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InCEESS is an international conference hosted by Pelita Bangsa University. This conference is arranged to become an annual conference making room for scholars and practitioners in the area of Engineering, ICT, Management, and all research in Social Science and Humanities to share their thoughts, knowledge, and recent researches in the field of study (
This is an open access book. In the era of globalization and economic liberalization, the free trade applies and begins to be implemented, such as the Asian Economic Community (AEC), the inflow and outflow of food, beverage, drug and cosmetic products circulating in the world community is increasing rapidly. Indeed, the halal products circulated and traded cannot be confirmed so that they do not give a sense of peace, security, comfort, and are suitable for consumption by Muslim consumers. The circulation of various products on the market, both in the form of finished products and raw materials, especially those sourced from animals, either directly or derived from animals, has made it diffi...
We are delighted to introduce Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium On Religious Life (ISRL 2020). This conference has brought academicians, researchers, developers and practitioners around the world. In collaboration with Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS) and Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Agency for Research, Development and Training of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) convened bi-annual symposium with the following main theme: “Religious Life, Ethics and Human Dignity in the Disruptive Era”. The 3rd ISRL highlighted the role of religion and ethics in the disruptive era that erode human values, civility, and dignity. In the processes of d...
Pariwisata halal dewasa ini menjadi kajian menarik di kalangan akademisi dan pengelola wisata. Selain sebagai penguat kunci ekonomi, sektor yang belum dikelola secara baik ini menjadi pasar baru bagi pariwisata berbasis halal. Wisata halal merupakan jenis pariwisata yang didasarkan pada Hukum Syariah Islam, yang memandu semua aspek kehidupan seorang Muslim dari lahir sampai mati. Secara umum, halal mengacu pada segala sesuatu yang diperbolehkan menurut hukum Syariah dan mencakup hal-hal yang beragam seperti makanan, perbankan, kosmetik, produk farmasi dan vaksin, dan pariwisata. Buku yang di nukil dari beberapa jurnal internasional ini mengulas secara umum potensi dan prospek wisata halal. Terutama di era new normal pada saat pariwisata seluruh dunia mengalami penurunan drastis akibat pandemi Covid-19. Selamat Membaca
This is the 1st Conference on Islamic Finance and Technology (CIFET), an international conference held by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidorajo that invites global professionals, academics, independent scholars, and researchers. This conferences supported by Perkumpulan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, Kresna Nusantara, Ijab, and Bank BNI Syariah. It have to meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues concerning all fields of Islamic Banking and Technology. All full paper submissions will be published in Bahasa Indonesia consider within our objectives (1) To provide a forum for all stakeholders in Islamic banking and technology to discuss the current issues, (2) to Promote the Islami...
This book contains compilation of English Language Education Study Program students' creative writing in form of play scripts. The students who are mostly from batched 2018 worked in groups to continue the plot of one of two selected one act plays. As their final project in Drama course, they showed their original ideas. Happy reading.
EViews yang merupakan singkatan dari “Econometric Views” adalah perangkat lunak berupa program komputer yang dipergunakan sebagai alat analisis statistika dan ekonometri pada data berjenis runtun-waktu. EViews seperti halnya program SPSS yang dapat difungsikan sebagai alat untuk menganalisa data statistik. Pemakaian umum dari EViews adalah perhitungan dalam pemodelan vektor otore-gresi. Secara praktis, EViews dapat menentukan tingkat efektivitas dari kebijakan moneter yang melalui jalur suku bunga maupun jalur nilai tukar. Saat ini EViews bekerja dalam sistem operasi berbasis Windows, untuk penggunaan OS belum tersedia. Perangkat lunak ini dikembangkan oleh perusahaan Quantitative Micro ...
Provides a synthesis of thought on an influential issue for tourism, and a point of focus for tourism researchers, managers and developers in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Maldives and Turkey, as well as the Western world.
This book includes the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, which took place in Asan, Korea, on July 1–3, 2021. Software intensive systems are systems, which heavily interact with other systems, sensors, actuators, devices, and other software systems and users. More and more domains are involved with software intensive systems, e.g., automotive, telecommunication systems, embedded systems in general, industrial automation systems, and business applications. Moreover, the outcome of web services delivers a new platform for enabling software intensive systems. Complex systems research is focused on the overall understanding...
MengASlhi atau memberikan ASI (Air Susu Ibu) yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah menyusui adalah proses yang sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Menyusui adalah proses pemberian susu kepada bayi atau anak dengan air susu ibu (ASI) dari payudara ibu. Menyusui merupakan peristiwa kompleks yang melibatkan ibu dan bayi dalam prosesnya. Seorang ibu harus mengetahui konsep menyusui yang benar dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan proses menyusui. Ibu menyusui yang bekerja dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI dengan beberapa cara, optimalisasi ASI perah dan penyimpanannya, serta kebijakan pemerintah dalam mendukung keberhasilan menyusui. Dalam buku ini juga dibahas pengaruh Covid-19 pada proses menyusui. Bagaimana sistem imun ibu menyusui yang terpapar virus Covid-19, mendapatkan vaksinasi Covid-19, dan antibodi dalam ASI dari ibu penyintas Covid-19.