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Filsafat Ilmu Ekonomi Islam
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 356

Filsafat Ilmu Ekonomi Islam

Suatu ilmu tidak akan mengalami perkembangan apabila tidak ada proses berfikir yang berkelanjutan. Proses berfikir yang terus-menerus disebut dengan filsafat. Semua bidang ilmu pengetahuan berawal dari proses berfikir. Salah satunya adalah Ilmu Ekonomi Islam. Ekonomi Islam merupakan sistem ekonomi yang memiliki landasan hukum al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits, dan sangat berbeda dengan sistem ekonomi konvensional. Bagaimana suatu ilmu ekonomi dapat dikaitkan dengan nilai-nilai agama? mengapa sistem ekonomi Islam berlandaskan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadist? Pertanyaan yang sumbernya adalah dari proses berfikir terkait dengan ekonomi Islam. Dalam buku Filsafat Ekonomi Islam ini, penulis berusaha memberikan gambaran dan deskripsi terkait dengan asal mula proses berfikir manusia yang menghasilkan suatu ilmu hingga menyebabkan filsafat itu terjadi, hubungan Agama dan sistem ekonomi, ekonomi Islam yang berupakan suatu sistem yang tidak bebas nilai, dan gambaran-gambaran lainnya yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru terkait dengan bagaimana suatu ekonomi Islam dapat terjadi. Sasaran pembaca: Mahasiswa Fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis, jurusan ekonomi Islam, dan para penggiat ekonomi Islam.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 199


Bisnis sudah menjadi bagian dari semua aspek kehidupan manusia artinya setiap saat manusia selalu melakukan aktivitas bisnis, entah itu dalam posisi sebagai orang yang memproduksi barang dan jasa (produsen), orang yang menyalurkan barang dan jasa (distributor) maupun sebagai pengguna barang dan jasa (konsumen). Oleh sebab itu, setiap pelaku bisnis harus senantiasa memperhatikan etika dalam melakukan aktivitas bisnisnya agar memberikan dampak yang positif baik bagi pelakunya sendiri maupun bagi orang lain. Buku ini terdiri dari 9 bab yang dimulai dari bab I tentang Konsep Dasar Etika dan Bisnis Islam. Bab II tentang Karakter etika Islam dan Sistem Etika Lainnya. Bab III tentang Etika dalam Pr...

Ekonomi Makro Islam : Teori & Studi Kasus
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 124

Ekonomi Makro Islam : Teori & Studi Kasus

Judul : Ekonomi Makro Islam : Teori & Studi Kasus Penulis : Dr. Abdul Aziz, M. Ag. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 124 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-664-6 SINOPSIS Awal mula pemikiran Ekonomi Islam diawali sejak masa Nabi Muhammad SAW diutus menjadi seorang Rasul. Beberapa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan di masa Rasulullah selain masalah hukum (fiqih) dan politik (siyasah), kebijakan dalam hal perniagaan atau ekonomi (muamalah) juga diatur di antara kebijakan yang dikeluarkan. Rasulullah SAW menjadikan masalah ekonomi sebagai suatu hal yang harus diberikan perhatian yang lebih. Oleh karena perekonomian adalah pilar penyangga keimanan yang harus diperhatikan. Kebijakan yang telah...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1047

Proceedings of the International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST 2023)

This is an open access book. International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST), formerly known as International Conference on Vocation for Higher Education (ICVHE), is an annual event organized by the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia, that aims to encourage innovative applied research in vocational higher education. In 2022, we rebranded the conference to focus on being an international forum where scholars and practitioners share their ideas on vocational education, especially within applied science and technology. The rebranding from ICVHE to ICVEAST marks our fifth conference. This year, we present our sixth conference, with the t...

Economics of an Islamic Economy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 486

Economics of an Islamic Economy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This book challenges the interventionist stance of Islamic economics as well as its presumption that "riba" equals interest. An Islamic economy, it argues, is essentially a market economy, but it differs from capitalist economies because both its institutions and the structure of, for example, property rights are specifically Islamic, deriving from Qur n and other sources of Islamic law. The book also focuses on the similarities and differences between "riba" and interest, establishes the often neglected connection between the two, and explores the ramifications of this connection for Islamic financial systems.

What is Islamic Economics?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 73

What is Islamic Economics?

In this lecture, Dr. Umer Chapra has explained both the subject matter of Islamic economics as well as its methodology in his usual masterly fashion. He has also presented a comparative perspective for solving the eternal economic problem: He has explained how the Islamic economics paradigm deals with this problem and allocates the scarce resources among their alternative uses in such a way that human well-being is maximized without sacrificing social objectives.

Majalah Al Azhar - Edisi 305
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 44

Majalah Al Azhar - Edisi 305

Bulan November 2020 menjadi bulan kegemilangan YPI Al Azhar. Bulan penuh prestasi sehingga layak untuk dipublikasi. Tim KSN dari Sekolah Islam Al Azhar mempersembahkan medali dari ajang bergensi. Kejuangan mereka kami sajikan dalam Majalah Al Azhar Edisi 305 (Kenzie Keira) yang telah mempersembahkan Medali Emas dari Ajang KSN 2020, prestasi lainnya dari guru dan murid juga kami hadirkan di sini

Structural Bioinformatics: Applications in Preclinical Drug Discovery Process
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 414

Structural Bioinformatics: Applications in Preclinical Drug Discovery Process

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-01-10
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book reviews the advances and challenges of structure-based drug design in the preclinical drug discovery process, addressing various diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis and cancer. Written by internationally recognized researchers, this edited book discusses how the application of the various in-silico techniques, such as molecular docking, virtual screening, pharmacophore modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, and residue interaction networks offers insights into pharmacologically active novel molecular entities. It presents a clear concept of the molecular mechanism of different drug targets and explores methods to help understand drug resistance. In addition, it includes chapters dedicated to natural-product- derived medicines, combinatorial drug discovery, the CryoEM technique for structure-based drug design and big data in drug discovery. The book offers an invaluable resource for graduate and postgraduate students, as well as for researchers in academic and industrial laboratories working in the areas of chemoinformatics, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacoinformatics.

The Technology Acceptance Model
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 125

The Technology Acceptance Model


The Making of Islamic Economic Thought
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

The Making of Islamic Economic Thought

Interrogating the development and conceptual framework of economic thought in the Islamic tradition pertaining to ethical, philosophical, and theological ideas, this book provides a critique of modern Islamic economics as a hybrid economic system. From the outset, Sami Al-Daghistani is concerned with the polyvalent methodology of studying the phenomenon of Islamic economic thought as a human science in that it nurtures a complex plentitude of meanings and interpretations associated with the moral self. By studying legal scholars, theologians, and Sufis in the classical period, Al-Daghistani looks at economic thought in the context of Sharī'a's moral law. Alongside critiquing modern developments of Islamic economics, he puts forward an idea for a plural epistemology of Islam's moral economy, which advocates for a multifaceted hermeneutical reading of the subject in light of a moral law, embedded in a particular cosmology of human relationality, metaphysical intelligibility, and economic subjectivity.