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Buku ini berisi beberapa penyakit yang sering ditemukan di Puskesmas dan merupakan kompetensi dokter umum. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut antara lain: infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminth, penyakit eritroskuamosa, impetigo pada anak, infeksi jamur superfisial di kulit, alergi obat, keputihan pada anak usia menarche, abortus, kejang pada anak, demam tifoid dan limfadenopati tuberkulosa. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut dibahas tuntas sampai penatalaksanaan yang dapat dilaksanakan di fasilitas kesehatan primer termasuk Puskesmas. Selain membahas penyakit, buku ini juga berisi beberapa keterampilan yang dapat menjadi bekal bagi dokter umum di Puskesmas antara lain tatalaksana impaksi serumen, teknik sirkumsisi dan bekam. Pada buku ini juga membahas satu hal penting dalam penatalaksanaan pasien sehari-hari yaitu kapan harus memberikan antibiotik pada pasien di Puskesmas. Semua materi yang dibahas pada buku ini ditulis oleh narasumber kompeten di bidangnya. Harapan penulis buku ini dapat menjadi bekal bagi sejawat dokter dan praktisi kesehatan yang bertugas di fasilitas kesehatan primer dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari.
Dunia terkejut. Corona virus (COVID -19) yang sebelumnya merupakan virus yang bisa dan biasa menyebabkan selesma biasa, menjadi pandemi. Spekulasi bermunculan, namun kita tidak bisa hidup berdasarkan spekulasi tersebut. Yang pasti, penyakit ini telah hadir di tengah tengah kita, telah menimbulkan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang nyata. Dan karenanya kita harus melakukan upaya -upaya yang terukur dan bertujuan supaya tidak ada lagi morbiditas apalagi mortalitas kepada manusia. Buku ini mencoba menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan mencoba memberikan persfektif pengenalan COVID dari sisi mikrobiologi hingga sisi pencegahan yang efektif dalam kehidupan sehari -hari dan dalam pelayanan kedokteran dan tindakan kedokteran sehari hari. Penyajian materi terhadap gejala gejala COVID -19 pada saluran nafas seperti gangguan penghidu dan gangguan kulit, juga di bahas dengan rinci oleh penulis yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Buku ini tidak membahas tatalaksana COVID -19 maupun epidemiologi COVID - 19, karena sudah bisa ditemukan pada referensi lain maupun panduan organisasi yang berwenang.
This module offers a simple way yet interesting approach in applying data mining tools such as Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), an open source machine learning software. The practical hands-on of the tools and techniques for machine learning used in data mining is described step-by-step in five sub-modules. For each sub-module, a description about the topic is given for a better understanding. Inside, you'll learn about preparing the data, data cleaning, modelling, and results evaluation. The module ends by providing a check-list activity and common error that you may encounter. Three case studies are demonstrated from different sources of dataset using the features offered in WEKA. The module would be a good source for hands-on-introduction to machine learning algorithms with no extensive background in mathematic required. Predictive Analytics Applications with WEKA is an accessible introduction to this rapidly growing industry and suit for any students and researchers looking for a simple predictive analytics exercise.
This proceedings volume presents the latest trends in innovative business development theory and practice from a global, interdisciplinary perspective. Featuring selected contributions from the 25th International Economic Conference Sibiu (IECS 2018) held in Sibiu, Romania, it explores various topics in the areas of economics, business, finance and accounting, including tourism, marketing and Islamic banking and finance. Written by researchers from different regions and sectors around the world, it offers significant insights into the emerging shifts that characterize the fields of innovative economics and global development, innovative business practices, as well as innovative finance and banking, and provides organizations, managers and policy makers with new reliable solutions and opportunities for innovative development and growth within and between organizations around the globe.
The GCBME Book Series aims to promote the quality and methodical reach of the Global Conference on Business Management & Entrepreneurship, which is intended as a high-quality scientific contribution to the science of business management and entrepreneurship. The Contributions are the main reference articles on the topic of each book and have been subject to a strict peer review process conducted by experts in the fields. The conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and implementation of experiences, to establish business or research connections and to find Global Partners for future collaboration. The conference and resulting volume in the book series is expe...
Management of CNS Tumors is a selected review of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors with particular emphasis on pathological classification and complex treatment algorithms for each common tumor type. Additional detailed information is provided on selected CNS tumor associated disorders.
Increasing Management Relevance and Competitiveness contains the papers presented at the Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (the 2nd GC-BME 2017), Surabaya, Indonesia on the 9th of August, 2017. The book covers 7 topics: 1. Organizational Behavior, Leadership, and Human Resources Management 2. Innovation, Operations and Supply Chain Management 3. Marketing Management 4. Financial Management and Accounting 5. Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, and Contemporary Issues 6. Green Business 7. Management and Economics Education.
Nanopharmaceuticals reviews advances in the drug delivery field via nanovehicles or nanocarriers that offer benefits like targeted therapy and serves as a single dose magic bullet for multiple drug delivery with improved drug efficiency at a lower dose, transportation of the drug across physiological barriers as well as reduced drug-related toxicity. The chapters are written by a diverse group of international researchers from industry and academia. The series Expectations and Realities of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems examines the fabrication, optimization, biological aspects, regulatory and clinical success of wide range of drug delivery carriers. This series reviews multifunctiona...