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Dunia terkejut. Corona virus (COVID -19) yang sebelumnya merupakan virus yang bisa dan biasa menyebabkan selesma biasa, menjadi pandemi. Spekulasi bermunculan, namun kita tidak bisa hidup berdasarkan spekulasi tersebut. Yang pasti, penyakit ini telah hadir di tengah tengah kita, telah menimbulkan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang nyata. Dan karenanya kita harus melakukan upaya -upaya yang terukur dan bertujuan supaya tidak ada lagi morbiditas apalagi mortalitas kepada manusia. Buku ini mencoba menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan mencoba memberikan persfektif pengenalan COVID dari sisi mikrobiologi hingga sisi pencegahan yang efektif dalam kehidupan sehari -hari dan dalam pelayanan kedokteran dan tindakan kedokteran sehari hari. Penyajian materi terhadap gejala gejala COVID -19 pada saluran nafas seperti gangguan penghidu dan gangguan kulit, juga di bahas dengan rinci oleh penulis yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Buku ini tidak membahas tatalaksana COVID -19 maupun epidemiologi COVID - 19, karena sudah bisa ditemukan pada referensi lain maupun panduan organisasi yang berwenang.
“OBESITAS “SI BOM WAKTU” KENALI-OBATI!”, merupakan sebuah karya yang kami susun untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai masalah obesitas yang semakin mengkhawatirkan di tengah masyarakat kita. Obesitas bukan hanya sekadar masalah kelebihan berat badan, tetapi juga merupakan sebuah tantangan serius yang mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik dan mental seseorang. Dalam buku ini, kami mengajak pembaca untuk mengenali akar permasalahan obesitas, mencermati dampaknya terhadap kesehatan, dan menyajikan berbagai strategi yang efektif untuk mengatasi dan mencegahnya.
Kemampuan akademik yang baik menjadi salah satu hal utama bagi calon mahasiswa agar bisa diterima kuliah jurusan kedokteran. Karena itu perlu strategi belajar yang tepat dan efisien untuk memaksimalkan usaha untuk mencapai nilai yang terbaik menjadi seorang dokter. Mahasiswa kedokteran perlu melatih kekuatan daya ingat dan kemampuan analitis dengan baik. Hal lain yang juga tidak kalah penting adalah memaksimalkan kesempatan belajar ketika melakukan praktikum karena berkaitan dengan keterampilan–keterampilan dasar untuk menjadi dokter.
The Low GI Diet is the only science-based diet that is proven to help you lose weight and develop a lifetime of healthy eating habits that can help you achieve optimum health and wellbeing and protect against illness and disease. This guide features: an effective 12-week action plan based on low GI eating, exercise, and activity goals for each week which will enable you to lose up to ten per cent of your current body weight; plus an ongoing maintenance program tips to help you maintain weight loss for life delicious recipes and meal plans the GI tables with the GI values of all your favourite foods. The result: A slimmer, fitter, healthier you for the rest of your life! Brought to you by the authors of the worldwide bestselling The New Glucose Revolution series on the glycemic index, The Low GI Diet explains how choosing low GI carbohydrates can help you feel fuller for longer and increase your energy levels making weight loss achievable and sustainable. A companion volume to the newly revised and updated The Low GI Handbook. Start losing weight and improving your overall health today.
This book discusses the latest scientific evidence related to fever and presents the principles of clinical practice, covering different types of fever and its possible complications. The book adopts a clearly defined, practical and effective approach to the management of fever, helping the clinician improve the care for the febrile child. The reader will learn about the guidelines on antipyretics and their side-effects and differential diagnoses, with problem-setting and solving as a case presentation.The second edition of this well-received book has been fully updated to include exciting new information of the pathogenesis of fever, including functions of interleukin and all the latest gui...
Funamental motor skills manual.
For an accessible and comprehensive survey of telecommunications and data communications technologies and services, consult the Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook, which includes information on origins, evolution and meaningful contemporary applications. Find discussions of technologies set in context, with details on fiber optics, cellular radio, digital carrier systems, TCP/IP, and the Internet. Explore topics like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP); 802.16 & WiMAX; Passive Optical Network (PON); 802.11g & Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) in this easily accessible guide without the burden of technical jargon.
Buku ini disusun untuk menyelesaikan MK Analisis Kebijakan Kesehatan. Yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui status kesehatan, cakupan kesehatan, kebijakan kesehatan, pembangunan kesehatan, dan perkembangan kesehatan yang dianalisis berdasarkan Profil Kesehatan dari lima kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Aceh. Adapun penyusunan buku ini terjadi dari 7 bab, yaitu memahami operasional kebijakan kesehatan sebagai dasar pembangunan kesehatan, implementasi operasionalisasi kebijakan kesehatan di Aceh, sistem kesehatan di Aceh, capaian dan tujuan sistem kesehatan, dan analisis kebijakan berdasarkan proses, outcome, masalah dan potensi pengembangan. Buku ini disusun oleh Mahasiswa MKM Unmuha semester ganjil angkatan 2022 dan semester genap angkatan 2021. Yang menjadi editor adalah Dr. Ede Surya Darmawan. SKM, MDM selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Analisis Kebijakan Kesehatan.
A number of techniques to study ion channels have been developed since the electrical basis of excitability was first discovered. Ion channel biophysicists have at their disposal a rich and ever-growing array of instruments and reagents to explore the biophysical and structural basis of sodium channel behavior. Armed with these tools, researchers have made increasingly dramatic discoveries about sodium channels, culminating most recently in crystal structures of voltage-gated sodium channels from bacteria. These structures, along with those from other channels, give unprecedented insight into the structural basis of sodium channel function. This volume of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology will explore sodium channels from the perspectives of their biophysical behavior, their structure, the drugs and toxins with which they are known to interact, acquired and inherited diseases that affect sodium channels and the techniques with which their biophysical and structural properties are studied.
UX design has traditionally been deliverables-based. Wireframes, site maps, flow diagrams, content inventories, taxonomies, mockups helped define the practice in its infancy.Over time, however, this deliverables-heavy process has put UX designers in the deliverables business. Many are now measured and compensated for the depth and breadth of their deliverables instead of the quality and success of the experiences they design. Designers have become documentation subject matter experts, known for the quality of the documents they create instead of the end-state experiences being designed and developed.So what's to be done? This practical book provides a roadmap and set of practices and principles that will help you keep your focus on the the experience back, rather than the deliverables. Get a tactical understanding of how to successfully integrate Lean and UX/Design; Find new material on business modeling and outcomes to help teams work more strategically; Delve into the new chapter on experiment design and Take advantage of updated examples and case studies.