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Buku ini mengupas tuntas bagaimana teknologi kecerdasan buatan (Al) merevolusi pelayanan publik, menciptakan efisiensi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Dari otomatisasi proses administrasi hingga sistem berbasis Al yang mampu memberikan layanan real-time kepada masyarakat, buku ini menyajikan wawasan mendalam tentang transformasi sektor publik. Namun, inovasi ini tidak terlepas dari tantangan. Buku ini membahas bagaimana pemerintah dapat memastikan transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan perlindungan data pribadi dalam era digital. Selain itu, pembaca diajak memahami pentingnya kesiapan sumber daya manusia birokrasi untuk beradaptasi dengan teknologi canggih ini. Dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan penuh wawasan, buku ini menjadi panduan bagi pembuat kebijakan, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum untuk memahami potensi, tantangan, serta langkah-langkah strategis dalam memanfaatkan Al guna mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang lebih modern, inklusif, dan efisien
IPSC organized by Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Universiti Teknologi Mara-Malaysia and Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia. IPSC aims to address the challenges associated with the modern research produced in the public sector. As new advancements are constantly emerging, early-career academics, scholars, and researchers are finding it harder to stay abreast of these developments. The conference seeks to provide support to these individuals by helping them stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. The 5th International Public Sector Conference (IPSC) 2023 with the theme "Strategic Alliance and Sustainabillity of Public Sector Organization in Digital Era" w...
Originally published in 2011, The Mosquito Bite Author is the seventh novel by the acclaimed Turkish author Barış Bıçakçı. It follows the daily life of an aspiring novelist, Cemil, in the months after he submits his manuscript to a publisher in Istanbul. Living in an unremarkable apartment complex in the outskirts of Ankara, Cemil spends his days going on walks, cooking for his wife, repairing leaks in his neighbor’s bathroom, and having elaborate imaginary conversations in his head with his potential editor about the meaning of life and art. Uncertain of whether his manuscript will be accepted, Cemil wavers between thoughtful meditations on the origin of the universe and the trajectory of political literature in Turkey, panic over his own worth as a writer, and incredulity toward the objects that make up his quiet world in the Ankara suburbs.
About Trees considers our relationship with language, landscape, perception, and memory in the Anthropocene. The book includes texts and artwork by a stellar line up of contributors including Jorge Luis Borges, Andrea Bowers, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ada Lovelace and dozens of others. Holten was artist in residence at Buro BDP. While working on the book she created an alphabet and used it to make a new typeface called Trees. She also made a series of limited edition offset prints based on her Tree Drawings.
Literasi baca-tulis adalah salah satu ciri utama masyarakat beradab. Semakin tinggi budaya baca-tulis suatu bangsa, semakin tinggi pula peradaban dan daya pikir bangsa itu. Dengan meningkatnya daya pikir dan kreativitas, suatu bangsa akan terhindar dari ketertinggalan zaman dan kolonialisme era baru. Terbitnya karya tulis siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara ini bisa memacu gairah menulis di kalangan siswa. Apabila semangat baca-tulis diperkenalkan sejak dini, anak-anak muda bangsa akan mampu bersaing dalam peradaban dunia yang amat cepat berubah. Pintu pikiran mereka akan selalu terbuka terhadap segala jenis pemahaman dan peluang baru. Melalui literasi baca-tulis, mereka tidak akan tersesat di belantara zaman. Mereka akan belajar hidup bersama-sama dan membangun dunia yang lebih baik untuk kita semua.
The Seminar Nasional of The Emerging of Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) or SNCOV in collaboration with PPI Taiwan is a conference of tourism health and Social Science provide a forum for publishing research articles or review articles that improving and alert to the threat of new viruses, especially Wuhan nCoV and impact to all Aspect. This conference has been held by Faculty of Medical and Science Universitas Warmadewa and support by PPI Taiwan. The conference is held on February 11th to 12th 2020. This conference encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including The current situation of 2019-nCo-V: counting the risk of transmission; Travel warning:...
“Intisari Susila Hindu” menawarkan rangkuman panduan komprehensif dan mendalam tentang bagaimana ajaran susila dalam agama Hindu dapat diaplikasikan dalam pembentukan karakter generasi muda. Buku ini mengkaji nilai-nilai fundamental seperti kebenaran, kedamaian, kasih sayang, dan pengendalian diri yang menjadi landasan etika Hindu. Melalui pendekatan akademis yang sistematis dan disertai dengan ilustrasi praktis, buku ini mengarahkan pembaca untuk menginternalisasi dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip dharma dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Para penulis yang adalah akademisi dalam bidang pendidikan Hindu memaparkan konsep-konsep etika Hindu dengan jelas dan terstruktur, menjadikan buku ini sumber yang berharga bagi pelajar, pendidik, dan semua pihak yang tertarik dalam pengembangan karakter berbasis spiritual. “Intisari Susila Hindu” adalah bacaan wajib untuk siapa saja yang berkeinginan mendalami nilai-nilai luhur Hindu dan menerapkannya dalam konteks modern guna membentuk individu yang berintegritas dan bertanggung jawab.
"[An] incredibly moving collection of oral histories . . . important enough to be added to the history curriculum" Telegraph "A moving evocation of the 'everyday terror' systematically perpetrated over 41 years of Albanian communism . . . An illuminating if harrowing insight into life in a totalitarian state." Clarissa de Waal, author of ALBANIA: PORTRAIT OF A COUNTRY IN TRANSITION "Albania, enigmatic, mysterious Albania, was always the untold story of the Cold War, the 1989 revolutions and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Mud Sweeter Than Honey goes a very long way indeed towards putting that right" New European After breaking ties with Yugoslavia, the USSR and then China, Enver Hoxha believed ...
The advance technological development has led to the revolution on the way people communicating. People, things, and systems now are all connected in cyberspace and optimal results obtained by artificial intelligence (AI) exceeding the capabilities of humans fed back to physical space. This process brings new value to industry and society in ways not possible previously. To explore and examine it, the proceedings comprise themes (1) communication industry and beyond that focused on the concept of personalization to the next level of “mass personalization” in the communication fields, (2) social cultural and its implications that explore communities based on interest, religion, or shared ...