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The 9th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference in Prague 2017, Czech Republic
It is a great pleasure to share with you the Springer CCIS proceedings of the First International Conference on Reforming Education, Quality of Teaching and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Learning Technologies, Quality of Education, Educational Systems, Evaluation, Pedagogies––TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Which was a part of the World Summit on the Knowledge Society Conference Series. TECH-EDUCATION 2010 was a bold effort aiming to foster a debate on the global need in our times to invest in education. The topics of the conference dealt with six general pillars: Track 1. Quality of Education––A new Vision Track 2. Technology-Enhanced Learning––Learning Technologies––Personalization-E-...
This book advances knowledge about the implementation of peace and non-violence strategies in education that counter violence. Addressing both hidden and direct violence, it examines the harm to wellbeing and learning through a unique exploration of the role of teachers, and confronts the roots of violence in educational settings. Presenting and critiquing a range of pedagogical tools, case examples, and research, it examines how various methods can be used for identifying and proactively responding to conflicts such as injustice, discrimination, and prejudice, among others. Contributors present case studies from a range of global contexts and offer cutting-edge research on the applications of these resources, and how they contextualize peace education. An essential read for educators, teacher educators and peace scholars, it crucially offers pathways for confronting and healing from violence in both formal and informal sites of education.
Ultimately concerned with how citizenship education for peace can be enriched through interdisciplinary learning, this edited volume reveals the role of peace education in global citizenship by illuminating instruction for comprehensive citizenship. A truly international collection, this volume offers timely insights from countries including Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Bangaldesh, Korea, Zimbabwe, and Timor Leste as it provides critical, in-depth analyses of peace-oriented instruction in formal and informal settings. The text illustrates how citizenship can be effectively developed on both a global and a local level, and discusses the practical learning opportunities that can enact change through schools, nongovernmental organizations, and community-wide civic actions with children, youth, adults, and families. This text will appeal to academics and researchers involved in the field of international and comparative education and will be of interest to educators and school leaders concerned with the role citizenship plays in the context of teaching and learning.
With the prevailing violent conflict situation of our world, perpetuated sometimes even in the name of religion, humanity today faces extinction. To reverse this ugly trend, humanity has no choice than to build a society where every tribe and tongue can coexist in peace. This work analyzed the violent conflicts from anthropological, behavioral, politico-philosophical, and theological perspectives, and makes a demand on humanity to save herself through proper education and dialogue with all men and religions. Lotanna Olisaemeka is a researcher in Missiology affiliated with the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule, Vallendar, Germany.
La moral és pública i cultural. No hi ha moral privada. Qualsevol cultura, en un moment determinat de la seva història, té uns «marcs normatius», això és, una sèrie de principis, lleis, costums, hà bits, valors. que organitzen els comportaments dels seus ciutadans en les seves vides quotidianes. L'educació, en aquest cas, té la funció de transmetre la moral a les noves generacions. Tanmateix, els autors d'aquest llibre creuen que l'ètica no és la moral. A diferència d'aquesta, l'ètica és la resposta a la demanda del rostre de l'altre, una resposta que se situa en els marges de la moral, en els lÃmits del bé i del mal.
La moral es pública y cultural. No hay moral privada. Toda cultura, en un momento determinado de su historia, posee unos "marcos normativos", esto es, una serie de principios, leyes, costumbres, hábitos, valores... que organizan los comportamientos de sus ciudadanos en sus vidas cotidianas. La educación, en este caso, tiene la función de transmitir la moral a las nuevas generaciones. Sin embargo, los autores de este libro creen que la ética no es la moral. A diferencia de ésta, la ética es la respuesta a la demanda del rostro del otro, una respuesta que se sitúa en los márgenes de la moral, en los lÃmites del bien y el mal.
Uno de los retos fundamentales que, sin duda alguna, plantea la globalización consiste en ser capaces de vivir en armonÃa en nuestras sociedades. Diversidad de creencias, sensibilidades y modos de obrar coexisten en el seno del hogar, en la escuela, en la comunidad y en los espacios virtuales generando todo tipo de incomprensiones, rechazos, posturas radicales y enfrentamientos. Este libro pretende contribuir a abrir escenarios para el diálogo y la discrepancia, donde los más jóvenes puedan comunicarse abiertamente con personas de referencia a fin de abordar las inquietudes que, en estas etapas del desarrollo, deben ser resueltas. Reinterpreta y reivindica el papel de la familia en la c...
Aquest llibre consta de quatre parts ben definides que abasten el complex fenomen de l'estrès. En primer lloc, es duu a terme una reflexió sobre qüestions com la manera com cal entendre l'estrès en general i el laboral en particular, allò que té l’estrès de subjectiu i allò que té d’objectiu, les respostes que donem davant de situacions estressores, els processos neurològics, les dimensions personals on afecta l’estrès i l’estrès social. En segon lloc, es presenten els qüestionaris elaborats pel grup GRELDO sobre els estressors laborals docents i sobre les simptomatologies més freqüents. A continuació, s'aborden un per un els elements estressors, fent especial atenciÃ...