1st edition of the Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics. With the theme of “Strengthening Innovations Towards Industry 4.0”, the book comprises the studies towards the particularity of Industry 4.0’s current trends. It is divided into five parts covering various scopes of manufacturing engineering and mechatronics stream, namely Intelligent Manufacturing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Instrumentation, and Modelling and Simulation. It is hoped that this book will benefit the readers in embracing the new era of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
This volume gives Asia’s Shakespeares the critical, theoretical, and political space they demand, offering rich, alternative ways of thinking about Asia, Shakespeare, and Asian Shakespeare based on Asian experiences and histories. Challenging and supplementing the dominant critical and theoretical structures that determine Shakespeare studies today, close analysis of Shakespeare’s Asian journeys, critical encounters, cultural geographies, and the political complexions of these negotiations reveal perspectives different to the European. Exploring what Shakespeare has done to Asia along with what Asia has done with Shakespeare, this book demonstrates how Shakespeare helps articulate Asiane...
Mardina… anak yang tidak dikehendaki oleh Datuk Iskandar dan Datin Marisa. Tanpa kasih sayang ibu dan ayah, gadis itu hanyut dalam godaan iblis laknatullah. Lima tahun di kota London menemukan dia dengan Siti Fatimah. Wanita mualaf itu telah memalu fikirannya tentang makna hidup dan dan kenikmatan mencintai ALLAH Rabbul Alamin. Dia pulang ke tanah air dengan azam untuk membawa keluarganya yang miskin iman tapi mewah dunia kembali ke jalan yang benar. Namun, pelbagai rintangan dan fitnah terpaksa dihadapinya. Walaupun kadangkala pegangannya goyah, jihadnya kepada Yang Satu tetap diteruskan. Bayangan kekuatan Siti Fatimah menjadi obor pada setiap kesedihannya.
What insights can we gain from the rituals, actions, and interactions around death and the afterlife? This edited collection offers a multidisciplinary perspective on how individuals and collectives “do” death and interact with the dead. Through case studies of Singaporean Chinese religion communities, the authors bring a myriad of knowledge and experience from eight different but interconnected disciplines to examine, map, document, and theorise the practices of death and the afterlife. Heritage here is not just a point of nostalgia or historical snapshot, but becomes a significant resource for the shaping of and grappling with diasporic and contemporary Singaporean Chinese identities. ...
Buku ini menyajikan panduan komprehensif mengenai manajemen ternak ayam pedaging, mulai dari persiapan kandang hingga strategi pakan yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan yang maksimal. Ditujukan bagi peternak pemula maupun yang sudah berpengalaman, buku ini membahas berbagai aspek penting seperti pemilihan bibit unggul, perawatan harian, hingga penanganan penyakit yang sering menyerang ayam pedaging. Dengan pendekatan praktis, buku ini memberikan langkah-langkah yang mudah dipahami dalam mengelola usaha peternakan ayam pedaging, sekaligus menawarkan tips untuk meningkatkan produktivitas serta keuntungan. Selain itu, penjelasan mengenai teknologi modern yang dapat diterapkan di industri peternakan juga turut disertakan untuk membantu peternak beradaptasi dengan perkembangan terbaru. Buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi siapa pun yang tertarik dalam bisnis peternakan ayam pedaging, memberikan wawasan mendalam dan strategi sukses dalam memelihara ayam dengan cara yang efisien dan menguntungkan.