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This volume aims to revitalize the exchange between sociological differentiation theory and the sociology of religion, which previously held center stage among the sociological classics. It brings together contributions from different disciplines, as well as various forms of regional and historical expertise, which are indispensable in forming a globally oriented sociological perspective today. Secularization is understood as a process of boundary demarcation, that is, as the enactment of semantic, practical, and institutional distinctions between religion and other spheres of activity and knowledge. These distinctions may emerge from within the religious field itself, or may be absorbed int...
Presenting diverse contributors from legal, academic, and practitioner sectors, this book illustrates how the distinctions between international and domestic law are falling away in the context of security, particularly in the responses to terrorism, and explores the implications of these dramatic shifts in the normative order. Fundamental changes in the powers of the state and the rights of populations have accelerated since the globalized response to 9/11, creating effects that spread beyond borders and operate in a new, as yet under-conceptualized space. Although these altered practices were said to be in response to exceptional circumstances — a response to terrorism — they have become increasingly established in an altered baseline norm. This book explores the (inter)national implications of exceptional legal efforts to protect states’ domestic space in the realm of security.
New knowledge, created in international cooperation, is essential for global sustainability. Set against this background, this study focuses on German science policy for research cooperation with developing countries and emerging economies in sustainability research. Based on interviews with policy makers and researchers, the book scrutinizes the actors, processes and contents of science policy in Germany. The author argues that science policy mainly aims at German economic benefits and technology development. This, however, negatively influences global sustainability. To counter existing path dependencies, the author provides recommendations for sustainability-oriented scientific practice and science policy.
The term 'Global South' marks a new attempt at providing order and meaning in the current global political constellation, replacing the term 'Third World'. But the term 'Global South' is fraught with many ambiguities. This book explores the possible meanings of this new distinction and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of adopting it for understanding the contemporary world. It casts a wide exploratory net, addressing historical transformations of world-interpretation and wider cultural-intellectual meanings.
This book explores how various actors reacted to this pandemic through specific forms of representation and storytelling in popular culture, public discourse, and science communication.
In this companion, a diverse, international and interdisciplinary group of contributors and editors examine the rapidly expanding, far-reaching field of mobile media as it intersects with art across a range of spaces—theoretical, practical and conceptual. As a vehicle for—and of—the everyday, mobile media is recalibrating the relationship between art and digital networked media, and reshaping how creative practices such as writing, photography, video art and filmmaking are being conceptualized and practised. In exploring these innovations, The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art pulls together comprehensive, culturally nuanced and interdisciplinary approaches; considerations of broader media ecologies and histories and political, social and cultural dynamics; and critical and considered perspectives on the intersections between mobile media and art. This book is the definitive publication for researchers, artists and students interested in comprehending all the various aspects of mobile media art, covering digital media and culture, internet studies, games studies, anthropology, sociology, geography, media and communication, cultural studies and design.
Krisen verschärfen gesellschaftliche Problemlagen bzw. lassen diese besonders deutlich hervortreten. Zugleich werfen krisenbedingte Einschnitte in bisher selbstverständliche Gewohnheiten grundlegende Fragen zum Zusammenleben in modernen Staaten und zur Funktionsweise gesellschaftlicher Institutionen auf. Vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie leuchten die Beiträger*innen des Bandes das Thema der gesellschaftlichen Kohäsion in Krisenzeiten aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen näher aus. Sie diskutieren nicht nur grundlegende sozialtheoretische Fragen und empirische Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema, sondern analysieren auch Handlungsansätze der Solidarisierung in Zeiten der Krise.
Ethnografisch und theoretisch fundiert beleuchtet der Band den Straßenhandel mit Souvenirs aus Sicht der lokalen Händler. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie sich endogame Handwerkergruppen der Wolof den Souvenirhandel aneigneten, welche Bedeutung die internationale Kulturpolitik auch für Straßenhändler spielen kann, wie der Arbeitsalltag verschiedener Straßenhändler verläuft und in welchem Spannungsverhältnis deren "Informalität" mit Staat und Tourismusindustrie steht. Auf Basis dieser Ausführungen entwickelt die Studie das Konzept des relationalen Markttauschs, das den wirtschaftsethnologischen Diskurs - nicht nur zum Straßenhandel - um einen wichtigen Aspekt ergänzt.