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INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS (at IAREC'17) (This book inclueds English (main) and Turkish languages) International Workshop on Mechanical Engineering International Workshop on Mechatronics Engineering International Workshop on Energy Systems Engineering International Workshop on Automotive Engineering and Aerospace Engineering International Workshop on Material Engineering International Workshop on Manufacturing Engineering International Workshop on Physics Engineering International Workshop on Electrical and Electronics Engineering International Workshop on Computer Engineering and Software Engineering International Workshop on Chemical Engineering International Workshop on Textile Engineering I...
İslam tarihinde devletin gelirlerinin toplandığı mekân olan beytülmal, günümüzdeki devlet hazinesine tekabül eder. Beytülmâl kurumunun mazisi Hz. Peygamber (sas) zamanına kadar gitmekle birlikte o dönemde sadece bu amaç için ayrılan bir mekândan bahsedilemez. Hz. Ebû Bekir zamanında halifenin evinin bir odası devlet hazinesi için tahsis edilmiştir. Beytülmâlin kurumsallaşması ve müstakil binalara kavuşması ise Hz. Ömer zamanına denk gelmektedir. Hz. Ömer döneminde sınırların genişlemesi ve devlet gelirlerinin artmasıyla birlikte divan teşkilatı kuruldu. Halk kabile mensubiyetlerine göre defterlere kaydedildi.
Chlamydia infections continue to pose a serious socioeconomic burden globally. Despite advances in diagnostic tests in recent decades, chlamydial infections still cannot be controlled, neither in developed countries nor in developing countries. Chlamydial infections date back to the beginning of recorded human history. Trachoma caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, which progresses to blindness, is mentioned in ancient Chinese inscriptions and Egyptian scrolls. Today, we must better apply our knowledge against this clever and evolving obligate intracellular parasitic microorganism. Chlamydia - Secret Enemy from Past to Present examines chlamydial infections using a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach. It discusses the microbiology, clinical presentation, and current approaches in the diagnosis and treatment management of chlamydial infection from the viewpoint of different clinics as well as includes relevant and recent literature.
This book provides a comprehensive information on basic and applied concepts of microbesial strategies adopted for the improvement of vegetables grown in various production systems. The beneficial role of soil microbes including plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), nitrogen fixers, and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in the improvement of vegetables grown both in normal and contaminated soils is discussed. The role of PGPR in tomato production is dealt separately. The impact of heavy metals on different vegetables and abatement of metal toxicity following metal tolerant PGPR and their consequential impact on vegetables grown in metal polluted soil is discussed. Moreover, recent advances in the management of vegetable diseases employing PGPR are addressed. This volume is therefore of special interest to both academics, professionals and practitioners working in the field of vegetable farming/horticulture, microbiology and plant protection sciences.
Yasemins Verzweiflung 1 Yasemin ist 21 Jahre jung, atemberaubend schön und ihre Augen gleichen dem Blau des Himmels. Trotzdem sind ihre Blicke voller Trauer und Leid erfüllt. Ein Leid, das für einen Menschen alleine kaum zu ertragen und kaum vorstellbar ist. Tyrannei, Folter und Todesangst. All dem stellt sich Yasemin auf ihrem Weg. Sie begegnet unvorstellbar bösartigen Menschen. Umso mehr geben ihr die gutherzigen Menschen Kraft, die wie ein Licht für sie sind. Wird sie den Kampf gewinnen? Schafft sie es, sich aus der Verzweiflung zu befreien?
The Wheat Improvement, Management, and Utilization book covers some of the most recent research areas that touch on enhancement of wheat productivity. It is obvious that wheat is one of the major staple crops grown globally. This crop has widely been researched on considering that, for instance, it is afflicted by various abiotic and biotic stresses that limit its growth and productivity. Today?s goal of wheat improvement consistently is to develop varieties that are high yielding with good processing and technological qualities, well adapted and tolerant to prevailing biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, this is a valuable reference book on wheat improvement, agronomy, and end-use qualities, particularly for those who work in research organizations and higher academic institutions. Moreover, it provides an invaluable resource for readers interested in a quick review of trending topics in wheat.