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Buku ini membahas tentang pengaruh intervensi NATO terhadap transformasi konflik sipil di Libya pada tahun 2011 dengan membandingkan dua periode konflik sipil Libya, yaitu periode konflik sebelum terjadinya intervensi NATO dan periode konflik setelah intervensi NATO terjadi. Ruang lingkup pembahasan dalam buku ini adalah sejak terjadinya perang sipil di Libya pada bulan Februari 2011 hingga berakhirnya Operation Unified Protector oleh NATO di Libya pada bulan Oktober 2011. Buku ini ditulis berdasarkan skripsi penulis yang berjudul “Pengaruh Intervensi North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) terhadap Transformasi Konflik Sipil di Libya pada Tahun 2011” yang telah disahkan pada bulan Juni 2013.
Isu perdagangan manusia diketahui merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional yang cukup besar mengancam kawasan Asia Tenggara. Buku ini akan memudahkan pembaca mengetahui lebih jauh terkait fenomena perdagangan manusia, respons regional, hingga penanganan kejahatan tersebut di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Melalui penelitian mendalam dari beberapa penulis, Bagian A pada tulisan ini membedah terkait efektivitas penanganan perdagangan manusia di Provinsi Jawa Timur, faktor-faktor perdagangan manusia dari Myanmar ke Thailand dan Filipina ke China, fenomena perdagangan manusia di Perbatasan Entikong, hingga fenomena peningkatan perdagangan manusia di Thailand. Selanjutnya, Bagian B pada buku in...
Cyberbullying merupakan tindakan mengintimidasi, menyakiti atau mengganggu seseorang yang menimbulkan rasa tertekan, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi internet. Dalam melakukan cyberbullying pelaku dapat diuntungkan, sebab identitas dapat disembunyikan, berbeda dengan jenis bullying lainnya, pada diri pelaku cyberbullying terdapat beberapa pemicu, di antaranya yaitu dendam yang tidak terbalaskan. Buku ini membahas fenomena cyberbullying yang semakin marak terjadi di Indonesia seiring perkembangan teknologi. Fokus utama buku ini adalah penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku cyberbullying melalui media elektronik. Di dalamnya dikaji secara mendalam landasan hukum yang berlaku, baik dalam KUHP maupun UU ITE, serta penerapannya dalam kasus-kasus nyata. Buku ini juga menganalisis kendala dalam penegakan hukum cyberbullying, seperti pembuktian dan yurisdiksi, serta perlindungan hukum bagi korban. Lebih lanjut, buku ini menawarkan solusi dan rekomendasi untuk peningkatan efektivitas penegakan hukum dan pencegahan cyberbullying di masa depan.
The formation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967 was originally driven by political and security concerns. In the decades that followed, ASEAN's scope evolved to include an ambitious and progressive economic agenda. In December 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was formally launched. Although AEC has enjoyed some notable successes, the vision of economic integration is yet to be fully realized. This publication reviews the evolution of ASEAN economic integration and assesses the major achievements. It also examines the challenges that emerged during the past decade and provides recommendations on how to overcome them.
This report explores effective policy solutions to the current and future challenges related to food security in the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). While robust GDP growth, rising agricultural productivity and output, and strong growth in agricultural incomes ...
Research and Writing in International Relations, Fourth Edition, offers the step-by-step guidance and the essential resources needed to compose political science papers that go beyond description and into systematic and sophisticated inquiry. This book provides concise, easy-to-use advice to help students develop more advanced papers through step-by-step descriptions, examples, and resources for every stage of the paper writing process. The book focuses on areas where students often need guidance: understanding how international relations theory fits into research, finding a topic, developing a question, reviewing the literature, designing research, and last, writing the paper. Including cur...
This is an important and timely volume: important because ASEAN is an increasingly significant and influential regional and global actor; and timely because, as the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community target approaches, what is needed is a sympathetic yet arms-length survey of the issues and challenges. ASEAN will miss some of the targets laid out in its AEC Blueprint, but the reader is left in no doubt that the ASEAN spirit is alive and well. The editors include a distinguished former Secretary General of ASEAN and the leading academic analyst of ASEAN economic cooperation. They and their co-editors are to be congratulated for soliciting contributions from an outstanding and diverse group of authors, and then adding their highly authoritative commentary and analysis. A must read for anybody seriously interested in ASEAN.
Regionalism in Southeast Asia provides the reader with an historical analysis of Southeast Asia from the distinct perspective of regionalism. Southeast Asian history is usually written from a national point of view, which underplays the links between neighbouring states and nations and the effects of these bonds on the development of regionalism. This innovative book begins by defining the meaning of 'region' and 'regionalism' and then applies it to periods in history in Southeast Asia, looking at how patterns of regionalism have shifted through time to the present day. By focusing on the regional perspective Nicholas Tarling gives an original treatment of Southeast Asian history, its political dynamics and its international realtions. Regionalism in Southeast Asia completes a trilogy of books on Southeast Asia by Nicholas Tarling published by Routledge, the other two are Nationalism in Southeast Asia and Imperialism in Southeast Asia.
Oral Wound Healing: Cell Biology and Clinical Management brings experts from around the world together to provide an authoritative reference on the processes, principles and clinical management of wound healing in the oral mucosa. Promoting a thorough understanding of current research on the topic, this new resource draws together thinking on the basic biological processes of wound healing in the oral environment, as well as providing more detailed information and discussion on processes such as inflammation, reepithelialization and angiogenesis. Beyond this, the book goes on to examine topics pertinent to the effective clinical management of oral wound healing, bringing together chapters on large dento-facial defects, dental implants, periodontal regeneration, and pulp healing.An essential synthesis of current research and clinical applications, Oral Wound Healing will be an indispensable resource for dental specialists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons as well as researchers in oral medicine and biology.
For years, scientists have been warning us that a pandemic was all but inevitable. Now it's here, and the rest of us have a lot to learn. Fortunately, science writer Carl Zimmer is here to guide us. In this compact volume, he tells the story of how the smallest living things known to science can bring an entire planet of people to a halt--and what we can learn from how we've defeated them in the past. Planet of Viruses covers such threats as Ebola, MERS, and chikungunya virus; tells about recent scientific discoveries, such as a hundred-million-year-old virus that infected the common ancestor of armadillos, elephants, and humans; and shares new findings that show why climate change may lead to even deadlier outbreaks. Zimmer’s lucid explanations and fascinating stories demonstrate how deeply humans and viruses are intertwined. Viruses helped give rise to the first life-forms, are responsible for many of our most devastating diseases, and will continue to control our fate for centuries. Thoroughly readable, and, for all its honesty about the threats, as reassuring as it is frightening, A Planet of Viruses is a fascinating tour of a world we all need to better understand.